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Off-topic area for topics not necessarily related to Poland. (page 3)

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× American Jew Voice in Poland  2  3  4
Let us have Slavic Christian Church
Multi-Polar world of global civilzations
Where are you from?  2
Poland and Slavic civilization in processes of Transhumanism
12 - Nice animals. Nicer from a distance....

Off-TopicCrow - 16 May 2021 jon357 - 17 Oct 2021
Who would win in a fight - white tailed eagle or bald eagle?
Which western European country would assimilate more Poles and other Slavs in next 50 years?
If I don't understand Polish and I post a Polish song on a profile, is it wrong?
10 - Greaks think they are superior to Slavs so let them have Constantinople...

Off-Topicpiekna - 20 Apr 2010 Crow - 31 May 2021
"the butched launch of cyberpunk" by the economist (Poland in denial again)
The tale of a land called "Fieldia"
6 - Aaa, just another English connotation for Poland. Polish "pole" means field....

Off-TopicMr Grunwald - 18 Jan 2021 pawian - 2 Apr 2021
What languages do you know?  2
51 - Many theories about that one....

Off-TopicChrzaszcz - 27 Nov 2011 Lyzko - 10 Mar 2021
lol at the Polish recruitment process for jobs
6 - here ya go:

Off-TopicStrzelec35 - 23 Jan 2021 Strzelec35 - 3 Mar 2021
Anyone into soviet synth wave music here?
21 -

Off-TopicStrzelec35 - 21 Feb 2021 Strzelec35 - 27 Feb 2021
This is why I say Poland is so far behind in tech
29 - failure is only in the mind. what makes you think I am a failure in any way? I failed...

Off-TopicStrzelec35 - 10 Feb 2021 Strzelec35 - 12 Feb 2021
DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ?  2  3  4  5
123 - I'm not here to convince but to share info....

Off-TopicCrow - 5 Aug 2019 Crow - 23 Oct 2020
Voicemail - paying every time I want to listen to a message?
Buying a Russian jeep driving to Ireland
English teachers - 'functioning alcoholics with a superiority complex'  2
To ALL IMMIGRANTS ("expats") to Poland on this forum...  2  3  4  5
When do you teach a Polish \ English child a second language?
Veda -> "Wiedza" (to know), Avesta, Sanskrit language, Hindu beliefs and Zoroastrian culture in Poland
Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians.  2  3

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