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Why do people here fight so much?

Atch  21 | 4139
15 Jun 2022   #61
What's a human shoe tree? I

  • Shoetree.jpg
jon357  72 | 22778
15 Jun 2022   #62
Or even this

OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 210
15 Jun 2022   #63
That makes sense! I suppose I could, although I have arched ankles as well.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
15 Jun 2022   #64
Why are you avoiding my question ?

три а пэр оф кристиан лубутен мамадраги напа боу флэтс анд телл мэ уэт и тинк оф тем.

Please forgive my butchered Russian but how does that sound to you for an idea ?
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 210
15 Jun 2022   #65
@johnny reb
Johnny, you know you're meant to speak English unless related to Polish language on this forum.
And that is not Russian. That is an abomination unto the Lord. And that's ridiculous as well. No.
(I'm not trying too be nasty to you, but you're acting like an idiot right now. Have you been hacked?)
Bobko  27 | 2124
15 Jun 2022   #66

Hahahahaha! To grade that as Russian, would be a mistake. He wrote broken English using Cyrillic alphabet. Why, god knows.
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 210
15 Jun 2022   #67
Exactly! It's hilarious! And a very weird request.

Johnny, stick to English if you can't speak Russian! Not trying to be nasty, but you're making a fool of yourself!
johnny reb  46 | 7516
15 Jun 2022   #68
Значит, вы не говорите по-русски ?
Can you write Russian ?
Send me a P.M. in Russian
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 210
15 Jun 2022   #69
@johnny reb
Yes, but you don't speak Russian.
Could you even understand да or нет? (Ok, that's not serious).
johnny reb  46 | 7516
15 Jun 2022   #70
Yes, but you don't speak Russian.

I now question if you do either.

Could you even understand да or нет?

Could you even understand try а пэр оф кристиан лубутен мамадраги напа боу флэтс анд телл мэ уэт и тинк оф тем ?

Have you been hacked?

Yes, I think it is the Russians doing it. :-)
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
15 Jun 2022   #71
you're acting like an idiot right now

He always does and he continues to make a fool of himself without even realising it!
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 210
15 Jun 2022   #72
@johnny reb
That isn't Russian! And of course I speak Russian, are you offended because of what I've been saying about and to you today? Or trying to create a backlash because the one person who liked you turned against you? You know what, Jim, you're a debil. And you're *****ing ugly, too.

I figured it out today, he's a *****head, probably Strzelec on another account or something.

Why am I being censored?! Is this a website for little kids?! If I want to swear, I should be allowed to swear.

And saying I'm not who I say I am because you don't like me is VERY unoriginal. Why do you feel the need to copy your smarter counterparts? You look like a dumba*s. Find better sh*t at least 🙄.

Plus, you can't get much knowledge of Russian from Google Translate, debil. I've only been on there once for a joke years ago, but it was exactly that If you want to speak Russian, learn Russian.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
15 Jun 2022   #73

Send me a P.M. in Russian

I am sorry Anti delph, it made no sense what so ever.
You had the filthy words all mixed up.
Now this is how I personally have you narrowed down as a former user troll as our new sock puppet.
1. You are not Russian
2. You are not posting from St. Petersburg Russia
3. You are not 16 years old
4. You are not an American
5.You know English perfectly leaving only the European speaking countries that you are posting from.........
my personal guess is either the U.K. or Scotland.
6. You are not a innocent little girl that you wanted us to first believe because you have the mouth of a sailor
7. You navigate this forum better than some seasoned members so you have been here before posting A LOT !
8. You do not know how to read or write Russian
9. You healed way to fast after your fake surgery
10. My guess is that now you have been busted by all of us, is that you will just fade off into the sunset after telling

all of us what ass holes we are.
Bottom line Anti delph, we smoked you out within your first ten posts. ;-)

are you offended because of what I've been saying about and to you today?

Naw, you can say anything you want about me.
Question though, "what is a 16 year old high school kid doing up at 2 a.m.?"
Poor parenting ? HooT !
Alien  22 | 5460
16 Jun 2022   #74
@johnny reb
And finally, she/he/it is not anti Putin.
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 210
16 Jun 2022   #75
@johnny reb
Maybe I will "fade off into the sunset" , Jim. Not because "I'm a troll" , but this forum is a waste of time. I could waste time explaining why you're wrong, but I've done that so many times.... well, it's pointless.

Does anyone know if I can get the mods to delete all of my posts? I have no idea how to delete main forum posts.

I hope everyone forgets about me. Or not, but think of me a human shoe tree.
Bye the way, Jim, do you think my parents know that I stay up so late?!
johnny reb  46 | 7516
16 Jun 2022   #76
I hope everyone forgets about me.

