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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
30 Sep 2023   #61
Cargo's standards, it's an old car

Nope,my wife beats you she has 2006 hybrid highlander with almost 200k miles

taken to a chop shop..

Worth cpl hundred K.

When you have weapons you have food and smartphones.

What do these low life Made in PRC English teachers know.They are only good to brag on internet,in real life they are pinching for pennies..I mean Groszes.
pawian  226 | 27364
30 Sep 2023   #62
I sleep better when one of them is next to me.

I just imagined myself in your shoes/position and I am not sure if I should laugh or cry..... :):):):)
jon357  72 | 23482
30 Sep 2023   #63
I just imagined myself in your shoes/position

Whst a płace to live, where you don't feel safe without a loaded gun .

No wonder nobody wants them in Europe and anyone sane over there wants to ban them,
Korvinus  3 | 594
30 Sep 2023   #64
Two are Taurus G3C with 17-round mags. The third one: Ruger PC Charger.

Yeah, sure. In your dreams. Tits or it didn't happen.
Make a picture of these and post it here, if you want anyone to believe it. In one pile.
pawian  226 | 27364
30 Sep 2023   #65
Whst a płace to live, where you don't feel safe without a loaded gun .

It is hell, verily I say unto you.
OP Novichok  4 | 8410
30 Sep 2023   #66
Don't pay any attention to the moron who never even shot a gun, much less own one.

  • G3C.jpg

  • SW.jpg

  • Charger.jpg
pawian  226 | 27364
30 Sep 2023   #67
Don't pay

I have always believed you have 3 guns. :):):) There must be basic trust between people. Without it, our civilisation wouldn`t have survived. Ha!
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
30 Sep 2023   #68
Yeah, sure. In your dreams

Make a picture of these and post it here, if you want anyone to believe it. In one pile.

And now?
Korvinus  3 | 594
1 Oct 2023   #69
Now I do have been proven wrong.
OP Novichok  4 | 8410
1 Oct 2023   #70
Hey, K, if you ever come to the US, swing by and we will go shooting. You, Joker, and I...I will buy you lunch.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Oct 2023   #71
Now I do have been proven wrong.

Hey dude I have to give it to you.Unlike some brit/irish fools here you admitted.Kudos to you man.
OP Novichok  4 | 8410
6 Oct 2023   #72
I'm going to sign up for the classes to get my CCP as well.

Good idea. This way you will have an option to carry.

The idea that some nut can stab me to death makes all other considerations moot. I need to decide on the holster. I am thinking about the shoulder type more than the chest.
Alien  25 | 6359
6 Oct 2023   #73
shoulder type more than the chest.

Or maybe it's better to have a belt like in the wild west.
OP Novichok  4 | 8410
6 Oct 2023   #74
Illinois is not an open-carry state. Even if it were, you don't want nig*ers to see your piece or they will jump you for it.
Alien  25 | 6359
6 Oct 2023   #75
nig*ers to see your

In a word, racial segregation must be restored. Then there will be less bloodshed. Am I a genius?
OP Novichok  4 | 8410
6 Oct 2023   #76
racial segregation must be restored.

Just as among animals. Intergration is bs

I will change my opinion when I see a pack of wolves living in harmony with foxes and a couple of churches in Mecca.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
9 Apr 2024   #77
The noose is tightening, Rich.
Did you see this ?
ANOTHER SEXIST LAW since 97% of guns are issued to men in the U.K. and Wales
There were 35 gun related victims in 2022 in the U.K. and Wales with 11% of them being women meaning 5 ?
More than that get shot and killed in Chicago on a slow week-end.

The partners of all gun license applicants are being asked questions for the first time as five police forces in England and Wales seek to strengthen licensing processes.

The police forces are testing a questionnaire designed to build a more detailed picture of anyone who wants to own a gun, with a particular focus on domestic abuse.

Now lets go to the question for these Woke Courts...."Define the definition, in detail, of domestic violence."

"He yelled at me and told me to shut my piehole after I refused to quit ragging on him all day."
GUILTY, No gun for you Buster !
Better refuse him a knife and hammer too.
OP Novichok  4 | 8410
9 Apr 2024   #78
I don't like the term "gun violence". Mine just sit there...calm and peaceful. They don't even want to go for a walk.

I am still waiting for the first report about knife violence. Or baseball bat violence...Or fist violence...
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
9 Apr 2024   #79
There were 35 gun related victims in 2022 in the U.K. and Wales with 11% of them being women meaning 5 ?
More than that get shot and killed in Chicago on a slow week-end.

That stat alone should be enough to make the point.......
johnny reb  49 | 7888
10 Apr 2024   #80
You missed the point, Milo.
jon357  72 | 23482
10 Apr 2024   #81
The partners of all gun license applicants are being asked questions for the first time as five police forces in England and Wales seek to strengthen licensing processes

Very good news.

Anything that makes firearms ownership harder is positive.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
10 Apr 2024   #82
Us men don't see it that way.
jon357  72 | 23482
10 Apr 2024   #83
Nor do us men in developed countries.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
10 Apr 2024   #84
Us men ?
I thought you referred to your partner as your husband which would make you the wife. 🥴
jon357  72 | 23482
10 Apr 2024   #85
would make you the wife

I'm more of a man than you'll ever be and more of a woman than you'll ever get.

Now why not stick to dissolving slowly into your armchair and singing hymns with the old ladies in church and I'll stick to drilling oil in my hard hat and boots.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
10 Apr 2024   #86
and more of a woman than you'll ever get.

Penis and all, right. 🥴

I'll stick to drilling oil in my hard hat and boots.

Sure jon, sure, you are a real leather neck there in Africa aren't you. 🐭
Perhaps you could tell us when you do all this drilling when you are here posting 16 hours a day, seven days a week.. 🙄
Or better yet, post a picture of yourself all dressed up in your oil drilling outfit on a rig all covered with oil.
All men should be required to own and carry a gun at all times in Europe.
Take the Czech Republic for example with over a million registered weapons have a constitutional right to bear arms with a very low gun violence.

Same in the U.S.A. if you were not to count the Black population.
I think the reason you are so scared of guns jon, is because they make such a loud noise when you shoot them.
jon357  72 | 23482
10 Apr 2024   #87
Penis and all, right

Yes, guns are a phallic symbol for those lacking inches.

there in Africa

In Warsaw.

when you are here posting 16 hours a day, seven days a week

In your dreams.

post a picture of yourself all dressed up in your oil drilling outfit on a rig

We had pictures on the profiles. And oddly enough mine was in PPE on a platform. It was on this site for several years. If you missed it, tough shıt, loser.

All men should be required to own and carry a gun at all times in Europe.

Don't be silly. We prefer lower murder rates.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
10 Apr 2024   #88
In Warsaw.

Oh, so you are now drilling for oil in Warsaw ? 🙄

We prefer lower murder rates.

Where I live, most people own a gun with lots of people who carry them concealed every day and my home town has a much lower gun violence than Warsaw does.

So it's more likely you will get shot with a gun where they are not allowed than where they are allowed.
OP Novichok  4 | 8410
10 Apr 2024   #89
Adults who don't own guns should be prohibited from calling the police.
Alien  25 | 6359
10 Apr 2024   #90
Adults who don't own guns......

.... are normal.

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