Subject |
What does "czy" mean? 2
Looking to identify a Polish Folk/Pub Song
Capitalization of Cie, Ciebie, and others
example for "bronić"
Looking for a cdrom/dvd package to teach a polish person english
Learning Polish - need courses or books !!!
Talking about the weather
Anglo-Polish language-learning song
Good books about polish grammar? (online purchase)
Common mistakes made by foreigners in Polish 2 3
Making an apology: Polish grammar construction
Does anyone knows about a quick course to learn the basics?
'Getting married' vocab/usage
Why do people want to study Polish? 2 3
The use of pana/i. How often?
czy../trzy.. - Full assimilation in Polish
How to use zakończono, znaleziono, etc in context
Learn from the start
The words kres, skraj, granica - synonyms?
Kupować vs Kupić
Using e or ę at the end of words
Google now translates from Polish to English and English to Polish
Computer terms in Polish
Use of prefixes in f.s tense/rules for forming them?
Learning verbs - which tenses to learn first?
x=a kiss sign. What's a kiss sign for the Polish? 2
Pittsburgh Uni. 1st Yr Polish. HELP
Masc/Fem, Nom-Instr Exceptions
Print on my T-shirt - how to say "Hemp Gru is the best"?
My reading and writing is awful - POLISH IS HARD TO LEARN
What does this Polish phrase mean and what does 'Sorki' mean?
dorota ( dornitka) someone explain
Building site - Polish terms
Czas Teraźniejszy ( Present Tense)
How do you form commands in Polish?
Know the name of this Polish movie? - Quotes from Polish movies.
How long to get fluent in Polish? 2
Some POLISH SENTENCES when visiting the country
Text to speech program in Polish and more!
Imperative, prefix, reflexive verbs, imperfect form in Polish - 6 questions
Did I Get It Right? Krzeslo, ksiazka, okulary
Difference between Polish Imperf. and Perf. forms "pierdolic" 2
Cannot run the English Translator XT & Vista
"polish pig" - is it offensive? 2
Greetings, to much respect?
Polish keyboards - layout difference or QWERTY?
Polish language learning games
Polglish - mixture of Polish and English 2
Indicative, Imperative, Conditional mood... Polish Dictionary Grammar
Sit down - mogę usiąć?
'Tak (więc) jak robi wy zajmujecie się będący *scum* ziemii'
Meaning of "zafraskany"
learning aids for polish learning english
need help with the cases (locative case)
What do all the Polish single letter words mean?
Się and Non-Się
'Na pole' or 'na dwor' ? 2
Parallel texts - a useful learning resource?
Jak sie masz -> niezle, doskonale. Wyglada ladnie - grammar questions 2