28 Aug 2016
Life / Differences between Irish, British, Polish, American and other nations culture, tradition, music - loose talk [239]
Well at least it's the case at the campus I attend.
Hillary Clinton would be better suited to bring up since she actually was involved with trying to cover up her husbands rapes and sexual assaults.
and College/University campuses are vastly filled with liberal students
It seems more like trolling to be honest. On a university campus you will find "no means no" posters around, it just seems like "they" think I am an idiot, "they" being whoever is placing those things everywhere.
but how do you know that?
Well at least it's the case at the campus I attend.
Hillary Clinton would be better suited to bring up since she actually was involved with trying to cover up her husbands rapes and sexual assaults.
hushing such stuff and sweeping them under the carpet, harming the victims in the process and allowing the rapists to get away with rape.
and College/University campuses are vastly filled with liberal students
No means yes, yes means anal", "We love Yale sluts
It seems more like trolling to be honest. On a university campus you will find "no means no" posters around, it just seems like "they" think I am an idiot, "they" being whoever is placing those things everywhere.
members of sport teams at universities that are usually the worse as far as attitudes and the treatment fo women is concerned.