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Polish Police and Their Tactics

johnny reb  46 | 7709
18 Apr 2021   #1
I would be interested to know what tactics a Polish policeman would resort to say if you were holding an illegal gun or if he told you to halt and you took off running.

What would he do if he ordered you out of your car and you refused ?
For the sake of keeping it simple he had no police dog and it was just you and him.
What measures would he take to defend himself ?
pawian  219 | 24900
18 Apr 2021   #2
None of the situations you mentioned allows a police officer to shoot to kill like in the USA. If he kills, he is prosecuted.
BTW, change this gun into another weapon - 99.9% criminals in Poland don`t carry guns. You`d better suggest a knife - this one is more popular here. Still, if the thug is only holding a knife, the police mustn`t shoot to kill. It is different if the thug attacks with this knife - then it is natural the police will defend have to defend themselves.
Miloslaw  21 | 5060
18 Apr 2021   #3
I would be interested to know what tactics a Polish policeman would resort to say if you were holding an illegal gun

What you fail to understand, is though that does happen, it is pretty rare in europe.
We do not have the American gun problem that kills so many people,almost on a weekly day, you guys may work it out, but I ain't holdin my breath....
Novichok  4 | 7895
18 Apr 2021   #4
it is pretty rare in europe.

That is true but the question still stands. What are Polish cops allowed to do if they fear for their life because the guy has a knife or there four of them, drunk, and unarmed? What then?
pawian  219 | 24900
18 Apr 2021   #5
They don`t need to shoot, they can use tasers. Simple as that. If they use a gun and kill, it is considered excessive force and prosecuted.
Novichok  4 | 7895
18 Apr 2021   #6
What an individual cop does depends on many factors - like size and strength. Two cops, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 250 pounds, is one thing. One 120-pound woman is another. She will be a lot more likely to go for her gun. That is why paring a guy and a woman is beyond bad. Now, he has to deal with the scum in front and to protect his partner next to him at the same time.

In the event of a shoot-out, he can carry her to safety. She cannot. So much for women's equality.
jon357  72 | 23053
18 Apr 2021   #7
I doubt most police in PL ever have a gun pointed at them.
pawian  219 | 24900
18 Apr 2021   #8
Exactly. Knives happen to be used but it is also rare. Mostly it is a drunk lumpenprole who attacks the police with his bare hands.
jon357  72 | 23053
18 Apr 2021   #9
Exactly. Even then, they're trained to diffuse situations with minimum force.

That's one reason so few people get killed or injured by them.
pawian  219 | 24900
18 Apr 2021   #10
Most reports about violent encounters with cops which I read about involve a drunk driver who either refuses to stop and keeps driving or has stopped but suddenly decides to speed away.. In such cases the police have to chase him but they can shoot only at the tyres. If they shoot the guy, they are prosecuted.
Ironside  50 | 12352
18 Apr 2021   #11
if you were holding an illegal gun or if he told you to halt and you took off running.

I don't know how they are teach to react in practice but if someone has a gun they can of course shoot that person. My guess is they would use a weapon on such a person. Would they use it right away, would they do it of that was a 13 years old boy. I don't know but the law says they can shoot if someone is a danger to life and health of a policeman or other people and refuse to listen to the police they can shoot.

What would he do if he ordered you out of your car and you refused

He wouldn't use a gun. That certain. Could use force but not a gun. Unless they suspect you were a criminal or you would have attempted to drive away.

What measures would he take to defend himself ?

He can defend himself but it wouldn't be his first instinct to use a gun. Against a knife or some kind of makeshift weapon yes but not against fists of a lone individual.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7709
19 Apr 2021   #12
Thank you I.S. as you stayed on topic of my questions, didn't belittle other posters or America like our pet trolls did.
I gathered then that if an individual had a gun and attempts to point it at a Polish police officer that he would be shot.

That is good.
Now, what do the Polish police do when someone refuses to drop a weapon after several commands to do so.
We all know that you have to be very close to a person for a taser gun to be effective.
Getting that close to someone wielding a sharp weapon could put the police officer's life in extreme danger.
The guy tells the police to F.O. and refuses to follow the police officers orders still wielding a weapon and starts walking back into his house where his family is.

Then what would the police do ?

Is that what the Police in Poland do is call a social worker when a pre-teen is out on the streets at 2:30 a.m. shooting a gun at passing cars ?

For some reason I think the Polish Police would handle such a situation in the same manner as any other country would or am I wrong ?
pawian  219 | 24900
19 Apr 2021   #13
when a pre-teen is out on the streets at 2:30 a.m. shooting a gun at passing cars

But such situations don`t take place here. Stop imagining things which don`t exist.

Now, what do the Polish police do when someone refuses to drop a weapon after several commands to do so.

It is very simple - if they are unable to reach for a taser, they shoot the guy in the leg. If they shoot in the chest or stomach, they are prosecuted. They mustn`t follow American traditions.
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
19 Apr 2021   #14
But such situations don`t take place here

They do Paw,here watch on you tube,how they shoot
Watch carefully how they shoot,they are shooting without hitting him when he approaches them aggressively with knife without hitting him but when he starts running away they shoot and kill him,where as USA cops will shoot him when the suspect is coming at them and not when he is running away.
Lenka  5 | 3499
19 Apr 2021   #15
if they are unable to reach for a taser, they shoot the guy ijn the leg

They are supposed to use as little force and cause as little damage as possible.

