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Posts by Kashub1410  

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2 Nov 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Their goal is to combat any possible national sentiment as it's part of leftist ideals to become equal (identical) in the fashion of how leftists want things to be.

Create a international community that has more to say over national institutions which therefore tries to fight any national interests.

Businesses happily endorse this due to a global reach and increasing likelyhood of recruiting employees without national boundaries.

EU suits the catholic church in terms of a step to unify people in general and more importantly christianity.

EU seeks to avoid European warfare, which again fuels the drive and need for EU when Russia invaded Ukraine.
1 Nov 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Jest mnóstwo szujów, przecież do dziś widać tu też jak ktoś bredzi pod kątem Polski by tylko pokazać że nie ma się na nich wpływy co się pisze (to są osoby które myślą w kategoriach kontroli, i że mogą być kontrolowane bez ich wiedzy. W porównaniu do ludzi którzy tym się nie przejmują i mają to gdzieś)
31 Oct 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

You might check if they are planning to change their party name then.

Their concept is all about judiciary reform, opposition is going to have to give them something to chew on in the meantime. I don't know? Own judiciary reform which they could accept for the time being?
31 Oct 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

U.K isn't Catholic so it was to be expected for them to set national interests over European peaceful co-existence.

If anything Russia-Ukraine conflict has shown that the reason for E.U's existence is still valid.

If you got an issue with the leadership in the EU. Perhaps you can try to change it?
31 Oct 2022
Love / There's a Polish guy I like, will he be worth it? [26]


Here is a video turorial regarding love languages if your interested. Maybe your pupils can practice their English listening skills:

Good to use during Valentine's Day etc I guess
31 Oct 2022
History / Recommended Poland's history books [186]

Not only, the Szlachta begun to surrender to the critiscism of it's surrounding neighbours regarding authoritarianism seeing the emerging powers of Prussia, Austria and Russia with it's use of mass amounts of infantry (military wise) due to Lost battles with Sweden and how Sweden begun losing ground to those said powers.

How their states were organised gave them the possibility to conscript at will and be in charge of society compared to Poland-Lithuania were everything had to be duscussed before taking a decision, wether in parlament or anywhere else. Leadership wasn't so evidently clear and had to be proven by speech mostly.

In a peaceful relaxing time during boredom it's a good way to avoid escalating conflict, but it's No good if the enemy doesn't abide by those rules and attack you mercilessly anyway.

So many of the conservative and older members of the Szlachta (especially the richest) saw No other option then to become partitioned and end this non-functionality for sure.

The youngest Szlachta however disagreed and would not accept the fate of Poland to die without a fight. Rest is more or less history
31 Oct 2022
Love / There's a Polish guy I like, will he be worth it? [26]

Love language is the things you do when you love someone (some buy gifts, others write letters/poems. Some speak lovely words. Some send good morning good night, some help out with things they normally wouldn't. Some remember dates and ocassions and celebrate them to show how special you are to them etc
26 Oct 2022
Life / Custom plates in Poland [60]

Or a magnet on women who are interested to use it as an excuse to interact with the person, depending on the guy and type of car I reckon.

A Maluch would be trashed for sure unfortunately. People do not appreciate it's cuteness
20 Oct 2022
Off-Topic / Polish Misunderstanding of American Terminology [47]

@johnny reb
It's because Queen English and it's terminology is used in education in most of the world (including in Poland). So American terminology and what's said in American news aren't picked up by Poles living in Poland.

Most Poles don't watch CNN or FOX news, so if any Poles knows American terminology it's because he lives/lived in America.

Like Cejrowski? I guess

Most languages have hidden terminologies which are meant only to be understood by native speakers.
19 Oct 2022
History / Differences between Poland and Russia [43]


Differences between Poland and Russia

Found an interesting video:

So I am like... Hey! What kind of differences do you know about between Poland and Russia?
19 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

@Bratwurst Boy
It's a warranted fear, quite much built on hundreds of years of criticism of the Polish state from Prussian/German, Austrian and Russian critics for not being authoritarian enough. Which naturally leads to the thought of said critics being authoritarian in nature...

Nothing strange about it
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

It was forced from their hands at Potsdam and distributed among the spoils, you should know perfectly well it was a tactic that Stalin did (it was his demand, together with Churchills wish to weaken Germany more permanently). That way Stalin was able to give his loyal stooges a trumph card, arguing that it's the Soviet Union that guarantees Poland's western land and only an alliance with it will make Poland keep it long term.

So it's yet to be seen by Germanys actions if they truly have given up it's eastern lands as compensation or are just smiling kindly to the music being played.
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

I am descended from west Slavic tribes that survived Germanisation thanks to the banners of the piasts and their expansion and, later on the elites who were able to hold on until the time of the partitions. If I owe anything it is to every single Pole.

If Germans truly want reconciliation they should make steps for it. So far there have been children steps, which PiS wrongly assumed as a major trend or thought could gain something out of instead of building on it.

They started playing poker instead of building bridges and called the Germans on their sincerity. Clearly the Germans were merely testing the waters wether or not Poles can be lumped together with Greeks and others "They just want our money".

Which again can lead to a more trade focused relationship and monetary exchanges.

Germans will remain Germans, and friendship with any German should be reserved at the individual level according to me. Until further time in the future, it's strictly business with them and their influence is aimed at increasing and maintaining that influence, even at the cost of destabilising the situation in Poland if seen as in need of it.

