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20 years of Poland in the EU.

Alien 22 | 5225
30 Apr 2024 #1
These 20 years of Poland in the EU were the greatest civilizational, economic and cultural leap that Poland has made in its entire history. Thank you, Union.
Ironside 50 | 12345
30 Apr 2024 #2
Thank you, Union.

F you Union!
OP Alien 22 | 5225
30 Apr 2024 #3
F you

I see you're happy too.
Crow 157 | 9201
30 Apr 2024 #4
I am especially upset to see sisterly Polke are threatened by the actions of the ugly EU and by the incompetence of my brotherly Poles. Shame

But, Racowie will be there! Don`t worry Polke
jon357 73 | 22653
30 Apr 2024 #5
Thank you, Union.

It's had a huge benefit to Poland and I've of course been there to see it.

I hope this continues. Although the EU does have problems and of course one of its main members has left with probably more to follow, there's still a huge role for a trading bloc with mutual assistance. The federalist tendency within the EU need to learn that their goals aren't shared and once they've grasped that, the future will be bright.
Torq 7 | 1152
30 Apr 2024 #6

Civilisation-wise we are where we always have been (with certain amount of deterioration visible).


Well, the 1989-2004 leap was at least equally important as the 2004-2024 one.

cultural leap

Say what? Please name those "greatest cultural achievements in Poland's entire history" in the last 20 years accomplished thanks to the EU.

I can to some extent agree with civilisational/economic leap but cultural? Explain yourself, Alien! ;)
Crow 157 | 9201
30 Apr 2024 #7
the future will be bright.

too bright, I`m afraid. Some say only bugs of Brussels have future

Please name those "greatest cultural achievements in Poland's entire history" in the last 20 years accomplished thanks to the EU.

True. Serbians did much more for Poland historically.
Torq 7 | 1152
30 Apr 2024 #8
Serbians did much more for Poland historically.

Only to be expected from Racowie. *high five*
OP Alien 22 | 5225
30 Apr 2024 #9
but cultural? Explain yourself, Alien! ;)

This is where the biggest leap comes from. The European Union is a great patron of culture, the largest in the world. European culture is a commonality of humanistic values. A community of ideas and at the same time multiculturalism found nowhere else.

And moreover....20 years of PF 😀
Ironside 50 | 12345
30 Apr 2024 #10
This is where the biggest leap comes from.

You are a moron. Sorry, I hope the facts do not hurt your feelings.
Torq 7 | 1152
30 Apr 2024 #11
the biggest leap

Examples, Alien, give me concrete examples.
OP Alien 22 | 5225
30 Apr 2024 #12

Oh, for example, in the theater I go to, plays by European authors are performed, crime films about my favorite island Usedom are directed by Poles (in Germany). The ESC is the envy of the whole world and Israel and Australia are in it, and the queue would be much longer. All these are smaller or larger projects co-financed by the EU.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
30 Apr 2024 #13
The ESC is the envy of the whole world

You know that we (Germany) always lose there, don't you.... :(
OP Alien 22 | 5225
30 Apr 2024 #14
we (Germany) always lose there, don't you.... :(

Not always (Lena, Nena) but ok, if in the name of European unity we have to lose, then obviously that's how it's supposed to be.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
30 Apr 2024 #15
We? You are a Pole, aren't you?

Come on....need to know! :)
OP Alien 22 | 5225
30 Apr 2024 #16
You are

I am an Alien. But seriously, 26 years in Poland, 35 years in Germany. Who am I?
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
30 Apr 2024 #17
As Torqi and me defined it already many years back you are a true Germole! :)
OP Alien 22 | 5225
30 Apr 2024 #18
true Germole! :

There are many such people, and this is also thanks to the European Union.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
30 Apr 2024 #19

I doubt Poland and Germany would have at least this halfway normal relationship today with each other without EU (and NATO)...
OP Alien 22 | 5225
30 Apr 2024 #20
halfway normal

I liked "cordial" better.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
30 Apr 2024 #21
Nee....I don't think they were ever "cordial", or will ever be....(not after I asked my dictionary)!
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
30 Apr 2024 #22
I think that the EU is on the verge of at least loosening it's attempt to becoming a United States of Europe and maybe getting close to a break up..... Spain, Italy and Greece are getting increasingly fed up with Brussels control and there is even unrest in France, Germany and the Netherlands.
jon357 73 | 22653
30 Apr 2024 #23
the EU is on the verge of at least loosening it's attempt to becoming a United States of Europe

Once they understand that there's really only speakers of one particular language who want that, things can progress.
amiga500 4 | 1490
1 May 2024 #24
35 years in Germany. Who am I?

You are Polieren Ghetto-Polizei. Pushing fellow Poles into cattle-cars to be transported to the EU gas chambers.
OP Alien 22 | 5225
1 May 2024 #25
gas chambers.

Poles were never sent there. Once, while standing in a queue to a gas station, I asked the Poles standing in front of me if they wait for the gas, they just looked at my German license plates and replied in a shaky voice - no, not for the gas. Got it?
Torq 7 | 1152
1 May 2024 #26
Poles were never sent there.

Look, Alien - I can tolerate when you talk nonsense about the "greatest cultural achievements in Poland's history" under EU, because that's just idiocy and the world is full of idiots. I can live with that.

However, I will not tolerate when you sh*t on the memory of Poles murdered in gas chambers. In Auschwitz Poles were murdered long before the first transport of Jews arrived there. Poles died in gas chambers of Brzezinka, Majdanek and Sonnenstein, so stick to Eurovision, Alien, and we'll be alright but when you deny nazi crimes on Poles we will have a problem.

looked at my German license plates and replied in a shaky voice - no, not for the gas. Got it?

You think it's funny? I am leaving for Majówka today and will come back on Sunday. You had better wise up until then.
OP Alien 22 | 5225
1 May 2024 #27
am leaving for Majówka today

Go for Majówka, clear your head, because you're a bit tense. Remember that wherever you go, it is only thanks to the European Union.
Torq 7 | 1152
1 May 2024 #28
Wherever I go, it's thanks to my hard work.

Don't ever deny nazi crimes on Poles, and we won't have a problem.

See you.
OP Alien 22 | 5225
1 May 2024 #29
Don't ever deny nazi crimes on Poles

I never did it, Poles were a nation doomed to annihilation next to the Jews. I've always said that.
See you, have a nice trip.
amiga500 4 | 1490
1 May 2024 #30
You think it's funny? I am leaving for Majówka today

It was quite amusing for people who appreciate dark humour. The german supremacist is correct, you are tense. After you employ the services of a tranny hooker. in sopot, like every majowka, you will be more relaxed.

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