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Custom plates in Poland

pawian 220 | 24664
1 Oct 2022 #1
One of my multiple hobbies is collecting photos of unusual registration plates, as you already know from another thread.

Let`s go with one of the funniest for a good start:

Alien 22 | 5397
2 Oct 2022 #2
Today I would be ashamed to drive a car with such a licence plate. The G8 is the G7 plus russia.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
2 Oct 2022 #3
Today I would be ashamed to drive a car with such

How about this one?

Alien 22 | 5397
2 Oct 2022 #4
Koks ? means cocaine in English.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
7 Oct 2022 #5
Novi, when you register a car in Poland, you might order such custom plates for you. :):):)

Alien 22 | 5397
7 Oct 2022 #6
Porypany Osobnik, or what does that mean in Polish?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
8 Oct 2022 #7
what does that mean in Polish?

Novi isn`t interested in Polish so it doesn`t matter, really.

Today I spotted two interesting plates: SNAKE and MYSZA (Mouse). Funny. The SNAKE was a red sport car, probably Porsche or similar.
Alien 22 | 5397
9 Oct 2022 #8
Did the SNAKE chase the MYSZA?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
22 Oct 2022 #9
No, they were going in opposite directions.

This must be a law firm car.

Alien 22 | 5397
22 Oct 2022 #10
or maybe legaly earned Audi S7?
OP pawian 220 | 24664
22 Oct 2022 #11
Or illegally but they openly advertise it as legal to avoid the police looking into the case.
Alien 22 | 5397
24 Oct 2022 #12
And I am bursting with laughter when I see a Polish car on a motorway in Germany with a registration starting OST ....
OP pawian 220 | 24664
24 Oct 2022 #13
laughter ...OST.

Coz it reminds you of the Ost Front where a lot of entertainment was offered??? E.g, music concerts performed with Stalin organs.
Alien 22 | 5397
24 Oct 2022 #14
@pawian; Stalin organs...
I prefer HIMARS.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
24 Oct 2022 #15
I prefer HIMARS.

Good suggestion for a custom plate.
However, the Polish law imposes limits on your choices: they mustn`t be longer than 5 letters. So, you have to use HIMAR.
That is why some drivers take advantage of the first letter of the region and the number after it to make longer words:
Eg. S2ybki means Szybki means Fast

Alien 22 | 5397
24 Oct 2022 #16
Jeep srt8 is "szybki", over 250km/h.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
24 Oct 2022 #17
Fasst and furiouss. :):):)
OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Oct 2022 #18
That is why some drivers take advantage of the first letter of the region

KO BIETA means woman

Alien 22 | 5397
25 Oct 2022 #19
KOBITA and without parking sensors. It will end badly.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Oct 2022 #20
It will end badly.

That`s discriminatory - you have just annihiliated the decades -lasting women liberation movement`s attempts to get rid of the discrimination of females. I won`t call you names like Iron coz I am well mannered. :):):)
Alien 22 | 5397
25 Oct 2022 #21
Nice car, she has a taste.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
25 Oct 2022 #22
:):):) Exactly.
Kashub1410 6 | 645
26 Oct 2022 #23
Or a magnet on women who are interested to use it as an excuse to interact with the person, depending on the guy and type of car I reckon.

A Maluch would be trashed for sure unfortunately. People do not appreciate it's cuteness
Alien 22 | 5397
26 Oct 2022 #24
Maluch is trendy now (as an oldtimer).
Paulina 15 | 4355
26 Oct 2022 #25
A Maluch would be trashed for sure unfortunately. People do not appreciate it's cuteness

Don't be so sure :D:

Lenka 5 | 3513
27 Oct 2022 #26
Maluch is cure but is alao uncomfortable and unsafe.
Cargo pants 3 | 1444
27 Oct 2022 #27
Maluch is trendy now

NOPE,it was trendy before but not NOW,its a piece of as it was before.I own one in the US and got so emotional that I flew it and now sits in my yard rusting.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
6 Oct 2023 #28
Plates are getting funnier each month.

Today I spotted PAJAK which means SPIDER. And KOCUR which means TOMCAT.
While yesterday it was KNIFE (in English).

I must think about my custom ones. Remember, no more than 5 letters.

Here are some self suggestions:

Alien 22 | 5397
6 Oct 2023 #29
some self suggestions

Or maybe PWIAN
OP pawian 220 | 24664
6 Oct 2023 #30

I am afraid this shortened version wouldn`t work on readers - they wouldn`t know what it means. After all, custom plates are procured by drivers to impress other drivers and passers-by in streets. PWIAN would be wasted on them. :):):)

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