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Profile of: "ShortHairThug"
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1 May 2009
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14 Feb 2016
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What do Polish people think of the Asia and Middle East?
- Life
Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D
- Language
In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc
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- Genealogy
- Language
My wife has been secretly sending money back to Poland
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Age difference in Dating a Polish - Is it ok for Man 27years to date Polish Lady 39years?
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Adultery- Is it ok for Polish women
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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?
- Law
My Polish wife's family hate me. Maybe it is because I'm black. Advice needed.
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Woloczyn or Wolosczyn: Am I Polish? Help
- Genealogy
Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield?
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Polish & Prussian/German town name cross-reference.
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Lubuskie Region / Rąpice Cemetery
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"Westerner's" most ridiculous beliefs about the time of communism in Poland
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Polands new immigrants from the West.
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Why Do You Love Poland?
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What strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do?
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What's wrong with Poland? I don't see anything.
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Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world!
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I am of Polish descent (i am something called kashoop). Kaszub, Kashubian?
- Genealogy
Terrible past for the Jews in Poland?
- History
Why are Poles always so miserable? Why do they never smile?
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Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines?
- Travel
Jewish Roots of Poland
- Genealogy
Does Poland support the idea of Slavic unity?
- News
Communist era 'newspeak' appeals the most to Poland PiS supporters (what a surprise)
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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!
- UK, Ireland
What proportion of the Polish population collaborated with the Nazis?
- History
Is the term 'Polak' derogatory??
- Language
Auberzinski family name
- Genealogy
What can Poland do to attract more tourists? Llamas farm?
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Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children
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Are foreigners welcome in Poland?
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The nature of Polish jokes?
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What is Poland's fastest growing ethnic group?
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Poles start to feel arrogant and superior to Southern Europeans
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Polish name for cut of beef
- Food
Is this true about Polish pronunciation of English (that some words sound identical?)
- Language
Why Poles will never belong in England
- UK, Ireland
How welcoming is Poland for an American visitor? And great places to visit.
- Travel
Why is the Polish language so difficult?
- Language
Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland?
- Life
Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK
- UK, Ireland
Polish women are the most beautiful in the world!
- Love
So called "inconvenient parts" of Polish history - what do you think?
- History
Family name Morwitch (Anglicised)
- Genealogy
Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government
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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?
- Food
If Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain?
- News
Why most taxis in Warsaw cheat foreigners to get more money?
- Travel
Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money.
- USA, Canada
Funny Polish surnames
- Genealogy
Are Polish roads really this bad?
- Life
3 reasons why you hate Poland.
- Life
Is rape so common in Poland?
- Love
Wielkimi krokami zbliża się... Dzień Przyjaźni Polsko-Węgierskiej
- Po polsku
Polish pirates
- History
Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think?
- News
Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland!
- Food