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Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think?

Crow  154 | 9207
5 Jun 2010   #1
i am curious to found out what Poles think about Tusk. Shall we say that he behave in the style of dictator?

as a Serbian i am very upset with this man. But, its me. More important is what Poles think
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
5 Jun 2010   #2
The man is one of Europe's best PM's and certainly not a dictator. He has a very consensual style of government that is inclusive.
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Jun 2010   #3
Define a dictator first. As seen in the common vision, Tusk doesn't fit the bill.

However, he is in bed with powerful Eurocrats like Von Rompuy. He is more of a shoulder rubber. He can't seem to see past the nonsense that is climate change. Copenhagen was just blowing air (tragic irony/pun) and is an insult to our progress in humanity. Tusk is a yes man, not powerful enough to be a dictator.
sobieski  106 | 2111
5 Jun 2010   #4
As far as I know - I am only living six years in Poland - Donald Tusk is prime minister because his party - of which he is the party leader - won the biggest share of the votes in a democratic parlimentary election. His party is part of democratic coalition between two normal parties.

So where does the dictatorship comes in?

With the latest opinion polls, both PO and their presidential candidate enjoy a lot of support.

Speaking as a Belgian, Herman van Rompuy is not a powerful Eurocrat. He was a consensus candidate between all EU countries.

And I do not think we have to take lessons from Serbia, arguably the most backward, corrupt and violent country in the whole of Europe, prone to war crimes and mass killings.
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Jun 2010   #5
Sobieski, Farage was right to attack Von Rompuy. The guy is a joke!

As for Serbia, I doubt that you know 1/10th of the Yugoslav War so please refrain from labelling Serbia.

Milosevic was seen as a dictator and was even attacked by his own people and officers, Crow. That much is true!

Tusk is just insipid, not a dictator.
lukaszpoznanski  10 | 39
5 Jun 2010   #6
He's a dictator alright... of chicken and potatoes:
sobieski  106 | 2111
5 Jun 2010   #7
Sorry I stick to my point that Serbia is a backward and violent, mafia-dominated "country".
They managed to start the First World War, you have to be a pro to do that one.
I am not Polish, that much is true, but I wholeheartedly in local and European elections voted PO. I think in Poland they deliver the majority of the normal balanced politicians (with the exception of Palikot maybe).
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Jun 2010   #8
Serbia is mafia dominated and their mafia killed one of their own PM's who represented hope. The Serbian police have a hard job containing them.

As for Tusk, he is a nothingman. What has been his crowning moment to date? I can think of none.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
5 Jun 2010   #9
Serbia is mafia dominated and their mafia killed one of their own PM's who represented hope. The Serbian police have a hard job containing them.

you have wrong informations Keltski brate
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Jun 2010   #10
Crow, I know there was a major clampdown years ago but I don't know how effective it was. What happened to Dindić, for example? Arkan and prominent Red Star fans were hardcore mafia folk. You even admitted it yourself, Crow, it's a subculture and not broadly representative of Serbian culture at all.

Tusk is a cure for insomnia. Doctors need to include him in their medical practice :)
nincompoop_not  2 | 192
5 Jun 2010   #11
Only brainwashed and deluded people can repeat and repeat statement about love for politician

yep, I agree

like backward so called Poles in America
Why the heck some of them assume they have a right to say anything about Poland is beyond me!
OP Crow  154 | 9207
5 Jun 2010   #12
What happened to Dindić, for example?

CIA or Albanian KLA maybe? Some speculate

Arkan and prominent Red Star fans were hardcore mafia folk. You even admitted it yourself, Crow, it's a subculture and not broadly representative of Serbian culture at all.

but, you don`t know whole story

When Serbia was exposed to economic blockade and trade embargo (after 1991) by Israel, Islamic league, NATO and EU, only mafia was able to break the blockade around Serbia. So, mafia flourished. Official politics was in situation to tolerate mafia. It was the matter of survivor, no only of regime but also of ordinary people, children is hospitals. State had much bigger problems to deal with, starting from mujaheedines and NATO attacks in Bosnia, Hercegovina and Rashka region to the ustashe attacks on Krajina and Kosovo Muslim terrorists.

Only because of this situation was possible for people like Arkan to present itself as hero. He was warrior but notorious criminal in the same time, criminal capable to provide fuel and medications via black market (for example).

But, when embargo against Serbia was over, state started to deal with mafia problem. Since then, back in that time, Montenegro president Milo Djukanovic (internetional criminal boss) confronted with Milosevic and started his separatist policy.

