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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

Atch  22 | 4296
8 Jan 2025   #751
I bought by first gun in 1984

Now, that's interesting. So you didn't always feel that everybody should own a gun. You managed perfectly well without one for nearly twenty years of your adult life.
Would I do the same with sons? Not even close. Boys are suicidal imbeciles.

And yet a couple of weeks ago you were saying they should all learn to use guns from the age of twelve.
OP Novichok  5 | 8241
8 Jan 2025   #752
So you didn't always feel that everybody should own a gun.

I don't give a rat's ass about "everybody".

I only care about me. I sleep better with my gun next to me.

Why do little girls clutch their teddy bears? Same thing.
johnny reb  49 | 7793
8 Jan 2025   #753
Yeah but little girls don't call people nig gas and dumb Polocks to pis them off enough to shut your trap for you.
OP Novichok  5 | 8241
8 Jan 2025   #754
Yeah but little girls don't call people nig gas

They are worse...Some drive other little girls to suicide or kill their parents because they don't like the idea of some loser twice her age banging their little princess so the princess and the loser kill them.

Want examples?
pawian  222 | 26399
9 Jan 2025   #755
a soldier of the 18th Mechanized Division c, after arbitrarily leaving the camp area with his service weapon, fired shots at a civilian vehicle and then took refuge in a nearby forest," we read in a statement by the Operational Command on the X portal.

The Garrison Military Court in Olsztyn has accepted the prosecutor's request and imposed a three-month arrest on a 24-year-old soldier who, under the influence of alcohol, shot up a civilian car in Mielnik. Daniel H. is suspected of attempted murder, criminal threats and exceeding authority.

  • a
Feniks  1 | 708
11 Jan 2025   #756
I sleep better with my gun next to me.

So what about all the years you spent in the US before 1984? You felt safe enough that you didn't need to own a gun?
pawian  222 | 26399
11 Jan 2025   #757
I sleep better with my gun next to me.

Don`t try to fekk it one night coz you might lose your balls, or even a dick if you still have it. hahahaha buhahahaha Ale double witz!!!!!
Alien  25 | 6172
12 Jan 2025   #758
lose your balls, or even a dick

or both. 🤗
Feniks  1 | 708
20 hrs ago   #759
@ Novichok

What about the years from 1966 till 1984 in the US when you didn't own a gun? You obviously felt safe without one for the best part of 20 years so what changed?
johnny reb  49 | 7793
16 hrs ago   #760
Old age, to old to fist fight and to old to run so get a gun. Simple
OP Novichok  5 | 8241
15 hrs ago   #761
You obviously felt safe without one for the best part of 20 years so what changed?

Feeling is one thing. Knowing is another...

One day in 198x, I read about two guys breaking into a home with a family of four. They raped the girls and murdered the parents. I also learned that this was not a rare case.

That was enough to catch my attention and pose the question what I would do in such a situation. The answer: Kill them. Then call the police.

I answered your question. Your turn to answer mine:

What would you do in a situation I described...Step by alterations...and no statistics, either...

Old age, to old to fist fight and to old to run so get a gun.

A father and a husband doesn't run. Only Euro slime is told to retreat and call the cops in the dead of night using the phone in the kitchen where the perps are raping his wife.
Korvinus  2 | 576
14 hrs ago   #762
I read about two guys breaking into a home with a family of four.

It is like Russia breaking into Ukraine. NATO is merely an agreement of multiple people owning guns that they will come to each others' aid if one is attacked by a third party.
OP Novichok  5 | 8241
14 hrs ago   #763
It is like Russia breaking into Ukraine.

Crimea and Donbass are not Ukraine.

If you have any doubts, try to go there with U visa.

In the meantime, enjoy the best national ever composed...

johnny reb  49 | 7793
14 hrs ago   #764
In 1954, the Soviet Union transferred the Crimean Oblast from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR.
Now without further a do we must get back On - Topic again
OP Novichok  5 | 8241
14 hrs ago   #765
Crimean Oblast from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR.

In 2014, Crimeans said No! We don't like it. Case closed. You know...will of the people...democracy...I wish the US was as democratic...That cabal of two dozen globalists is getting on my nerves...

While I am waiting for Feniks we can talk about other things...
johnny reb  49 | 7793
14 hrs ago   #766
While I am waiting for Feniks we can talk about other things...

You were told
Now without further a do we must get back On - Topic again

13 hrs ago   #767
no imagine the school shootings that would happen if that was actually allowed lol
OP Novichok  5 | 8241
13 hrs ago   #768
You were told

Desperately trying not to say "I"?

no imagine the school shootings that would happen if that was actually allowed lol

Try coherent, noun and verb English without "that". No passive tense, either...
jon357  72 | 23163
12 hrs ago   #769
His English is fine.

This isn't a test and both "that" and the passive voice are acceptable.

Stop trolling.
OP Novichok  5 | 8241
11 hrs ago   #770
This isn't a test and both "that" and the passive voice are acceptable.

...and used to evade and obscure...

Honest people use active tense and are specific. "That" is not specific enough to continue.

He said: You were told to hide who told me what - just to appear superior and patronizing...He might just as well say: You were told, little boy, not to use bad words.

Little boy: Go fvck yourself, sister...

Learn English and stop trolling...
jon357  72 | 23163
11 hrs ago   #771
So what. People can phrase things however they like and you have no say in it.
pawian  222 | 26399
11 hrs ago   #772
Honest people use active tense

Nothing like active tense. It is called Active or Passive Voice.
OP Novichok  5 | 8241
11 hrs ago   #773
I call it tense.

you have no say in it.

I call you azfvcker and you have no say in it.

But I am still impressed with your discovery...A says whatever A wants and B can't do shlt... You should publish this bit of wisdom...Don't forget to slap "copyright" on it

jon357  72 | 23163
11 hrs ago   #774
Fortunately we don't have guns in Poland so you are unlikely to be shot for trolling should you return home.

OP Novichok  5 | 8241
11 hrs ago   #775
you return home.

The US is my home.

Where is yours? Do you even know?

Nothing like active tense.

How many English geniuses do we have here?
Korvinus  2 | 576
10 hrs ago   #776
Crimea and Donbass are not Ukraine.

No there was no such land. Everyone except Russia recognized Crimea as unlawfully occupied territory of Ukraine.

There was diplomatic activity concerning Donbas between Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France (Minsk 1 and 2 agreements that were never realised), but nobody ceded anything. There was only a question of limited autonomy of these regions within Ukraine.

Please, educate yourself before discussing again.
OP Novichok  5 | 8241
10 hrs ago   #777
Everyone except Russia recognized Crimea as unlawfully occupied territory of Ukraine.

You are a liar.

The only thing that matters is what the people of Crimea recognize. They were clear...They recognize Crimea as Russia. Period.

You will too if you are planning to go there...Don't bother going to a U consulate to get a visa...hahahahahahaha...

Don't like it? Sue them.

We call it self-determination...Like in Kosovo...

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