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Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world?

PennBoy  76 | 2429
19 May 2011   #1
For me French and Italian are on top. I'm not gonna comment on Polish since I'm a native speaker and it's kinda difficult to judge hearing it all your life. I've read somewhere that to many others it sounds weird..
19 May 2011   #2
is this a joke? doesn't like.....everybody make fun of Polish for how it sounds?

my first impression was that it sounded like a room full of people arguing via "the shush", as if everyone simultaneously wanted the others to be quiet. very quiet.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
19 May 2011   #3
LOL many szzz, czzz sounds.
Marynka11  3 | 639
19 May 2011   #4
I really like the sound of German. And it's not a joke.

I was told Polish sounds a little like Portuguese, and listening to that language gives me goos bumps and not in a good way.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
19 May 2011   #5
I like the sound of English...english English that is. Somehow I found the american english not as nice on the ears.
Is it just me or is it really abit twang? I'm puzzled about that difference for years now....especially listening to the news anchors of CNN.

I like the sound of spanish too...ever since I learned it for a few years (all already forgotten now of course).

I don't like Italian and French....
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
19 May 2011   #6
I like the sound of English...english English that is. Somehow I found the american english not nice on the ears.
Is it just me or is it really abit twang?

American English also sounds nice but from an educated persons lips, not some idiot that talks in ghetto slang.

Good Boy ;-)
SeanBM  34 | 5781
19 May 2011   #7
Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world?

When spoken softly by a beautiful woman next to you, you bet :)
guesswho  4 | 1272
19 May 2011   #8
For me French and Italian are on top

well, this is really a matter of preference PB.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
19 May 2011   #9
When spoken softly by a beautiful woman next to you, you bet :)

Same with American English coming from an educated beautiful woman like Laurie Dhue
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2011   #10
is this a joke? doesn't like.....everybody make fun of Polish for how it sounds?

Ukrainian is much nicer to my ears - softer, more melodic.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
19 May 2011   #11
I've always liked Russian. My father who speaks it fluently, says reading a book in Russian is like music to his ears.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
19 May 2011   #12
Same with American English coming from an educated beautiful woman like Laurie Dhue

You are an American PB, it's near impossible to judge the own native language... ;)
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
19 May 2011   #13
So asking a German, how does it sound to you? how's it different from British English?
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 May 2011   #14
It depends on the speaker. It can sound good but it can sound awfully ugly too. Just like English in that respect. English much more so.
RainbowFairy  - | 8
19 May 2011   #15
Polish and russian sound rough but nice it spoken softly as said above. For me it french and spanish
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
19 May 2011   #16
Swahili is widely acknowledged to be the language that sounds the most beautiful, and I am sure you all would agree if it wasn't developed by black people.
RainbowFairy  - | 8
19 May 2011   #17
A lot of people on this forum when they go to heaven and if they see God is black... will be asking for a non return single ticket to hell in disgust.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
20 May 2011   #18
So asking a German, how does it sound to you? how's it different from British English?

I can easily differentiate between them...;)

God is black..

What God!

Swahili is widely acknowledged to be the language that sounds the most beautiful,

A link to that survey please!
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
20 May 2011   #19
I can easily differentiate between them...;)

So can I, but what in your view makes British English better?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
20 May 2011   #20
A link to that survey please!

Research it yourself you stupid Nazi transvestite and then go die.
pammycat  - | 16
20 May 2011   #21
I like the sound of English...english English that is. Somehow I found the american english not as nice on the ears

Very true
chichimera  1 | 185
20 May 2011   #22
but what in your view makes British English better?

British English sounds more intelligent...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
20 May 2011   #23
Research it yourself you stupid Nazi transvestite and then go die.

I would really like some evidence for that incredible smart statement of yours! :)

....before I die if possible...
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
20 May 2011   #24
Research it yourself you stupid Nazi transvestite and then go die.

