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Ambiguous words? [całkiem and zapewne]

Derevon 12 | 172  
14 Dec 2009 /  #1
The following two words seem very ambiguous to me:

1) "Całkiem". Dictionaries claim it means both "quite" and "completely", so how can I know when it means what? And please don't just tell me "from the context." ;)

2) "Zapewne". Dictionaries say "probably" and "certainly", so same question here.

mira - | 115  
14 Dec 2009 /  #2
First thing that came to my mind is that "całkiem" i usually folowed by an u can say całkiem- what? : for instance: możliwe, prawdopodobne.calkiem can mean not enirely, whereas "zapewne" you use in a different context. to me, "zapewne" can start a sentence or appear in a sentence on it's means "probably". i'm not an expert in this field, but i hope i explained a bit.this is how i understand the difference between those two words.
OP Derevon 12 | 172  
14 Dec 2009 /  #3
Thanks for your attempt, but I'm afraid it doesn't really answer my question. Both these words have two different meanings according to the dictionaries, and I'm wondering when they mean one thing and when then they mean the other.

Anyone else has some idea?
Ziemowit 14 | 4,278  
14 Dec 2009 /  #4
Zapewne nigdy nie będziesz/nie zostaniesz milionerem.
The speaker expresses his conviction here that you will never become a millionaire, but ... it can't be excluded for sure after all, that's why the speaker prefers to use it instead of:

Na pewno nigdy nie będziesz/nie zostaniesz milionerem.

Jest całkiem prawdopodobne, że nigdy nie będziesz/nie zostaniesz milionerem.
This sentence (which is more neutral) shows that the two zapewne/całkiem have something in common, but the difference is similar to the difference in English:

--- You'll possibly never become a millionaire.
--- It's quite possible that you'll never be a millionaire.


You can't replace zapewne with całkiem in the first sentence, you might in the second one, although it will sound a bit awkward.
CRACOVIA1906 - | 25  
14 Dec 2009 /  #5
Zapewne jutro będzie padać. It will probably rain tomorrow. I use that phrase when im 80% sure

Jest całkiem możliwe ze jutro będzie padać. It will probably rain tomorrow. I use it if im not that sure. I'm not sure but I dont think that they could mean something else than probably. However i'm no Professor so i might be wrong.
OP Derevon 12 | 172  
14 Dec 2009 /  #6

Could anyone please translate these sentences into Polish (I just want to make sure I understood it right):

a) For sure I will visit you.
b) I'm pretty sure it will rain.
c) I'm totally convinced that I'm right.
d) It's quite likely that you're right.
e) It's quite probable that he was there.

Also if someone could tell me if I got these in the right order (from unsure to sure) and if my translations are correct:

1) dosyć/dość/raczej/całkiem pewien (quite certain) (if there is some difference in degree between these 4 please let me know ;) )
2) prawie/niemal pewien (almost certain)
3) zapewne (as good as certain, but some small reservation)
4) całkowicie/zupełnie/absolutnie pewien (100% certain)

Ziemowit 14 | 4,278  
14 Dec 2009 /  #7
1. Jutro na pewno cię odwiedzę.
2. Jestem prawie/niemal/dość/raczej pewien, że jutro będzie padać.
3. Jestem całkowicie/absolutnie przekonany/pewien, że mam rację.
4. Jest całkiem możliwe, że masz rację / Zapewne masz rację.
5. Jest dosyć prawopodobne, że on tutaj był.

The second part is OK in my view.
peter_olsztyn 6 | 1,098  
14 Dec 2009 /  #8
1. Jutro na pewno cię odwiedzę.

hmm tam nie ma tomorrow :)
OP Derevon 12 | 172  
15 Dec 2009 /  #9
Hmm, actually I wrote "tomorrow" first and then deleted it (never even submitting or reviewing) just to shorten it down a bit. Are you psychic? ;)

Thanks a lot Ziemowit.

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