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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

Novichok  4 | 8411
24 Sep 2023   #1
Gun control in Poland is the topic. Should Poles be allowed to own guns?
Korvinus  3 | 594
24 Sep 2023   #2
That said, Czechia and Lithuania seems to have relative lax gun legislation and aren't violent.
Lithuania has 13,6 guns per 100 people, Czech Republic 12,5 per 100. Even if law is more lax, people in Europe simply don't feel a need to accumulate weapons.
jon357  72 | 23482
24 Sep 2023   #3
Czechia and Lithuania seems to have relative lax gun legislation and aren't violent.

True, however they don't have a gun 'culture' or a manufacture/sales industry with aggressive lobbyists. They also have small populations and are relatively rural.

Even if law is more lax, people in Europe simply don't feel a need to accumulate weapons.

Quite, and we are all safer for that.
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
24 Sep 2023   #4
Question is, in which country would you feel safer?

Poland. Now what? What's the conclusion?

For now, while you are thinking, here is my suggestion...Walk down the street and ask random strangers where they would rather live. Don't forget to mention the stats below.

Quoting from:

In 2020, 52% of counties (with 10% of the population) had no murders. 68% of counties have no more than one murder and about 18% of the population.

...where everybody is armed and life is as peaceful as it can be. Even more so than in Warsaw, Poland.

I left Poland with 14 bucks. Now I am depressed because I know my money will outlive me and I am clueless about what to buy next that won't kill me or others. That excludes planes, boats, and motorcycles.

I do have three guns - all loaded. If I had three garages, I would have a Corvette in addition to my two Lexuses. Not really a big deal but still feels good. Last time I was paying off a loan was in 1993.

What is in your wallet, Mr. Safer?

One more thing...In the unlikely event of your home being invaded, what is your course of action?
jon357  72 | 23482
24 Sep 2023   #5
In the unlikely event of your home being invaded

A Seppo concept invented by gun manufacturers and repeated by gun enthusiasts.

14 bucks. Now I am depressed because I know my money

Last time I was paying off a loan was in 1993

Hard to know how his personal finances relate to the dislike of guns in civilised countries.

And Europe is the most affluent part of the world anyway.
Korvinus  3 | 594
24 Sep 2023   #6
Walk down the street and ask random strangers where they would rather live.

Well, people are stupid. Either you can make it where you are or you can't. If not, then don't look for happiness in distant lands. Because it will be similar there, only more foreign.

where everybody is armed and life is as peaceful as it can be

There is this tiny issue of school shootings, that is usually done not with some illegal gang weapons...
pawian  226 | 27364
24 Sep 2023   #7
Last time I was paying off a loan was in 1993.

Nice bragging. :):):

What is in your wallet, Mr. Safer?

I never had to pay off a loan. :):)
Joker  2 | 2363
24 Sep 2023   #8
I never had to pay off a loan. :):)

Bad credit huh? Or just independently wealthy like everyone else on

And Europe is the most affluent part of the world anyway.

Most of it is a muzzie hellhole, just like Paris and Londionstan. You can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig.
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
24 Sep 2023   #9
Nice bragging. :):):

No. I am not rich enough to buy things I need a loan for. Or a car that is not a Lexus.

There is this tiny issue of school shootings, issue that is allowed to fester to convince the voters that the 2nd Amendment is evil.
In that sense, schools are deliberately or by criminal negligence made into targets by setting up those idiotic "gun-free" zones and not copying after Israelis.

Just as with those cockpit doors, the US is a crisis-management, reactive leftist sh*ithole.

If we can protect Europe and now Ukraine, we can protect our schools. We don't because we don't want to. My AR-15 doesn't matter, one way or the other.

My bet: each and every school could easily get a dozen volunteers with ARs to protect it from the nuts. We are not allowed.

BTW, I don't own one. Just saying...
pawian  226 | 27364
24 Sep 2023   #10
Bad credit huh?

Nope, I never applied for one coz I live a simple life in the bosom of nature. Baboons are lucky creatures. :):):)

My bet: each and every school could easily get a dozen volunteers with ARs to protect it from the nuts. We are not allowed.

Who can guarantee that one of those volunteers doesn`t go mentally awry and doesn`t start massacring students???? Various sickos will volunteer to be guards in those schools..... How about you? You hate nigaz, muzzies, latinos, immigrants, LGBT etc. If you see one in school, you will try to remove them in accordance with your beliefs.
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
24 Sep 2023   #11
Who can guarantee that one of those volunteers doesn`t go mentally awry and doesn`t start massacring students????

The other 11 would take him out in seconds.
Your goofy logic applies to every cop in the US. Therefore what? No cops? Are you a real leftist nut or just trying to annoy me?

you will try to remove them in accordance with your beliefs.

Put your predictive talent to better use. The stock market opens very soon...
How did you manage to crawl into my head?

You got me exhausted so it's time to go for a walk and to the gym...
pawian  226 | 27364
24 Sep 2023   #12
The other 11 would take him out in seconds

Yes, spraying the whole school with strafing gun fire from their ARs and killing accidental people. Thank you very much.

logic applies to every cop in the US

Cops carry handguns, not ARs. It is a big difference.

trying to annoy me?

Relax. :):):) It isn`t worth your nerves and life, really. :):):):) :Let us both practise our English without too much stress. After all, we are both non-native speakers of it. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23482
24 Sep 2023   #13
Most of it is a muzzie hellhole

A pointless statement, especially given the low levels of gun crime in Europe compared to across the Atlantic where people live in perpetual fear of strangers.
Korvinus  3 | 594
25 Sep 2023   #14
the US is a crisis-management, reactive leftist sh*ithole.

