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What languages do you know?

Chrzaszcz 12 | 103
27 Nov 2011 #1
I'm just interested in what other lanuages people out there know or are familiar with? Of course there will be Polish and English. Can anyone add any others to the list?

Myself = French, German, Russian, Japanese, Irish Gaelic and Polish.... ALL AT BASIC LEVEL I MIGHT ADD!

As I grow older, my language interests deepen...
convex 20 | 3928
28 Nov 2011 #2
English, German, Czech, Russian, and a bit of Polish :) Can understand Spanish and Italian, but far from fluent....
Natasa 1 | 572
28 Nov 2011 #3
Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrian, that is already 4 :) I can understand Macedonian, and few words of SLovenian.

OK, seriously average Russian, English, German, basic Spanish. I am illiterate.

I was typical math and physics type, not verbal. Orality is not my stronger side.

I have problem to be precise, concise and relevant. So in person, I tend to count more than to talk.
polskice 1 | 4
28 Nov 2011 #4
Fluent in English, French, I can understand Spanish and Italian.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359
28 Nov 2011 #5
I'm just interested in what other lanuages people out there know or are familiar with?

ASL. the alphabet and more than a few basic signs. not much use unless i go to america.

Do Geordie and Pitmatic count ? i am fluent.

i'm slowly learning german at the moment.
Polsyr 6 | 758
28 Nov 2011 #6
Fluent: English, Arabic
Intermediate: Aramaic
Beginner: Polish
Some basic understanding of: French, German, Italian and Russian
OP Chrzaszcz 12 | 103
28 Nov 2011 #7

What a lot of polyglots there are here!!!
Magdalena 3 | 1827
28 Nov 2011 #8
Fluent: Polish, Czech, English
Used to know to about intermediate level, currently understand a few words here and there: German, Italian, Serbian
Used to know pretty well, not any more: Latin, Russian
OP Chrzaszcz 12 | 103
28 Nov 2011 #9
Fluent: Polish, Czech, English

Goodness gracious me! That's quite a list! Are there similarities between Polish and Czech?
Magdalena 3 | 1827
28 Nov 2011 #10
Are there similarities between Polish and Czech?

Sure there are... and a lot of "false friends" as well ;-)
Sidliste_Chodov 1 | 438
29 Nov 2011 #11
Fluent (from birth): English, Polish.-

Intermediate to advanced (though rapidly worsening now due to lack of opportunity to speak): Czech.

Used to know to reasonable conversational level: French (almost completely forgotten now).

Used to know very basic conversation: Italian, Cantonese (all forgotten now).

Sadly, the only German I know is "Polen-Invasion stoppen", lol :D

I really need to start travelling again soon, because that makes me get the language courses out :)

If I won the Lottery, one of my goals would be to learn enough basic conversation to communicate with virtually everyone in the world - so I would brush up on the French, then learn some Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Hindi and Mandarin. I would also play the "Asians who want to learn Polish" game, and learn Afrikaans - simply because I love Afrikaner women (and especially their accents) haha :)
sascha 1 | 824
29 Nov 2011 #12
german, mothertongue
english, fluent
french, average

and a little bit of spanish, polish and russian, the last two when listening to them ;)
Natasa 1 | 572
29 Nov 2011 #14
Crow and I are Serbs. Crnogorac is Montenegrian, Blackadder and El Croata :) are Croats.

No more Serbs here ;) (Blackadder this was a joke, El Croata for you it is not a joke :))

Seriously, as one of the women who possess sadistic or and masochistic traits balanced and a bit above the average , I didn't leave this forum unlike other better adapted women, so many secrets are buried in my PM inbox (remains that way), next to information that shouldn't be hidden ;)

Trust me about some things, please.
I think I earned it.

What a lot of polyglots there are here!!!

I joined PF because I figured out that this is the forum for deviants?! ;)
sascha 1 | 824
29 Nov 2011 #15
So why does everyone think you're Serbian lol

you think someone is ashamed to be a serb? if i would be a serb and i am proslavic why would i hide that? here on pf with 'my slavic brothers' around? why would i do that.

thats not logical.

btw, nationality is not a title. you cannot choose that. your paranoic brain and that of the others who you call 'everyone' in this matter are too boring. really.
Sidliste_Chodov 1 | 438
29 Nov 2011 #16
your paranoic brain and that of the others who you call 'everyone' in this matter are too boring. really.

What the f*** are you talking about?

It was a serious question - a lot of people on here think you're a Serb, and I can't understand why they do - but I was starting to think you are too.

It doesn't matter whether you are or not. As long as you don't start abusing Poles, I couldn't care less whether you were Serbian, German, Armenian, Azerbaijani or Korean - it's nothing to with whether it is "shameful" or not.
sascha 1 | 824
29 Nov 2011 #17
What the f*** are you talking about?

just answered the way your question/comment came across. thats it.

a lot of people on here think you're a Serb

on what basis? just curious.

I can't understand why they do - but I was starting to think you are too

i am german. pls tell me on what basis/reasons you started to believe that?
btw, tnx for the compliment to be a serb.

