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Archives - 2005-2009 / Language [744] - page 1 of 13


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Do you think there is something like Warsaw accent ?
The letter combo "ch" and a thing about "ść"
how do you pronounce ; Udawał się, Powiedział...and more
5 - can you break down the pronuciation a bit further please....

Languagechaza - 27 Dec 2009 / chaza - 28 Dec 2009
Need affectionate terms for Ania..
23 - Aniś, Aniczku, Niuś, Anulko, Nuleczku, just making up.. but could work......

Languageajy3108 - 20 Dec 2009 / ooshak - 28 Dec 2009
Polish Pronuciation for Non-English Natives
16 - I was joking...

LanguageKenji75018 - 25 Dec 2009 / Kenji75018 - 28 Dec 2009
CO and TO,CO - what
15 - Hi Szwedpolsce. Thank you for your post. After reading Mira's one, I felt a bit sad, but yours...

LanguageKenji75018 - 22 Dec 2009 / Kenji75018 - 26 Dec 2009
Advice on Polish word - possibly colloquial?
4 - Almost! It's 'nie wolno' and never 'niewolno' :) At your service!...

Languagelollapahoola - 20 Dec 2009 / jump_bunny - 23 Dec 2009
8 - lol thanks!...

LanguageNoSpeakyPolski - 20 Dec 2009 / NoSpeakyPolski - 23 Dec 2009
Who wants a Linguaphone Polish Course...?
Tips for me or any really good audio books to learn Polish?
14 - Thank you for your responses! I contacted the publisher! Keep in touch... :)...

Languageobladeo - 18 May 2007 / Cyrille - 21 Dec 2009
Dopóki - Dopóki nie - Dopóty (EXAMPLES)
What's the best "Learn Polish" book?  2
mój - moja
Annę stać na samochód - Anny nie stać na samochód
6 - Thank you very much for this very clear answer....

LanguageKenji75018 - 19 Dec 2009 / Kenji75018 - 20 Dec 2009
I know Russian language - will it help me learn Polish?  2  3  4
Collective numbers - dwoje, troje, czworo  2
Ambiguous words? [całkiem and zapewne]
Share Perfective and Imperfective Polish verbs  2  3  4
105 - Ok Dziękuję Wam za pomoc....

Languagemoonsa - 6 Jan 2008 / Kenji75018 - 14 Dec 2009
Polish Case System  2
Star Wars and Polish language in it :)
Suggestions for Children learning Polish
'Gateway' slavic language?  2
Inventiveness in Polish word formation
Learning Polish online help
21 - maybe this hepl !! bbc.co.uk/languages/polish/soap...

LanguageInter - 4 May 2006 / Dominica - 11 Dec 2009
Accent marks in Polish language
22 - Duh! Thanks! I see them now!...

LanguageMATTB1 - 26 Sep 2007 / f stop - 9 Dec 2009
Polish language and Gaelic language.
Not sure if I will be able to speak Polish  2
53 - May I ask where you are from and how well you can converse in Polish? I assumed you were...

LanguagePolskiej_Dumy - 27 Nov 2009 / Derevon - 9 Dec 2009
Formal and Informal Greetings in Polish
21 - Thank you so much!...

LanguageIvonka - 12 May 2007 / tsh1020 - 9 Dec 2009
Live Mocha, have you used this? Is it any good?
7 - I just had a look at it and, again, I would say it's okay as an addition to...

LanguageMichallikes - 21 Sep 2009 / learn polish - 8 Dec 2009
Polish Phonology.
Dostał buta - genitive / accusative
25 - Yeah, it's a term of endearment. Grzesiu is another one....

LanguageDerevon - 1 Dec 2009 / Seanus - 4 Dec 2009
The Dative Case  2  3
free polish -english dictionary online  2
jedni? masculine plural version of jeden
Grammar Cases - would "revisiting" english grammar help with learning?
A good learning book for Polish  2
An issue in threads about translating between Polish and English
A word about a dialect.
Polish Language Pronunciation - Example Words and Phrases  2  3  4  5  6
178 - It's pronounced Ag-nyesh-ka...

LanguageBlissfl - 25 Nov 2006 / Aggy - 26 Nov 2009
Word order in the Polish language?
Polish websites for a beginner reader
Numbers in the Polish Language  2
39 - thank you IT is a good efforts...

LanguageIvonka - 2 Mar 2007 / mido_dv25 - 21 Nov 2009
Learning Polish using audio?
17 - thank you so much...

Languagekie - 22 Sep 2007 / mido_dv25 - 21 Nov 2009
Are there multiple meanings for "jestes kochany"?
Two questions for people who learn polish  2
Meaning of letters in online polish dictionary?
11 - Thanks, I will check out this dictionary....

Languagecatsoldier - 12 Nov 2009 / catsoldier - 19 Nov 2009
I like and I dislike...
3 - Dziękuję!!!...

Languageangelbina000 - 17 Nov 2009 / angelbina000 - 17 Nov 2009
Funny sayings on Polish weddings
precarious polish homonyms
Need help with spelling "Theresa"
Question about the Nickname Ola versus Aleksandra
9 - a short form of Alexander is Olek...

LanguageIrisheyz77 - 7 Sep 2007 / alex+olka - 13 Nov 2009
Supermemo.net - has anyone had any experience with it?
3 - Unless you don't have any choice, stay away from Skype lessons. You're in London - it should be...

Languagetheevilmonkey - 4 Nov 2009 / delphiandomine - 12 Nov 2009
Polish grammar exercises from hell  2  3  4  5
What's the difference between 'swoje' & 'moje'?  2
Writing Polish in longhand (cursive)
17 - here is a good link to pics of written polish with the ł written as a normal "l" with...

LanguageLightbulb - 8 Sep 2007 / Trevor - 11 Nov 2009
Jest/To jest - to jest is often abbreviated to just to
Siebie/Sobie meaning?

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