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If Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain?

Crow  154 | 9207
19 Apr 2011   #1
this evening looks perfect for one hypothetical question that intrigues me very much, from long time ago. That is, if Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain? Poles would be sent back to Poland or they may play significant role in process of Scottish liberation from English oppression?

seams that Scots dream of liberation

To Russia with love: Scottish Opera show goes global
PHIL MILLER, Arts Correspondent
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
19 Apr 2011   #2
if Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain?

Seriously Crow, I imagine it would be like a scene from Braveheart, Poles and Scots lifting their kilts up showing their backside to the Russians while bagpipes are playing Mazurek Dabrowskiego somewhere in the background.

They already practice it just for this occasion, Russian liberation indeed, we all know what that means.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
19 Apr 2011   #3
yes but, English don`t know. They are stupid
JonnyM  11 | 2607
19 Apr 2011   #4
if Russia liberate Scotland

Liberate from what? The tyranny of democracy?
guesswho  4 | 1272
19 Apr 2011   #5
yeah, I bet you guys are really unhappy not being a part of the "Serbian Empire", LOL
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
19 Apr 2011   #6
yes but, English don`t know. They are stupid

Seems to me that Brits are thought that lesson the hard way. Didn’t you notice how they all scream bloody murder, foreign occupation, courtesy of their own government. Music to my ears.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
19 Apr 2011   #7
Hahahaha Crow, since when has Scotland needed liberated? Scots care as much for Russia as we do for Mongolia :D

By the way, your link has nothing to do with the title of your thread!

Big deal, a Scottish opera company going to Russia...who cares
OP Crow  154 | 9207
19 Apr 2011   #8
Liberate from what? The tyranny of democracy?

from idiotism
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
19 Apr 2011   #9
Are you the leader of this new movement crow!!!! hahahahahaha
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
19 Apr 2011   #10
Scotland has a population of 6 million.
Last month the London govt said they are going to take £ 10 billion extra from Scotlands oil revenues.

How much have they stolen from every man, woman and child in Scotland ?

Добро пожаловать !
chichimera  1 | 185
19 Apr 2011   #11
it would be like a scene from Braveheart, Poles and Scots lifting their kilts up showing their backside to the Russians

The only problem is - we don't have kilts... :(
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
19 Apr 2011   #12
How much have they stolen from every man, woman and child in Scotland ?

What has that got to do with the Scottish opera theatre going to Russia?
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
19 Apr 2011   #13
Gimme a break Dave.

I'm posting in a thread about Russia invading Scotland with Polish workers playing bagpipes forming an alliance with Serbia all due to the Scottish opera playing Lucia di Lammermoor in St Petersburg.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
19 Apr 2011   #14
Gimme a break Dave.

Well, anything that publicises the SNP is worth it ;)

I'm just myth'd why the mods haven't changed the title or something :D
OP Crow  154 | 9207
19 Apr 2011   #15
I'm posting in a thread about Russia invading Scotland with Polish workers playing bagpipes forming an alliance with Serbia

say that Polishforums aren`t best forum of the Net. Never ending party here
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
19 Apr 2011   #16
The only problem is - we don't have kilts

But the Sobieski-Stuarts invented kilts and then tricked the Scots into believing they were authentic Highland costumes.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
19 Apr 2011   #17
of course they did................oy to your strengths dessie....silence.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
21 Jul 2015   #18
Is it possible that this thread was started back in 2011 year? Its so actual even now

Russia closer to decision to liberate Scotland ?

Russian UN Envoy Calls On UK Government to Stop Its Colonial Habits


Russia's Envoy to the UN Vitaly Churkin

UK should stop supporting terrorists around the world ......, stop supporting "motley horde"......, stop your colonial habits, leave the world in peace and then, may be, the situation will improve in many areas," Churkin said.