As long as you don't start abusing Poles

i like poles a lot. after uni my 1st job brought me numerous times to pl with longer stays due to the job as project eng. there i picked up my polish. ;)

I couldn't care less whether you were Serbian, German, Armenian, Azerbaijani or Korean

Sidliste_Chodov 1 | 438
30 Nov 2011 #18
on what basis? just curious.

I've no idea where they get this idea from, but someone has called you Serbian again this evening, lol :)
Natasa 1 | 572
30 Nov 2011 #19
but someone has called you Serbian again this evening, lol :)


Is that suppose to disqualify someone as a poster? Should I as a REAL Serb feel bad about the fact? Because whatever some might try to do, I won't.

I noticed the same behavior, particularly from people who were raised by societies who are suppose to be deeply liberal, where ethnic, racial and all kinds of discriminations are not allowed. And harshly punished in reality. Why then this here? Are proclaimed values just superficially there for you, while actually nothing of the taught is interiorized really?

Are your societies asking you to be something you are actually not? Tolerant for example?

Oddly, the right wingers from those societies not counting few who left the forum, didn't have a problem with the label Serb.
Actually those that I have noticed that tend to use maneuver in the quote, tend to brag about their tolerance discussing other topics. And are self proclaimed liberals, pro leftists, human rights promoters. Be coherent. System behind you appears flawed this way. And like an utter failure.

People, make up your mind, you are either tolerant and German is not another name for Casta like brahmins, while Serb is not suppose to denote pariah. Hypocrisy leaks from all the holes this way. Or you are prone to bigotry and that it is OK, then be honest and don't try to present yourself differently. That would be at least from my side respected and understood. Tolerant behavior tends to be easier for some, harder for the others.

So, Bratwurst and Guesswho were honest, use them as role models for non hypocritical and consistent behavior :)

FlaglessPole 4 | 649
30 Nov 2011 #20
Oddly, the right wingers from those societies not counting few who left the forum, didn't have a problem with the label Serb.
Actually those that I have noticed that tend to use that kind of maneuver tend to brag about their tolerance discussing other topics. And are self proclaimed liberals, pro leftists, human rights promoters. Be coherent. System behind you appears flawed this way. And like an utter failure.

Oh boo hoo whining and moaning as usual, poor serbian we are oh poor us and btw here is a pic of my left nipple, please someone like me...

Jesus in a bumblebee outfit, get over yourself Natasa I did recently explain to you and others in my very rare instance of seriousness that it's not the case of being anti-serbian. I'm just against your and Crow's medieval hostile divisivness a la balkanese which both of you so generously indulge yourselves in here on. And yes I let you and Crow taste your own medicine from time to time which obviously goes way over your blinkered victimhood to notice, so let me try again...

Look, Natasa, look there runs an Albo, quickly shoot , shoot... oh you missed, what a shame.. wait, how about that German he seems slower...?
elioug 1 | 22
30 Nov 2011 #21
My languages:
I can speak fluently:Spanish
I can speak fluently but not advanced: English
I can understand reading and speak not much:French
I can speak in basic level: Polish
I can understand some words: Quechua
Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522
30 Nov 2011 #22
Fluent: Polish, Russian, English
Conversational to Intermediate: Korean, French
southern 73 | 7059
30 Nov 2011 #23
Conversational to Intermediate: Korean, French

You don't speak Hindu?You surprise me.
Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522
1 Dec 2011 #24
I tried it but later found it complicated ... gave up. I know some words though, but I'm lost half my vocabulary with time ...lolz.
southern 73 | 7059
1 Dec 2011 #25
I tried it but later found it complicated ... gave up

Never late to learn.
Natasa 1 | 572
1 Dec 2011 #26
Lodz should learn the language of Love, which one would that be?
blackadder 1 | 114
2 Dec 2011 #28
I can speak Croatian,Serbian,Slovenian(Bosnian and Montenegrian languages don't exist,they are mix of two mentioned Natasa)
Not fluent in English,Italian((I dated girl from Milano),Spanish(bloody soap operas),Turkish(bloody soap operas),little Checz(because of female tourists)French(bloody French pûrn),little Swedish(guess why).

No more Serbs here ;) (Blackadder this was a joke, El Croata for you it is not a joke :))

1:0 for Natasa :)

Orality is not my stronger side.

Practice makes perfect ;)
Natasa 1 | 572
2 Dec 2011 #29
Italian((I dated girl from Milano)

top model iz Milana? :))

French(bloody French pûrn),little Swedish(guess why).

Blackadder what kind of pûrns did you watch :)), and how come don't I speak French and Swedish fluently then, it must be ADHD, attention was taken from the language course to the background noise? :(((( I always miss the point!

Practice makes perfect ;)


Similar to you , others tried to persuade me using presentation of their oral abilities and demonstrating benefits of practice and hard work, but I wasn't convinced. (nadam se da nije uvredljivo, ako jeste oprosti) ;)
southern 73 | 7059
2 Dec 2011 #30
I can speak some Czech,polish and Russian and the reason as you can guess is Stalin.

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