I'll bet you do !
We did it once, we can do it again. ;-)
Bye the way, "что они подают на ваш школьный обед сегодня ?"
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 210
16 Jun 2022   #77
I just want to say one thing.
Bobko, pawian, mafketis, Novichok, you're all really nice. I'll miss you. Thanks for the
happy times in PF I wouldn't have had without you. Goodbye 👋.

I might come back, but not anytime soon. Nothing definite.

And I couldn't forget about myself, Jim. Enjoy Hell, debil! Your church wouldn't be happy about your activity here!
Bobko  27 | 2124
16 Jun 2022   #78
Bobko, pawian, mafketis, Novichok, you're all really nice. I'll miss you.

For the feeling to be mutual, you would do well to actually post original content (even learning about ballet shoes was interesting), and spend less time engaging with the local gremlins.

As Novichok said - I don't give a sh!t who you are, or whether you are what you purport to be - as long as you write something I haven't thought about.

As a supposed 16 year old ballerina from Piter, you could do better in sharing your unique perspectives.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
16 Jun 2022   #79
And finally, she/he/it is not anti Putin.

We all knew that from the get go, Allien.
Atch was the first one that smoke the troll out followed by Ptak and many others.
But once I ask for him to read and write in Russian the troll was unable to do so. Oops !
Pretending to be a 16 year old virgin ballerina who hadn't even cut her wisdom teeth yet was most hilarious.
He lied in just about every post he made.

[quote-johnny reb]My guess is that now you have been busted by all of us, is that you will just fade off into the sunset after telling all of us what ass holes we are.

Thanks for the happy times in PF I wouldn't have had without you. Goodbye 👋. Jim. Enjoy Hell, debil!

How did I know........ lmmfao !

Your church wouldn't be happy about your activity here!

Thank God I don't have to answer to my church. lol
And what church do you go to that you have to answer to it ? :-o

Bottom line Anti delph, we smoked you out within your first ten posts. ;-)

Harry comes back as Lazarus to troll and delph comes back as Anti Putin to troll as a little girl.
You want to talk about a couple of sick Pysco Trolls.........HooT !
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
16 Jun 2022   #80
@johnny reb

You are so confused and paranoid that it is actually.quite funny and the same.time.
Poor sad fat and emotionally unstable and self hating Jim.
Novichok  4 | 7630
16 Jun 2022   #81
Milo, I would really like to know why you would say that other than to annoy? What's the payback?
What I absolutely hate are the accusations that the target is simply unable to prove wrong.
Put yourself in the same position and try to respond to a lie that "Milo is dreaming about raping an 8-yo boy".
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
16 Jun 2022   #82
I would really like to know why you would say that other than to annoy?

Spot on!

"Milo is dreaming about raping an 8-yo boy".

There is no.evidence to back up that statement.
And yet there is tons to back up my statement.

Anyway, why are you backing up a poster that you clearly hate and that clearly hates you?
johnny reb  46 | 7516
16 Jun 2022   #83
I would really like to know why you would say that other than to annoy?

Better question:
I really wonder why the British Mods allow him to continue to bully and troll when I just ignore him.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
16 Jun 2022   #84
bully and troll

Because we all know that the chief bully and troll on this forum is you!
And you only ignore me sometimes.Another lie of yours.
They just.keep mounting up!
Novichok  4 | 7630
16 Jun 2022   #85
Anyway, why are you backing up a poster that you clearly hate and that clearly hates you?

I am not capable of feelings. I just look at the last post and act on it. It's very liberating.
Other than that, D, J, J, and I are in the same boat and very few things are more important than the price of eggs and gas. Certainly not that stupid war somewhere in Europe.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
16 Jun 2022   #86
Yeah, that stupid war that is directly effecting the price of eggs and gas in your country.....
johnny reb  46 | 7516
16 Jun 2022   #87
Certainly not that stupid war somewhere in Europe.

And we certainly don't take sides and say, I am on his side and you're not, like some insecure Nurd on the play ground trying to always being in the biggest gang for his security like Y.K.W. does since his first day here by admitting that he was, "going to destroy me."

That was three years ago. (sigh)
Novichok  4 | 7630
17 Jun 2022   #88
Speaking of people who fight so much...I have this weird slippery snake feeling that joun and pawian are either one person or related.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
17 Jun 2022   #89
Speaking of people who fight so much...

The Brits, they just don't appreciate Yank humor is all.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
17 Jun 2022   #90
Really, is that why we have so many American comedy shows on British TV?

You really are a very stupid person.

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