Modern day Serbian state practically solved mafia problem and play leading role in the region, in that sense.
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Jun 2010   #13
I have read as much. Anyway, over to you, Crow. What makes Tusk a dictator?
OP Crow  154 | 9207
5 Jun 2010   #14
What makes Tusk a dictator?

take for example destines of Tusk`s political opponents. Tragic destines, isn`t it? Its the symptomatic or Tusk is just lucky b*****d. Very lucky
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Jun 2010   #15
That doesn't make him a dictator though ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9207
5 Jun 2010   #16
but of course not
frd  7 | 1379
5 Jun 2010   #17
I like Tusk, he's not a dictator. Admins of these forums are though ; )
OP Crow  154 | 9207
5 Jun 2010   #18
I like Tusk

i don`t like him. Serbians don`t like him at all. He is Slavic traitor to us
frd  7 | 1379
5 Jun 2010   #19
He is Slavic traitor to us

In what way? Is he a hidden muslim or an innocent citizen of a small mountain town?
OP Crow  154 | 9207
5 Jun 2010   #20
In what way?

he took part in partition of Serbia and creation of Greater Albania. President Kaczynski opposed to his anti-Serbian policy but now Tusk can do whatever he want. At least, as long as Polish public tolerate him
5 Jun 2010   #21
i am curious to found out what Poles think about Tusk. Shall we say that he behave in the style of dictator?

as a Serbian i am very upset with this man. But, its me. More important is what Poles think

Prime minister Tusk, has handled the Smolensk and flood crisis in Poland with dignity and has grown in the eyes of the people.
noreenb  7 | 548
5 Jun 2010   #22
I don't think he is a dictator.
He looks for me as a person with a strong character and intelligence, but he is not very charismatic IMO.
He knows how to behave in particular situations, and he is good at it, but I expect more from Polish PM.
He seems to be trustworthy, but I expected from him to be more "serious". I would called him a "light" politician but I don't think that it is a good word for a Polish PM.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
5 Jun 2010   #23
i respect any opinion of Polish people. Its maybe only this momentum of history that Poles and Serbs have different interests. Or, it just only appear to be that way

on the other side, even Serbian politicians failed to defend Serbian interests. What should then Serbs expect from Polish politicians

But people. God would save people
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2010   #24
God would save or God will save, Crow?

Tusk is a follower of the Polish national football team, that's a plus!
Amathyst  19 | 2700
6 Jun 2010   #25
Shall we say that he behave in the style of dictator?

He cant be as bad as Blair who thought he was a president rather than priminister with a cabinet..Poland seem to have done okay through the economic crisis so he's got my vote!
nincompoop_not  2 | 192
6 Jun 2010   #26
I don't think he is.
He's got a really hard time trying to sort out the last few years' mess.

I think he's too weak.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
6 Jun 2010   #27
. I think in Poland they deliver the majority of the normal balanced politicians

Good Man!
The PO also has a very able cabinet with luminaries such as Rostowski, Sikorski and a few others.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
6 Jun 2010   #28
Sorry I stick to my point that Serbia is a backward and violent, mafia-dominated "country".

Sorry, you are wrong. Since when is freedom loving people labeled as backward and violent?

Investment opportunities in Serbia


European investors have ranked Serbia among the top 25 investment opportunities globally (1).

They managed to start the First World War, you have to be a pro to do that one.

Austro-Hungaria and Germany started WWI. Its official historic fact. Serbia was in alliance with Entente powers and leading liberation force of Slavic world (against both, Ottoman Turkey and Austro-Hungarian empire). First victory of allayed forces was won by Serbians and, also battle that ended Turkish domination on Balkan was won by Serbians.

I am not Polish, that much is true, but I wholeheartedly in local and European elections voted PO. I think in Poland they deliver the majority of the normal balanced politicians (with the exception of Palikot maybe).

Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2010   #29
Have you any speeches of Tusk speaking about the Balkans, Crow? He is small fry, the bigger powers make the key decisions there. I am not Tusk's biggest fan but I need proof of him being in the Albanian pact like Kouchner and his ilk. To me, he doesn't fraternise with his kind. Tusk is a tough nut to crack as he really says very little.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
6 Jun 2010   #30
Have you any speeches of Tusk speaking about the Balkans, Crow?

sure, i have

Question to Polish prime minister from student of Warsaw university when he have meet with students:

tan,, mar; 2008-02-27, ostatnia aktualizacja 2008-02-27 17:24

Tusk explaining to Polish students why Poland took part in partition of Serbia (land of Racowie), historically loyal Polish partner.


``-Why you broken international law and ignored opinion of Polish people and recognized Kosovo? (...)

Prime minister in answer assure that Poland no act against Serbia and that he personally ``love Jugoslavian culture`` He said that Poland have to do the same what another countries of the world and that Poland needed to balance between world powers.``

Such a treachery can be committed only by dictator who ignore will of majority in public, while on his own follow agenda of foreign centers of power. All money of EU can`t compensate such a blow onto Polish vital strategic interests. Blow committed by prime minister of Poland. Only President Kaczinsky was Tusk`s real political opponent and now...

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