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Poland law and business related talk. Share and exchange your insight knowledge! (page 10)

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Can a Polish woman get divorce from another country?
Do Americans need to pay double tax on earned income in Poland?
Is it easy to launch a technology startup company in Poland as a foreigner?
How to bring your savings to Poland
British citizen applying for residence permit in Poland (procedure of registering)
Question about Polish Consulate National Visa Type-D Review Process. I have an official work permit.
Brit/Pol divorce. Husband - British, non resident Poland. Wife - Polish resident, Poland.
10 - No. Not in the slightest. The only thing is that if it's a concordat wedding (i.e., one that is...

LawBrit/Pol divorc - 5 Apr 2016 delphiandomine - 6 Apr 2016
Buying an unregistered car in Poland?
Blue Card - How long can I stay in Poland after I resign from my work?
From A1 motorcycle license to A license in Poland?
Obtaining residence permit in Poland by setting up a company or via permit from another EU country
My late fathers Polish will made in 1987
9 - and how would I do that, exactly? Love, it's a public forum. I think you will...

Lawjanieski - 22 Mar 2016 rozumiemnic - 22 Mar 2016
Transferring inherited land to relatives in Poland?
Dual citizen getting married in Poland
Can an unpayed electricity bill in Poland be a problem for visa?
Permanent EU resident status in Poland - what are the other benefits here besides the permission to work?
Rental Contract Price increse during contract in Poland - What are my rights?
Moving to Poland with Business
Poland's Citizenship application - "Uzasadnienie" - what to write in this section?
12 - that doesn't narrow it down much, there's a lof of hejterzy here.......

Lawnope - 14 Mar 2016 mafketis - 15 Jun 2016
Withdrawing study residence permit (Karta Pobytu) in Poland
Do banks in Poland accept bank drafts issued by a foreign bank, in Polish Zloty?
Lost my work permit in Poland - How do I get a duplicate?
4 - Where are you located?...

LawElProfundo - 12 Mar 2016 pawian - 5 Apr 2021
File complaint against Poland's police  2  3  4
Advice on rights for an unborn child in Poland
Bring Ashes of Deceased Mother to Poland
Change of a company (visa) in Poland
Help with info regarding create a company in Poland
4 - Thank you so much for your help guys :-) I hope we can close this agreement with our client...

LawCreationCompany - 23 Feb 2016 CreationCompany - 25 Feb 2016
A general question about inheritence and will - (no debts) - properties in Poland and England
Internet provider in Poland - signing a contract with my foreign passport
9 - @Veik: so if you have a EU passport and are white, easier to deal with them ;). Yes,...

Lawsinanalhabobi - 19 Feb 2016 InPolska - 21 Feb 2016
Car Market in Poland? Aftermarket car parts?
Polish wife in the UK cheated on me. Divorce - what now of the kids?
Business in Poland and Polish reality, How are you doing in Poland?  2  3
Establishing of IT company in Poland - fees, translations, law company, partners?
Sabbatical holidays policy in Poland and employment contract
13 - @Pol Attorney: 100% agreed! No problem to fire anyone on long leaves ;).......

LawCuriousOne - 8 Feb 2016 InPolska - 9 Feb 2016
Am I eligible to apply for Poland's Dowod Osobisty? I am British.
Does one have to pay customs in Poland when shipping goods which were purchased online and in EU?
Startup with Blue Card or TRC in Poland?
A Polish company have not paid me
Freelance taxes in Poland, made simple.
12 - thank you so much!...

Lawheiouhello - 3 Feb 2016 maltinka - 3 Apr 2019
Police in Poland call me 3 days after i report an lost of Phone in a Bar
Foreigner Driving Polish registered Car in Poland - is it Legal?!
Running a Car in Poland as a UK visitor - purchasing, registering and insuring it being a non-resident?
Import and export of vehicle. From Middle East to Poland via UK or better directly?
Wife runs off with a child from Poland to England after splitting from her husband. Education of their son.
Which banks in Poland offer saving accounts in Swiss Franks?
Pros and cons of giving birth in poland compared to India
Non-EU citizen Temporary Residence: Regular and stable income clause
Purchase a car in Poland without further registering it (I want to move it abroad)
Boyfriend overstayed 90 days in Poland - will he get a fine or deported?
Dependant Visa for Non EU national parents of an EU National living in Poland
Can I pay my company tax through UK rather than Poland?
British national studying in Poland - need a Russian visa, what to do?
4 - Try here -

Lawcharlotte112 - 4 Jan 2016 delphiandomine - 7 Jan 2016
Biggest supermarket chains in Poland vs Germany
Poland's National Visa (student) - how easy is it to get rejected?
Poland's form of Government - 'the winner takes all'
Transferring money between Polish banks - is the address, postcode and town/city required?
Family law in Poland - want the Polish children back to the Irish courts  2
Temporary residence and work permit in Poland check
15 - Hi All, How much time it took for you to get the Work Permit?...

LawBlue lamp - 12 Dec 2015 Seeker01 - 16 Aug 2018
Drinking in a parked car. What the Poland's law says?
24 - ok so it seems to be down to being in a public or private place, guess if we have...

LawDougpol1 - 5 Dec 2015 dolnoslask - 18 Dec 2015

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