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11 Jul 2021
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1 day ago
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Speaks Polish?
Latest Threads
Will Chinese soldiers be stationed in Poland and Europe in 10 years?
- News
If you lived abroad, would you like to have a Pole as a neighbor?
- Life
Will Americans flee from the US to Poland?
- USA, Canada
Polish military contingent in Lebanon.
- News
About cars, electric and combustion in Poland.
- Travel
Transport adventures in Poland
- Travel
20 years of Poland in the EU.
- History
How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?
- News
Was Legionella in Poland a biological weapon attack?
- Life
Did Poles living in Germany support Hitler's rise to power before World War II?
- History
Coronavirus in Poland - part 2
- News
Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?
- News
Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries?
- Life
60th birthday in Poland
- Life
Is it possible to earn honestly some greater fortune in the present day Poland?
- Life
Is it worth returning to Poland in old age?
- Life
Polish bus crash in Croatia. Is there a fate?
- Polonia
Why American military aid to Europe and Poland is important to America itself?
- History
Trendsetter from Poland.
- Life
Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland
- UK, Ireland
Should Poland pay for gas in rubles?
- News
Papież a sprawa polska
- Po polsku
Are Poles workaholics?
- Work
Poland-Tea or coffee land?
- Food
Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady.
- Po polsku
Let's talk about shoes
- Off-Topic
Latest Posts
Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2
- History
The Battle of Kolberg 1945
- History
Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan
- History
Poland - Germany's 5th largest trade partner
- News
What do Poles owe to Czechs?
- History
Are foreigners welcome in Poland?
- Life
Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20
- News
Building regional alliance to stabilize Eastern Europe.
- News
Nukes and Poland's Neutrality
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Random Chat Thread [login to read] - Off-Topic
JR Jim and Jerzy/Pawian.
- Off-Topic
Music Thread - part 2 [login to read] - Off-Topic
Best kielbasa to use for Bigos.
- Food
USA News and Poland - part 14
- Off-Topic
Polska Broń Atomowa
- Po polsku
Poland in photo riddles - part 3
- Travel
Life in communist Poland - personal relations
- History
Why Poland is not Russia
- History
Common surnames in Poland NOT of Polish origin ?
- Genealogy
POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?
- History
Random Sports News
- Off-Topic
I hate Warsaw. The worst part about living here is the people who move here from small towns, villages..
- Life
Serbia etc. thread 3 [login to read] - Off-Topic
Famous Poles die - your memories
- News
Polish vs English tongue twisters
- Language
Polish dishes with foreign origin in the name
- Food
Polish & US heat & eat foods?
- Food
Presidential elections 2025 - the race has commenced!!!
- News
What Polish foods do foreigners generally not take to?
- Food
Satirical cartoons about Poland and Poles
- Life
Elon Musk tells Germans to "move on"!
- Polonia
There's a Polish guy I like, will he be worth it?
- Love
2011 Stats: 80% of Poles happy
- News
Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland?
- News
How welcoming is Poland for an American visitor? And great places to visit.
- Travel
20% of Poland's 15-year-old are bullied at school; 21% feel like outsiders
- News
Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2
- Po polsku
How is the Ukraine War effecting Poland and the rest of the E.U.
- News
How will Trump's trade tariffs affect Poland?
- News
Where did Poles spend summer vacations in the PRL era?
- History
What's more popular in Poland beer or vodka?
- Food
Better life in USA or Canada? - (Who can I sponge from the most?)
- USA, Canada
The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression??
- News
How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ?
- News
Stock Market Talk and Trading - part 2
- Off-Topic
What do Poles really think about cats?
- Life
Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland
- News
Crazy 1990s in Poland - transition from communism to capitalism - stories
- History
What kind of American food do Poles like most?
- USA, Canada
Pop A Cork - Wine
- Off-Topic
Don't Forget: Tomorrow, March 8 is Women's Day in Poland!
- Life
So happy to be Polish-American
- USA, Canada
The nature of Polish jokes?
- Life
75 Years of Israel and the War - part 3
- Off-Topic
3 nights in Krakow and 4 in Zakopane this June
- Travel
The climate for gardening in Poland
- Life
Immigrants in Poland
- Life
Climate change payments for replacement of coal boilers
- Life
Poland: Her heroes and her traitors
- History
What I don't get about Americans vs Polish
- USA, Canada