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Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state?

ConstantineK  26 | 1298
3 May 2010   #1
Now Poland may be considered as pro-Nazi state. Are you stunned, enraged? That's good, because it is true! Of the various forms of human stupidity which have prevailed in the nature, the most nasty, giving the good scope for ridicule, is one when a man is so blind that serves as dumb tool in hands of his own bitterest enemy. The same is with Poland. Is it possible to observe, without indignant smile, Poland's attempts to profane Soviet/Russian efforts to liberate entire Poland? Though indignant, we should correct their misbehaviour with possible indulgence and mildness, show to our little brothers their faults.

Look now, your friends, who are they!? Estonia, Lituania, Latvia, simply all present Nazi-states. By the artful conspiracy of these fascist-minded states an impenetrable veil is covering overe their atrocities during WWII. And Poland helps them eagerly!

Please, break off with these outcasted, segregational states. Before sacred date of May 9th, you should choose right side!
crusader  1 | 39
3 May 2010   #2
Did you forget to take your medication today?
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
3 May 2010   #3
I have always thought there isn't a dumber human than a nazi Slav.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
3 May 2010   #4
Sure Miguel, you are right, and Poland presents perfect example of this pitiful position. The most ignominous and pitiful in the same time
Sokrates  8 | 3335
3 May 2010   #5
I have always thought there isn't a dumber human than a nazi Slav.

Why do you feed that little focker? He's just waiting for responces making these threads
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
3 May 2010   #6
Miguel Colombia:
I have always thought there isn't a dumber human than a nazi Slav.
Why do you feed that little focker? He's just waiting for responces making these threads

Not at all, I just want to make you think. You should try to build simple logic chains. Baltic states obviousely have segregational domestic policy, the give permissions for SS marchs that means they are Nazy. If they Nazy, and taking into account poland's tight relations with then, then Poland itself is pro-Nazi state. It is a plan truth.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
3 May 2010   #7
Russian efforts to liberate entire Poland?

I guess the word "liberate" doesn't translate well from Russian to English.
3 May 2010   #8
the give permissions for SS marchs that means they are Nazy

Ukraine also organizes SS-Galizien marches and meetings with UPA veterans.
And still Russia supports them, signs a gas contract for many years agreeing
to sell them gas very cheaply. Therefore, Russia supports a Nazi state which
means that Russia itself is a pro-Nazi state.

SS Galizien and UPA veterans

Heil Ukraine! Heil Russia!
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
3 May 2010   #9
That was during presidency of Yuschenko. In those times Russia had very clear position. Yuschenko is pro-"western" aka Nazi project.
3 May 2010   #10
Really? So there are no longer UPA and SS marches in Ukraine? Those nazi organizations
were delegalized and openly nazi members and politicians arrested? Just by changing
the president, Ukraine completely changed its attitude and approach to their nazi past?

I don't think so.

Face it, Constantine - if you accuse Poland of having good relations with eSStonia, for
example, then you have to admit that Russia is even more pro-Nazi, by financially supporting
nazi Ukraine. Simple facts.
crusader  1 | 39
3 May 2010   #11
Could the PW define 'liberation'? Is Katyn an example of it?
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
3 May 2010   #12
Than is why we should divide Ukraine. Eastern part, the normal one, will form united state with Russia, while Western one will form new axis of evil states with Estonia, Latvia etc.
3 May 2010   #13
Maybe, maybe not, but until then you are paying and financing nazis in western Ukraine
as well. It is shocking that after all that Russia had suffered from the hands of Nazis, you
are now filling nazi pockets with money. Unbelievable...

*mods - could you please change the title of this thread to Heil Russia! As it is Russia,
not Poland, who is financially aiding a nazi state*

OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
3 May 2010   #14
We cannot make suffer 50 millions of normal Ukrainians only because of few ex-Nazi-idiots. Hovewer, you are right, yuschenko and his followers have to be arrested.
1jola  14 | 1875
3 May 2010   #15
Nazi Ukraine lets Nazi Russia station its Black Sea fleet on its soil, just like Soviet Russia let Nazi Germany keep its ships in Murmansk during the early stages of WWII, well, till their beautiful relationship was spoiled by Hitler.

Heil Kostia.
Borrka  37 | 592
3 May 2010   #16
Before sacred date of May 9th, you should choose right side!

Actually I think it's very nice that our Russian friends are not forgetting the Europe Day celebration.
On May 9, 1950 French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman presented a plan for some deeper European cooperation which is considered as a milestone of European unity.

Nice picnics and numerous celebrations take place every year on this day.
3 May 2010   #17
We cannot make suffer 50 millions of normal Ukrainians only because of few ex-Nazi-idiots.

See - you are slowly getting it, Constantine! So, maybe Poland also shouldn't give up
good relations with Baltic states only because of few ex-Nazi-idiots?

Maybe accusing Poland of being a pro-Nazi state makes as much sense as accusing Russia
of the same thing? Maybe neither Poland nor Russia are pro-Nazi states?

You wanted to tell us something, but you did it in a very emotional, exaggerating, hysteric
and feminine way. It is always difficult to talk to a nervous woman, so next time you start
a thread, try to sound like a calm man instead.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
3 May 2010   #18
ConstantineK member since 07 and now you get epiphany?
Dumaj człeku dumaj, a jak coś wydumasz to zadyma.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
3 May 2010   #19
Unity? Do you mean this odd agglomerate of openly racist nort-east states and not knowing how to pay their debts southern beggers? There is no question, nice union!
jeden  - | 226
3 May 2010   #20
My grandparents said, Remmember Russian comunists are worse than everything, even worse than nazis...
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
3 May 2010   #21

During the happy day's of cooperation between Hitler and Stalin, after signing the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and before invading the Soviet Union by Wehrmacht, Mussolini perceived that the Soviet system under Stalin had become a kind of Slav fascism or crypto-fascism. And a leading Italian Fascist theoretician, Ugo Spirito, speculated on the likely synthesis of the two systems. Still, there is much to repent, to forgive, and to forget, but for you, above all, to remember!
crusader  1 | 39
3 May 2010   #22
I agree, here's a trip down memory lane- a Russian cosmonaut being prepared for his first flight.

  • 1st Cosmonaut
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
3 May 2010   #23
When commies have their parades in Moscow why can't Nazis in the Baltics?
jeden  - | 226
3 May 2010   #24
BB Are there serious ( country, not local) Nazi movement in Germany?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
3 May 2010   #25
Nope...only a few hundred (and most of them informers of the Verfassungschutz anyhow)

But I would like our veterans having their day in the sun too...they were the best!
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
3 May 2010   #26
In Germany there is a nationalist ,racist party, which should be banned, me thinks.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
3 May 2010   #27
They failed embarassingly many state agents undercover innit....

PS: There is nothing wrong with being nationalist...the Hitler worship is what puts people's sooo stupid and yesteryear!
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
3 May 2010   #28
They failed embarassingly many state agents undercover innit....

You believe the NPD to be undercover state agents?

No, Nationalism isn't bad, but this party is clearly beyond a healthy nationalism. It's not like they only like whites.I have heard they also want Poles out of Germany..and Russians.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11900
3 May 2010   #29
You believe the NPD to be undercover state agents?

Half of them at minimum!

Astounding that you know so much about them over there in your Argentina....or Columbia...or whatever...
3 May 2010   #30
Argentina....or Columbia...or whatever...

I think he's from Bolivia - anyway, what difference does it make?
Them Latinos all look the same to me anyway ;)

Home / History / Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state?
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