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What do you like most about Polish girls? :)

Maluch 30 | 94
31 Jan 2014 #1
iiiiiiii love the accent ! it is adorabbbleee :)

They look amazing + hardly any fatties

"Good" girls - they don't sleep around

They cook and clean haha

hmmm oh yeah and they are smart (really) I have met a lot of really educated girls with a lot to say

what do you like?
rocky2124 1 | 10
31 Jan 2014 #2
They look to me family oriented , that's very admirable quality

If I ever got a chance of marrying one, I would marry with a polish girl.
Englishman 2 | 276
31 Jan 2014 #3
I agree with all your points, except the one about cooking and cleaning. It's the 21st century, that's not what women are for!

Also, Polish women (and men) tend to be honest and conscientious, to enjoy culture (they don't just want to sit in front of the TV) and to be interested in what's happening in the world.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3827
31 Jan 2014 #4
I agree with all your points, except the one about cooking and cleaning. It's the 21st century, that's not what women are for!

damn right Englishman, I am not signing up to be anyones servant on the basis that they have a dick!
31 Jan 2014 #5
It's the 21st century, that's not what women are for!

I don't think I'd hire a man to be my cleaner.
marzenaew - | 2
31 Jan 2014 #6
Indeed , they dont sleep around . :) But still about cleaning its not so easy anymore. I assure you
ShawnH 8 | 1488
31 Jan 2014 #7
I don't think I'd hire a man to be my cleaner.

I sense a lawsuit coming on grounds of gender discrimination.
OP Maluch 30 | 94
31 Jan 2014 #8
i love how everyone assumes the cooking and cleaning thing is a sexist thing! lol take a deep breathe and relax

I cook and clean.. its just nice when a girl can share the responsibilities. The many polish girls I have dated, including my current girlfriend, make you feel special by taking care of you - I like this.

It is a nice contrast to north american girls who 9 times out of 10 can't even cook Kraft dinner :)
Rai 1 | 19
31 Jan 2014 #9
Love the accent :-)
InWroclaw 89 | 1910
31 Jan 2014 #10
you feel special by taking care of you

I hate being fussed over, ugh so clingy and unsexy. I like to be left in peace, after they've made and served dinner and fetched me my slippers and glass of malt whisky. If they're very well behaved, I may pleasure them later (read them some Catherine Cookson, what did you think I meant?)
local_fela 17 | 172
31 Jan 2014 #11
iiiiiiii love the accent ! it is adorabbbleee :)

You mean its funny to hear their accent! :P

They look amazing + hardly any fatties

Depends! I love a bit of meat on my plate! And some bouncing cleavage and some cute bum!

"Good" girls - they don't sleep around

they do. Know how to seduce them. ;)

They cook and clean haha

I cook better than 95% of the people I've met so far. And could confirm being more hygienic than those who's given me a chance to compare.

hmmm oh yeah and they are smart (really) I have met a lot of really educated girls with a lot to say

Depends on your educational level. Or people you have met before. for me they clearly can't compete with girls from the western part of Europe.

They look to me family oriented

True that! :)

the one about cooking and cleaning. It's the 21st century, that's not what women are for!

He was just explaining. He didnt say that he want them as his maids! If a woman is living alone, does it mean that she is not allowed to clean and cook...

Sorry for not being a gentleman, I like it rough

peter_olsztyn 6 | 1082
31 Jan 2014 #12
What do you like most about Polish girls?

It is about -14'C outside now. I love the way iPrincesses clean the snow off their cars and desperately try to start engine.
Of course I don't help them. I support a gender equality idea. Life is hard ;)
local_fela 17 | 172
31 Jan 2014 #13
hahaha made my day! :D

Women wants equal rights, so why ladies first

Snowflake - | 71
1 Feb 2014 #14
Polish girls this, Polish girls that, "looking for polish wife" "how to pick up polish girl" and what's about man? Hardly anyone is looking for polish guy...

I know that polish girls are most wanted, but why no one wants polish men? What's wrong with them?
Lazy? Rude? Ugly? All in one? What's wrong with polish guys? No one likes them? Wondering why....
Wulkan - | 3137
1 Feb 2014 #15
rocky2124 1 | 10
1 Feb 2014 #16
Polish men - how to hook up with polish girls online? The only polish girl registered at polishwoman.con sent me an email was a scammer from Nigeria. :-)
Snowflake - | 71
1 Feb 2014 #17
Ha, ha realy :) even Nigerian wants to be like polish girls :P
OP Maluch 30 | 94
1 Feb 2014 #18
Lazy? Rude? Ugly? All in one? What's wrong with polish guys? No one likes them? Wondering why....

Well everyone knows Polish guys are incredibly ugly ;) and Polish girls always say how "boring" they are

man if i was a Polish guy I would be ****** at all these foreign guys stealing my women! :p
ShawnH 8 | 1488
1 Feb 2014 #19
There's the first problem. Everybody knows the .con domain is full of scammers.
Wulkan - | 3137
1 Feb 2014 #20
man if i was a Polish guy I would be ****** at all these foreign guys stealing my women!

That means you have insecurity towards foreigners and a sexual frustration. You also should understand that women of your nationality by any means do not belong to you.

Well everyone knows Polish guys are incredibly ugly ;)

Says the guy who couldn't get laid in Canada so he came to Poland knowing it would be easier here :-))
local_fela 17 | 172
2 Feb 2014 #21
You also should understand that women of your nationality by any means do not belong to you.

spot on mate!

Says the guy who couldn't get laid in Canada so he came to Poland knowing it would be easier here :-))

I would be first in the Q vs those guys he mentioned above.
local_fela 17 | 172
3 Feb 2014 #24
English pls

I meant he would be first in the queue here infront of those guys he mentioned above!

and smart.

Arguable! :P
rocky2124 1 | 10
3 Feb 2014 #25
They are the most beautiful creatures God has ever invented.
OP Maluch 30 | 94
3 Feb 2014 #27
They are the most beautiful creatures God has ever invented.

Amen :)
crochetbitch88 2 | 83
4 Feb 2014 #28
Sorry for not being a gentleman, I like it rough

Unfortunately it looks like the English gentlemen have died out :( The last one was probably Arthur Hastings
Wulkan - | 3137
4 Feb 2014 #29
it looks like the English gentlemen have died out

They died out indeed, however you still see men opening the door, carring bags etc. for women in Poland.
crochetbitch88 2 | 83
4 Feb 2014 #30
I know, that's why it comes as a bit of a shock to me that Polish men can be more "gentle" than Englishmen. I have met a few proper English ladies though

Home / Love / What do you like most about Polish girls? :)

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