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Profile of: "Alien"
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11 Jul 2021
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3 hrs ago
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Speaks Polish?
Latest Threads
If you lived abroad, would you like to have a Pole as a neighbor?
- Life
Will Americans flee from the US to Poland?
- USA, Canada
Polish military contingent in Lebanon.
- News
About cars, electric and combustion in Poland.
- Travel
Transport adventures in Poland
- Travel
20 years of Poland in the EU.
- History
How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?
- News
Was Legionella in Poland a biological weapon attack?
- Life
Did Poles living in Germany support Hitler's rise to power before World War II?
- History
Coronavirus in Poland - part 2
- News
Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?
- News
Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries?
- Life
60th birthday in Poland
- Life
Is it possible to earn honestly some greater fortune in the present day Poland?
- Life
Is it worth returning to Poland in old age?
- Life
Polish bus crash in Croatia. Is there a fate?
- Polonia
Why American military aid to Europe and Poland is important to America itself?
- History
Trendsetter from Poland.
- Life
Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland
- UK, Ireland
Should Poland pay for gas in rubles?
- News
Papież a sprawa polska
- Po polsku
Are Poles workaholics?
- Work
Poland-Tea or coffee land?
- Food
Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady.
- Po polsku
Let's talk about shoes
- Off-Topic
Latest Posts
Is Polish church involved in politics too much?
- Life
Polish history is 100% glorious
- History
USA News and Poland - part 13 [login to read] - Off-Topic
Custom plates in Poland
- Life
Slovakia - Poland's neglected neighbour?
- History
Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?
- Law
Polish military uniforms
- History
Racism in Poland - the future
- Life
Polish women care about traditional values
- Love
Places open in Poland on national holidays
- Travel
How much Poles trust to France?
- History
Poland in photo riddles - part 3
- Travel
Reasonable fees for a Polish attorney as victim in criminal case
- Law
Random Chat Thread [login to read] - Off-Topic
What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?
- Food
Will Poland help defend Greenland against US Imperialism
- News
Polish women who made amazing careers against patriarchal society
- Life
Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland
- History
Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 18
- News
Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2
- Po polsku
Abortion still under control in Poland - part 2
- News
I am a polish communist.
- Off-Topic
What do Poles owe to Hungarians?
- History
Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation - part 2
- Language
How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ?
- News
In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc
- Life
Serbia etc. thread 3 [login to read] - Off-Topic
Coup in South Korea
- Off-Topic
75 Years of Israel and the War - part 3
- Off-Topic
What is the weather like in Poland where you are now?
- Travel
What do Poles really think about cats?
- Life
Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland?
- Life
Why Poland is not Russia
- History
The "Paracetamol Myth" - Polish people hesitate to visit UK doctors.
- UK, Ireland
Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland
- News
Do we finally see that Russia doing something positive for Poland, by successfully resisting to EU ?
- News
Music Thread - part 2 [login to read] - Off-Topic
Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events
- Life
Mishmash facts about Poland and Poles
- Life
Cultural disparities shown through Polish and English languages
- Language
Polish women and fertility
- Love
Poland vs Hungary for an expat?
- Life
How to have Certificate of authenticity of Polish driving license
- Law
Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.
- Study
Toilet seat manners of British and Polish males
- Off-Topic
Polish Salted Butter
- Food
My comments about Poland after staying there.
- Travel
Buy an apartment in Warsaw now or wait
- Real Estate
Dlaczego nie po drodze nam z polską prawicą część 2
- Po polsku
Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think?
- News
The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression??
- News
Russia vs Poland Vodka war
- Food
Differences between Poland and Russia
- History
Northern Lights in Poland
- News
Do you collect mushrooms in your country? Poles in Poland do.
- Life
European News and Poland Thread - part 4
- News
Pop A Cork - Wine
- Off-Topic
Name of this particular Polish sausage
- Food
Incredible news from Poland - The president shaved his moustache!
- News
Black pudding & kaszanka
- Food