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Germany eyes Poland's economic miracle

GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
24 Feb 2021 #1
Since the Law and Justice Party (PiS) came to power in 2015, the EU's sixth-largest economy has drawn attention primarily over its alleged democratic backsliding. At the same time, however, the resilience of the Polish economy has been astonishing.

I told you - ordoliberalism: we copied it from the Germans and it works! :)
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
24 Feb 2021 #2
A nice and interesting read! :)

...Germany and Poland, Wasinski believes are becoming the industrial center of Eastern Europe, capable of developing value chains that are "beneficial for both partners."

I really hope that includes East Germany!

*fist bump* :)
amiga500 4 | 1490
24 Feb 2021 #3
I thought the PiS hater losers on this forum were saying for years that the government was wrecking the budget with 500+ and because of Polonising banks and media , as well as legal changes and their anti lgbt policies would poison the economic climate and stop investment?! haha its like whatever they post here you know the opposite will happen. Keep losing, Poland is better off with you as losers! hahaha
Ironside 50 | 12345
24 Feb 2021 #4
I told you

What? That is BS. Resilient yes but it is not the same as successful and promising.

the PiS hater

I'm not the PiS hater and never was. There is not economic success. They sign all significant agreements with the EU that sells out Poland's independence.

They are all talk and no action.
pawian 221 | 24284
5 Apr 2021 #5
They are all talk and no action.

You mean they only pretend to be against the EU but in reality they conform on all fronts?
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
5 Apr 2021 #6
No, they don't.
For all their faults they do see both the advantages and disadvantages of Poland's membership of The EU.
In the short term, Poland should suck the EU dry.
In the long term they should be as brave as the UK and leave.
Ironside 50 | 12345
5 Apr 2021 #7
You mean they only pretend to be against the EU but in reality they conform on all fronts?

Maybe not all, I'm not investigating all of it in a detail but those that are significant one they do without bating an eye.

should be as brave as the UK and leave

Well Scandinavian countries (some think thanks in those countries) believe now is the golden opportunity for those countries to leave EU due to the crazy Brussels policy that is trying to build a centralized European state.
pawian 221 | 24284
5 Apr 2021 #8
In the short term, Poland should suck the EU dry.

Yes. let them pay for everything they wronged Poland with.

In the long term they should be as brave as the UK and leave.

No, of course not, that would be utter stupidity.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
5 Apr 2021 #9
for those countries to leave EU due to the crazy Brussels policy that is trying to build a centralized European state

This is why most states should be thinking of leaving the EU now, before it is too late.
pawian 221 | 24284
5 Apr 2021 #10
Your country has already left. Leave others alone. It is none of your business anymore.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
6 Apr 2021 #11
....a federation would be so much better anyhow!

Who wants the EU to become a centralized state?
Crow 157 | 9202
6 Apr 2021 #12
People you heard German Gerhard Schröder - ``Borders of EU are borders of Austro Hungaria. Plus, front to Russia.``

Forget EU and run from it as from leprosy dog. All what have purpose to destruct, dominate and assimilate Slavs would perish.

I really hope that includes East Germany!

Blessings on your hope.

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