Yes, school shootings are a known communist plot. Perhaps that's the reason why they mostly happen in the land of the free, home of the brave :-D

could easily get a dozen volunteers with ARs to protect it

That's your response to school shootings? Armed guards at the schoogrounds? Wow, there truly is no end of this rabbit hole.
A country that needs armed guards so that schoolchildren wouldn't be shot on a regular basis seem pretty sh*itty to me.
25 Sep 2023   #15
A country that needs armed guards so that schoolchildren wouldn't be shot on a regular basis seem pretty sh*itty to me.

An insane idea but no doubt Novi will soon start with his mental gymnastics to try and persuade us all that this is in fact, a perfectly sane suggestion!
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
25 Sep 2023   #16
Yes, spraying

We spray when we spit. AR-15 does not spray. It's deadly accurate - one shot at a time. I had a Ruger Mini 14. Not an AR but close enough so I know how they work. You don't.

Cops carry handguns, not ARs. It is a big difference.

On them. ARs are in the trunks.

A country that needs armed guards so that schoolchildren wouldn't be shot on a regular basis seem pretty sh*itty to me.

Go to Israel and tell them their country is sh*itty.

Would you want to fu*ck with either one or would try to find a better place to kill kids?

There, good boy...Now you know the meaning of "deterrence".

  • Miss.jpg

  • Teacher1.jpg
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
25 Sep 2023   #17
A country that needs armed guards so that schoolchildren wouldn't be shot on a regular basis seem pretty sh*itty to me.

Nothing against you personally so dont get offended.
But its better then raising them as cannon fodder.
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
25 Sep 2023   #18
Nothing against you personally so dont get offended.

I will do it for you...Polaks are beyond repair in their poetic ignorance.
Korvinus  3 | 594
25 Sep 2023   #19
Go to Israel and tell them their country is sh*itty.

Hmmm is this still English? Because sure as hell it's not very comprehensible. We were talking about school shootings and out of the blue you start rambling about some random sh*it Are you having a stroke currently, or that's just your regular way of functioning?
pawian  226 | 27364
25 Sep 2023   #20
Go to Israel and tell them their country is sh*itty.

Wrong comparison. US problem with shootings is internal while Israeli one is external. Quite incomparable.

Polaks are beyond repair

You are so exasperated coz Polaks are proving that most of your posts here lack logic. :):):)
pawian  226 | 27364
25 Sep 2023   #21
We spray when we spit. AR-15 does not spray.

Right, maybe one AR-15 does not. But we mentioned how many guards shooting their AR-15s at a time????? :):):)
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
25 Sep 2023   #22
Hmmm is this still English?

Yes, it is. For this forum, it is more than perfect.

In recognition of your inadequate IQ, here is a better version:

Go to Israel. Once you arrive, speak to the first Israeli and tell him or her that his or her country is sh*tty because they have assault-style rifles.

As a would-be school shooter, would you want to mess with either of the two women in the pictures? Or would try to find a better place where you could kill kids?

There, good boy...Now you know the meaning of "deterrence".

Are you feeling better now?
pawian  226 | 27364
26 Sep 2023   #23
Go to Israel. Once you arrive, speak to the first Israeli and tell him or her that his or her country is sh*tty because they have assault-style rifles.

And?? What do you expect to happen next???
I vaguely suspect you are mistaking Israel for Russia now...... It is in Russia where people end up in prison for saying the Red Army is shittty.
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
26 Sep 2023   #24
And?? What do you expect to happen next???

They would tell him that he is an idiot and that ARs in Israelis' hands are the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Why would ask the idiot?
Because with those ARs in our hands, we can kill them before they can kill us. They know it and that's a good thing.

Are we done?
pawian  226 | 27364
26 Sep 2023   #25
They would tell him that he is an idiot and that ARs in Israelis' hands are the greatest thing

No, you implied sth else. You meant that an accidental Israeli accosted in the street by Korvinus would start shooting at him with an AR for insulting Israel. It is really amasing you are fully retreating from your previous positions now. :):):) Like Russians on the Ukrainian front. :):):)

Are we done?

Always, no need to ask. :):):)
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
26 Sep 2023   #26
No, you implied sth else.

Are you fu*cking nuts? Do you think that I will respond to your conclusions based on what you thought were my implications?

Now I am deeply offended and hurt. I mean by that "you implied". After all these years and thousands of posts with all the fu*cks in them, you dare to tell me that I "IMPLY"?????

For future use...You can call me motherfu*cker and a moron in every post but never say that I imply. This disgusting technique is the technique of spineless cowards.

Just a couple of days ago, I called Senator Durbin's office and told the woman who picked up the phone that she was "a piece of sh*it" when she gave me an evasive answer.

Memo to all: I NEVER, EVER IMPLY!!!
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
26 Sep 2023   #27
Memo to all: I NEVER, EVER IMPLY!!!

Agreed, Pawian was an idiot to post that!
You always say what you think is right.
Unfortunately, you are often wrong..............
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
26 Sep 2023   #28
Unfortunately, you are often wrong..............

Forums like more those who are wrong...traffic...
Next month, I will be posting only about how blue the sky is, that women are like flowers, and 2+2=4...

And then I will shoot myself...
Alien  25 | 6359
27 Sep 2023   #29
And then I will shoot myself...

By accident of course?
OP Novichok  4 | 8411
27 Sep 2023   #30
I don't believe in accidents or coincidences. I meant deliberately.

Home / Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

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