That was totally uncalled for BB is a nice guy, I mean bloke ;)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
20 May 2011   #25
British English sounds more intelligent...

not when chavs speak it. there are so many different accents in UK anyway, not just the 'proper' British English one. I really like Newcastle and Welsh accents.

the majority of people I know find the Polish language to be quite aggressive and super fast, never heard anyone say they thought it was lovely to listen to when you didn't understand it lol. to me French, Russian and Japanese sound really cool. American English works best in songs IMO.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
20 May 2011   #26
That was totally uncalled for BB is a nice guy, I mean bloke ;)

Essi adores me...but he is just still in his official denial stage! ;)

to me French, Russian and Japanese sound really cool.

Japanese sounds really cool! But Chinese not....hmmm...
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
20 May 2011   #27
British English

American English
George8600  10 | 630
20 May 2011   #28
Hugh Laurie is the man....the absolute man...

Anyway, I do rank British as the best sounding.... then maybe French... they can swear their heads off at you and it sounds so lovely... but it gets annoying over a while.

Annoying/unpleasantness in sound also has to do with the cultural speaking rate/loudness as well. I like languages spoken at a moderate rate and smoothly....again British. But Polish which can be spoken fast and even loud doesn't bother my ears at all and I don't mind it one bit. I say this from being on the train everyday in Chicago and sitting next to these people....

annoying can be Irish spoken for a long time, Italian when it's spoken fast and loud (which it tends to be by native Italians) and it's worse in Sicily when they slur it., Spanish when it's spoken loudly, and Indian.

Then for asian languages, I prefer Chinese and Japanese....Koreans tend to drag on certain sounds/letters/words when they talk and raise their voice when they do it making it quite irritating. As opposed to Japanese which maintains it's tone and pitch quite nicely....

and of course German can be irritating when you don't understand it...I learnt German in high school, but prior I agreed with the common stereotype that German is "mean" sounding.

Also Greek can have slurring and deep vowels which sound really bad if you speak fast and in high pitch.

Oh well, that's my opinion. :-)

American English works best in songs IMO.

haha yea...Thom Yorke is a perfect example...
Sebastian  6 | 108
20 May 2011   #29
Not even close. Polish is not an ugly language, not at all. But it's not the most pleasant language to listen to. I often hear Czechs say Polish sounds like baby talk, and Polish say that Czech sounds like baby talk. After listening to both languages, I can honestly say both languages sound babyish, to an extent. The thing I can't stand about Polish is that it has too much cz, rz, sz, dz, and the different types of Z's. When one speaks the language quickly, thats all you hear. IMO, Polish sounds better when spoken slower.

Most beautiful languages apart from English, in my opinion, are

Brazilian Portuguese
asik  2 | 220
20 May 2011   #30
Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world?

Every language has its own melody and it depends on person which language sounds right to his ear. Just like with music.

As a Polish native speaker I can say Polish sounds probably as too noisy but I was told by many foreigners that Polish sounds very nice. Well, you see :).

On many occasions I was aproached by an unknown people who were pretty interesting in finding out my language origin. Polish language is loud, so sometimes people could think that Polish people are arguing instead of talking. At least we can be heard not like, for example Vietnamese, their language must sound like is coming from underground, especially when women are speaking. That's what I was told. Not impressive.

I like the most sound of French and the French native speaker accent when trying to speak English . It sounds marvelous. Nothing can bit it :). First place!

I don't like sound of German, I just can't stand it, sounds too rough. Also, I don't like weird sound of Asian languages like Mandarin, Japanese or Vietnamese.

When I hear Russian or Ukrainian I am about to explode with laughter , these languages sound so funny and to add I can understand them; same with Czech and Slovakian or Serbian and Croatian. These languages sound nice to me in general, much softer than Polish.

I found Spanish language annoying and Italian sounds vulgar for me- in both languages the speakers sound like in a big hurry, so they need to speak as quick as possible and that's making me nervous :)

English languge sound nice in general but depends who speaks and with what accent. Not all of the English accents sound nice in the UK. In America, some accents are nice and some are really wierd. As a child I've always liked sound of Australian English, so second place here!!

New Zealand English sounds funny :) but nice, same with South African English .

So I'll give Polish language third place, because I like my language and it sounds familiar to me:)

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