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Weed laws in Poland

17 Jul 2015   #1
What are the weed laws in Poland?
Here in England if you get caught with a little amount you may get a penalty or even let off sometimes.

What is it like in Poland if you get caught with a little amount?
jon357  72 | 22778
17 Jul 2015   #2
Very strict. Locked up for 48 hours while they process it and zero tolerance. A friend was prosecuted for having less than 0.1 grams (basically residue) in the end of a pipe. Screwed up his career as a nurse.

Dealers, even dealing tiny amounts, are jailed.
InPolska  9 | 1796
17 Jul 2015   #3
@Relent: Hi! If in very liberal England, some things are not permitted, why should you think that in most conservative Poland it could be otherwise??? ;)

I personally believe that best to allow drugs, abortion, ... so things are under control. In places where drugs are legal, problems are fewer.

Forbiding things does not make them disappear but simply creates more problems.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jul 2015   #4
places where drugs are legal

Weed is not "legal" in the vast majority of enlightened countries InPolska, but "tolerated"- a little like pornography. What one chooses to indulge in to the non-detriment of others.... and all that jazz.

My hound has an (imagined) dog-eared copy of "Miss labrador" and enjoys the whiff of a good herbal evening. But don't tell those do-gooders!

Poland is the Britain of the 1950s. Everything is available, and permitted - for the elite.
Polsyr  6 | 758
17 Jul 2015   #5
Of vastly different attitude and culture vs. police in Poland, I remember in the 90s in Canada, I witnessed a friend get caught by a police officer while smoking a fat J on board a ferry heading to Victoria. The officer made him throw it in the sea and gave him a lecture how irresponsible it was to smoke in place where kids can potentially see.
17 Jul 2015   #6
I wonder if CBD is any different there. THC is the psychoactive substance in weed but CBD is the cancer healing part, which in modern hybrid forms of cannabis can be quiet high and THC very low as to generic weed which opposite. You can buy it on Amazon.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
1 Apr 2024   #7
Coming to Poland soon.
Germany has finally caught on so I would imagine Poland will be next.
Adults in Germany are now allowed to carry up to 25g of dried cannabis and cultivate up to three marijuana plants at home.
The law went into effect today.
Alien  22 | 5460
1 Apr 2024   #8
25g of dried cannabis

Novichok  4 | 7630
1 Apr 2024   #9
Anyone who smokes this crap is a self-hating moron.
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Apr 2024   #10
I wonder if CBD is any different there

It's freely available in shops in Poland.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
1 Apr 2024   #11

25g is just one spliff in Jamaica

Anyone who smokes this crap is a self-hating moron.

Don't knock it untill you try it. don't shut up now so I can only imagine if you smoked some weed. 🤪
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Apr 2024   #12

That's nearly an ounce in one joint.

Way too much, even if it's low quality.
Novichok  4 | 7630
1 Apr 2024   #13
I don't smoke, drink, snort, or inject, and I don't have dentures.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
1 Apr 2024   #14
And what a fine advert you are for an abstemious lifestyle - a bitter loner and full time troll
Alien  22 | 5460
1 Apr 2024   #15
don't have dentures.

Maybe at least some implants?
Novichok  4 | 7630
1 Apr 2024   #16

a bitter loner and full time troll

I just invited JR to lunch and he turned me down. So sad and lonely...

How many got their DNA from you directly or indirectly?

You forgot a hyphen.
Alien  22 | 5460
1 Apr 2024   #17

You don't know Germans. If they are allowed to do so now, they will soon become the most drugged nation in Europe. There is no second best here, they must always be the best.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
1 Apr 2024   #18
That's nearly an ounce in one joint.

Yup, the bread there comes with a wax paper liner and the outer paper of the bag is a real lightweight paper that they tear a chunk out of and roll up their big spliffs.

Go to the movie "Bob Marley" and you will see.
How many times have I heard when I am down there in Jamaica, "Here Mon, let me build you one you can't finish."

Way too much, even if it's low quality.

Naw, just let it go out and save it for later.
Save yourself time from building another one later. 🤠
johnny reb  46 | 7516
1 Apr 2024   #19
I just invited JR to lunch and he turned me down.

Can you imagine that. 😲

So sad and lonely...

If you are sad and lonely then take your wife out to lunch or doesn't she like your company either.

You don't know Germans.

Oh I do know their demeanor.
The Germans I met in Jamaica brought their own hash with them but that was before the dogs got involved.
Some of the finest that I ever smoked.
It was hard pressed from Napal with a stamp on it.
A good pull on that and you would see stars and cough hard for two minutes. (Weeeeee) 😜
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Apr 2024   #20
wax paper liner and the outer paper of the bag is a real lightweight paper

That's a bit like parts of Africa except there they roll a cone of paper first and then tip the herb in through the wide end of the cone.

Save yourself time from building another one later.

I'd probably have docked it already and had it put aside early on.

It's amazing how much gets wasted sometimes. You see people chucking away dimps with a one sheeter's worth in.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
1 Apr 2024   #21

No grandkids yet :)

That's above the average these days !
Novichok  4 | 7630
1 Apr 2024   #22
take your wife out to lunch or doesn't she like your company either.

She likes me enough to stick around for the last 54 years. How is yours?
johnny reb  46 | 7516
1 Apr 2024   #23
She likes me enough to stick around for the last 54 years.

Well yeah, she shoves you into your computer room all day, every day with your computer to babysit you and locks the door.
Besides, she knows that life insurance policy is right around the corner. Duh !
Its no wonder that she smokes weed.
pawian  219 | 24592
1 Apr 2024   #25
Sometimes when we discuss free topics in class, some students complain we are living in a police state coz possessing even minute quantities of soft drugs may cause serious legal problems to the owner.

In such cases I always reply: when you are old enough to take part in ballot, vote for the party which accepts soft drugs. If there isn`t one now, set it up. You live in a democratic state.

In this clever way I educate those young rascals to take responsibility for their own lives through participating in the elections. Right now it is a problem coz too many young voters refuse to show up in ballot stations.

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