That being said American cops work in completely different environment. Should they revise their tactics? Yes. But it's foolish to assume the could operate in the same way as in Europe.

That link comes up as nothing
pawian  219 | 24900
19 Apr 2021   #16
They do Paw,here watch on you tube,how they shoot

yes, you are right, but my comment refered exactly to what jonnhy said: he mentioned a pre-teen shooting a gun at passing cars and I said it is impossible in Poland (because pre-teens don`t possess guns here)..
pawian  219 | 24900
19 Apr 2021   #17
They are supposed to use as little force and cause as little damage as possible

Yes,. Sometimes it doesn`t work, though and criminals get killed. Like this suspected 36 year old drug dealer who demolished three police cars and aimed his real gun at the police, so they opened fire at last.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7709
19 Apr 2021   #18
American cops work in completely different environment.

Thank you Lenka for a very astute comment that I was looking for.
Novichok  4 | 7895
19 Apr 2021   #19
They are supposed to use as little force and cause as little damage as possible.

A very bad idea. Once the cop reaches the point where his life is threatened, he should kill the pos. One benefit: no he said, he said courtroom drama. There are well-documented cases where one bullet made the perp even more aggressive.

Personally, I want that cop safely home with his wife and kids. Every society, Poland included, has plenty of scum and few good men willing to put their lives on the line to protect you. I don't see any difference between patrolling crime zones in Europe or the US vs Mosul.
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
19 Apr 2021   #20
I want that cop safely home with his wife and kids.

Only gonna happen when they take there Glocks away and hand them a Bazooka in USA crime ridden neighbourhoods.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7709
19 Apr 2021   #21
Actually they have came out with ammo that has gas chemicals in it that incapacitates instantly on impact without killing the person.
No doubt Poland will find these most helpful in subduing scum in a non lethal manner.
I will be buying this ammo when it becomes available to the public which will be any day now.
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
19 Apr 2021   #22
about Polish police tactics

I have seen Polish cops walking the shoplifters to there vans normally like buddies,never have I seen Polish cops put handcuffs when they arrest someone in my 21 years of coming here.I have seen the cuffs on there belts and plenty of arrests publicly for public intoxication and shop lifting and fighting.
Novichok  4 | 7895
19 Apr 2021   #23
I have seen Polish cops walking the shoplifters to there vans normally like buddies,never have I seen Polish cops put handcuffs

Because Polish cops deal with civilized people, not because Polish cops took good manners courses or are chosen from the clergy.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Apr 2021   #24
Do Polish cops also ask questions only to get you to answer you were there or present in some incident as an excuse to put hand cuffs on you before even investigating or getting your half of the story but simply dismissing it and you being there and having a record enough to just lie not read you your rights claim the other guy like a gypsy named raphael luciano is dying in some hospital inside the cop car while repeating the same statements trying to antagonize you and talk **** to you supporting the gypsy saying i would do this and that too etc. (in two separate cases saying similar stuff and behaving in a similar way in america with one a bar fight and one a gypsy shows you what they think of pollacks) or is Poland and their police less corrupt? DO they take sides right away based on race gender or good ole boy status like AMerikkkan ones doe like stephen kerr from santa cruz and his Mexican female partner and the entire DA office who they let go junkies or people connected to Jewish lawyers like joseph rosiman while trying to do every possible thing to lock a pollack up for fighting a gypsy as long as possible?

and do the polish cops like the USA cops also misquote your words and use them as statements turning small differences in words around against you like saying you reacted to someone hitting you vs defending your space or standing your ground or saying you only got hit once when you told them it may have been one and it may have been a full on attack you dont remember? and do they try antagonizing ppl in the back of the cop car taking the sides and right away pinning you as guilty of the gypsy or the other guy? that is my main question and do they twist your words against you on such a scale every lawyer in usa tells you never to talk to cops or even say one word?

and do they try to get you to be sorry based on a lie of the other guy or party or supposed victim with lies saying they are dying in a hospital or have a tub down their throat and right before they put you in the local jail claim it was wrong information or basically "I was just kidding" just to get you to feel bad or feel guilty or who knows what?
Novichok  4 | 7895
19 Apr 2021   #25
With 25 guns per 1000, being a cop in Poland is as dangerous as being a greeter at Walmart in Monte Carlo.
pawian  219 | 24900
19 Apr 2021   #26
That is why most Poles don`t think a wide access to guns in Am style is such a good idea.
jon357  72 | 23053
19 Apr 2021   #27
I've never even heard anyone in Poland suggest such a thing. The police would massively oppose it too.

If there were to be any change in gun laws in Poland which aligned them with any other countries' gun laws, it would be to a legal model used in a country with a low level of gun crime, not a high one.
Novichok  4 | 7895
19 Apr 2021   #28
Countries with a low crime don't need guns until the government is the criminals - an entirely European experience, but you, a-holes, never learn.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7709
20 Apr 2021   #29
How many branches of police are there in Poland and what are their authority.
Do the village Policja have the same authority as say the State Policia ?
Lenka  5 | 3499
20 Apr 2021   #30
not because Polish cops took good manners courses or are chosen from the clergy.

Don't tell me training doesn't play a role.
American cop will shoot to kill, Polish not. That is just one difference.
Police worked hard for many years to get people's trust and it worked. Sadly in the last few years the trust level dropped dramatically

Home / Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics
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