OP Crow  154 | 9207
15 Jan 2018   #19

Russia don`t consider Scotland to be part of Britain - as events proves it

Two UK planes today took off to intercept Russian planes above Scotland. Conclusion is obvious.
source: b92/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2018&mm=01&dd=15&nav_category=78&nav_id=1347186
jon357  72 | 22778
15 Jan 2018   #20

I don't think many people in the UK are very interested in what Russia do or don't consider. Nor do I see any particular love for Russia in Scotland.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
15 Jan 2018   #21
We don`t talk here about UK but about Scotland. Scots feel unhappy in Britain. They suffer. Its evident. See, I guaranteed you that they secretly have contacts with Russia. I see that clearly. England is s****.
jon357  72 | 22778
15 Jan 2018   #22
Scots feel unhappy in Britain

Scotland voted to remain in the UK.

They suffer. Its evident.

Really - it's clear you've never been to Scotland.

And, it has to be said that hey don't suffer as much as the women in the Serbian rape camps.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
15 Jan 2018   #23
Yes. Voted. Democracy in UK is famous.

And, it has to be said that hey don't suffer as much as the women in the Serbian rape camps.

Fabricated ugly tales of your BBC won`t bring you anything. For lies on Serbs, you English would pay by losing profit in entire Slavic world, Poland included. Actually, in most of the world, not just in Slavic world. You would be isolated as anomaly. You shall see. England would be kicked so hard that would beg for mercy. Chinese president Xi is right, Britain is insignificant country. Dark cancer on the face of Earth.

Greedy England should better return the Malvinas to rightful owner. And you dare to patronize others.
jon357  72 | 22778
15 Jan 2018   #24
Yes. Voted. Democracy in UK is famous.

It is indeed - free and fair elections, and no doubt at all about the referendum result. Incidentally, the ScotNats are no longer calling for a referendum - polls show that the result if one were held now would be even stronger in favour of remaining in the UK..

For lies on Serbs

Truth, Crow, truth. Rape camps and mass murder of civillians. Until the free world whupped your asses.

Evidently the different parts of the UK prefer to stay together. Unlike the former Yugoslavia who want as little as possible to do with the corrupt, violent and venal Serbs as possible.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Jan 2018   #25
Scotland voted to remain in the UK.

Much to my displeasure.

But it was a fair vote, and one that could easily have gone the other way had the Yes campaign convinced elderly voters that their pensions were secure. The interesting thing is that if Scotland had voted Yes, the Leave EU campaign would have had a decisive victory.

polls show that the result if one were held now would be even stronger in favour of remaining in the UK..

It's an interesting time right now, because one thing that's become clear is that some Yes voters were voting that way to leave the EU, while previous No voters are now considering voting Yes to remain in the EU.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
16 Jan 2018   #26

Mazurek Dabrowskiego sounds cool on bagpipes. Sound so ancient. Thanks for sheering that video and sound

Until the free world whupped your asses.

I will deal with all you nonsense in above posts but, just now to say one on this.

Wait? If I understand you correctly. So Serbian asses are whupped by free world (ie omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient Anglo-Franco-Germanics) and now, turn has come for Polish asses to be whupped? Now whupping Poles? Is that it.
jon357  72 | 22778
16 Jan 2018   #27
So Serbian asses are whupped by free world

Indeedy doody.

Polish asses

You do realise that you started the thread about illegal Russian interference in elections - which didn't work in this case. Not Poland at all.

And Poles do viscerally loathe Russia, and have no love at all for their donkey Serbia.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
16 Jan 2018   #28
Indeedy doody.

Man, it didn`t even started. Your media gave you false info. Before this finishes your queen and princesses would all have Serbian lovers, I assure you. Will beg for more.

And Poles do viscerally loathe Russia, and their donkey Serbia.

Play on that Russian-Polish thing, don`t you? You can`t resist to it? Scheme-man, evil to the core. Manipulation is in your veins. Degenerics. But, morbid as you are, you don`t realize that Poles despise you English. Hate Russian and despise English. That`s a general public feeling. Serbians? In general? Loved by Poles. Go, ask them. Plus loved by Russians and feared by English.
jon357  72 | 22778
16 Jan 2018   #29
Your media gave you false info

Russia tried that one.

Play on that Russian-Polish thing, don`t you?

Because by and large, people in Poland hate Russia.

Serbians? In general? Loved by Poles.

Nobody thinks about Serbia - it is an irrelevance to the world, a loathed and pitied backwater.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
16 Jan 2018   #30
We have high opinion on ourselves and low opinion on English. From all western Europeans we have lowest opinion on English.

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