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Energy-free rail from North to South?

Tlum 12 | 188
31 Jul 2022 #1
Since people were told the Earth is a globe, how about this - build a railroad from the North, eg. Sweden or North of Poland down to South, eg. Italy. The train would use no energy because it would just slide from the top to the bottom of the Earth, like on a big ball. It would save a lot of energy. In fact, the heat energy produced by brakes could be stored and sold.

johnny reb 47 | 7288
31 Jul 2022 #2
the heat energy produced by brakes could be stored

And re-used for energy to go back up the hill on the return trip for free.
You are damn genius Tlum !
Novichok 5 | 7804
31 Jul 2022 #3
And re-used for energy to go back up the hill on the return trip for free.

Or make trains cheap enough to be used only once and melted.

Sunday, a slow day everywhere...

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