Neither Swedes as a people are interested in reconciliation nor Germans, and if Germans are then they want it as cheap as overly possible with pragmatic approach as a goal for economical goals.
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

One thing is to think of current young generation of Germans as responsible for ww2 attrocities (which is wrong)

Another is to ignore the consequences ww2 as a whole brought to eastern europe.

Thinking that generations older then 35+ didn't live the consequences of WW2 and it's aftermath is ignoring the situation that Poland's economical situation of 1990+ was postponed due to tyranically imposed communist authorities by the Soviet Union.

One only has to know about the economical situation of eastern Germany to grasp it even a little.

There is a grudge about it, legally settled or not. How Germany will counter that grudge is up to them, financially or through different means? I don't know

We will see
17 Oct 2022
History / Crazy 1990s in Poland - transition from communism to capitalism - stories [89]

Social (basing communication on verbal social interactions), easily leads to corruption and deals being solely based on connections and type of mentality like: «scratch my back, I scratch yours»

Socialism is a form of ideology which bases it's system on that and that of resolving most issues including trade.

While Capitalism is easily more focused on written communication, items, goods being on time, right amounts and production of goods and services in need and creation of needs to be able to profit by increasing production of goods.

One of the reasons capitalism seems "inhumane" for socially adept people due to difference in communication. While those who prefer technological advancements, and less contacts with people and contracts/laws etc prefer a more capitalist system naturally.

Introvert vs extrovert systems basically.

It's extremes have lead to uprisings&protests.

Difference between having no money, but stalls of food in front of you.

Or tons of "money" but, no food infront of you
7 Oct 2022
News / Should we think about joining part of Ukraine to Poland? [34]

It's fairly obvious he is collecting information about general attitude in Polish society and those knowledgeable/interested in Poland on how it views situation in Ukraine and it's position compared to Kremlin accusations.

Futile to say the least, but it is what it is
7 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

Just because Russians would perform every order if in same situation as Poland. Doesn't mean that Poland does it right now, does it?

You can shove your paranoia and BDM fixations where the sun doesn't shine at the Russian local recruitment centre.
4 Oct 2022
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

@Bratwurst Boy
Mr. K isn't neither Polish President or Polish Prime Minister. I would be surprised if Polish Special Forces or Polish intelligence Services are tied to Mr. K as their trumph card is being as profesional as possible to keep their positions and earnings.

So being tied directly to Mr. K is nearly impossible for them. Mateusz Morawiecki is a former businessman and comes off as shrewd, so he might have pulled it off. Don't think he would risk it tho, I wouldn't be surprised if he is one of the most pro-Germany PiS members due to business background. If Germany wants an entry into PiS party. Morawiecki is the man, his political standing would also reduce Ziobro and Kaczyński's influences.
30 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Jak zwykle chodzi o kasę! [48]

Tylko dlatego że równowaga sił się zaczyna zmieniać, nie oznacza że ma się izolować kompletnie z tego powodu.

Piszesz tak jakbyś chciał aby Polska była osamotniona, poza unii i poza NATO i wszelkich organizacjach międzynarodowych.

To nie było by Polsce przychylne
30 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Jak zwykle chodzi o kasę! [48]

Nic w tym dziwnego, dystans robi swoje.
Produkty niemieckie mogą bez problemu się rozpowszechniać na południowy wschód. Żadne z takich państw ma szans aby Niemcom póki co na długie lata dorównywać.

Jedynym "konkurentem" stanowi Polska, ale jako że więżi ekonomiczne są takie wysokie w Polsce i będą silniejsze zapewne. To nie stwarza to takiego ryzyka, a prędzej bufor ochronny jaka że to teraz jest w obustronnym interesie aby pieniądze się zarabiało.

Co innego jak mogły być użyte do wojny na przeciw sobie. A teraz? Będąc w tym samym sojuszu wojskowym NATO było by to strata pieniędzy
28 Sep 2022
Love / What do Polish woman think about Latinos (dating, relationship) [19]

Cultural differences creates excitement but, also instability and misunderstandings. As long as both sides they love each other it's easily to overcome, but the second the love language and doubts creeps in there is a lot of ammonuition to hurt the other person. No matter in which direction it goes

Life isn't a soap opera
27 Sep 2022
UK, Ireland / How do the Polish and People with Polish Ancestry feel about British Royality [61]

@johnny reb
It's tradition, nothing to do with shallowness. If a women marries for the first time and is a virgin. She obtains the right to wear a white dress at the wedding, lying about it since a women was married before is not only out of taste, it's disrespectful and not a Christian attitude in any sense of the word.

Not a virgin? Then the women should wear a red dress (colour of lust among other things). It's very simple etiquette, and trying to change long established rules like that is very distasteful.

It's like eating soup while slurping and with a fork aswell. Just... why?
26 Sep 2022
News / Famous Poles die - your memories [93]

Adventure based series, very moralistic with regard how to treat your enemy at times, which is when the crew is at odds with one another.

Having "Janek Kos" as the central character of the series, with two women flirting/interested in him. While leaving room for other characters to romantisize as well.

+the dog filling the role of something very similar as Lessie or Rex movies/series.

It had propaganda hidden in it carefully to work subcounciously on viewers mind. (Especially Soviet-Polish friendship)

Yet everyone watched it to enjoy it tho
25 Sep 2022
News / Famous Poles die - your memories [93]

In English it sounds the same as in: "Okkultystyczny aktor" in Polish. When you are thinking more about: "It's a thing", become a tradition or more of a: "We have seen it for years! It's basically tradition now!"

You can't translate "kultowe Polskie serials/aktorzy" which are a shortcut for cultural/culture and in sense of a cult