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Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland?

jon357  72 | 23706
1 Dec 2021   #211
The Republic of Gibraltar

It's not a republic, and a big chunk of those flags are for countries or regions that are part of other polities.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
1 Dec 2021   #212
History repeats

The moment when you learned that you're not important then a worthless shitclay or whatever Poland think Ukraine is.

PS: The french clay throwing a cute is that!!!! And see Rich? No USian needs to come over for German seemingly either though...
amiga500  5 | 1547
1 Dec 2021   #213
I don't get it, poland and czech is annoyed because western allies smash russia vodka?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
1 Dec 2021   #214
.....that they (will) do it for Ukraine....they didn't do it for Poland or Czechoslovakia, remember?

(And secretly they think themselves much "better", much more worthy than poor Ukraine)

Look at the title: "History repeats"
amiga500  5 | 1547
1 Dec 2021   #215
ahh thank you, i guess i didin't get it because they havn't done it yet, and most importantly they won't. it will be another paper war, with sanctions and sending arms to the few rebels left if there ever was an invasion. it is good cartoon but too much future predicting rathter than based on current events which is what the best polandballs are.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
1 Dec 2021   #216
......and that's why the title isn't "History repeats itself", as it is really said....I guess.....heh:)

Those Polandballs are not only cute but educating...I googled that:

idi nahui

Russian insult that literally translates into "go to a dick" and is used in the same context as the English term "**** off".

mafketis  38 | 11284
1 Dec 2021   #217
idi nahui

Pretty sure that's three words... idi na hui
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Dec 2021   #219
The moment when

Ukraine was all over Germany. They expected support from Germany not Poland. Now Germany says idi nahui to Ukraine. In fact only Britian and USA deem to support them.

Lithuania was the same, all big, too big for Poland. Now they got real and are greates buddies with Poland.
Apologize Ukraine and change your ways or idi nahui.
Are you going pretend that Germany has nothing to do with all that mess?
Your gas deal for example.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
1 Dec 2021   #220
Your gas deal for example.

Yeah....welll.....that was not a very smart move back then:

Ukraine threatens to block Europe gas supplies

...A similar dispute between Moscow and Kiev at the start of 2006 disrupted supplies to Europe, triggering a political crisis and leading to questions about Russia's reliability as an energy supplier.

Almost a quarter of Europe's gas comes through Ukraine....

That was the birth of Nordstream 2 if I remember make sure no instable regime has the power to do that anymore!
Novichok  4 | 8789
1 Dec 2021   #221
I like when you guys discuss "America" sending troops to fight Russians and don't involve America in your happy conversations. How about deleting that word America and its equivalents till the end of time if it means dead Americans or American money. Pleeease...
OP Bobko  27 | 2241
2 Dec 2021   #222
Ah, another excellent Bobko thread is revived!

My take on this issue is that discussions such as these are self fulfilling promises. It doesn't matter what will happen in actual fact, because to NATO's paranoid eastern members the mere fact that this discussion is happening is deeply unsettling. It feeds their complexes that the West doesn't really view them to be on the same footing as older members, and that they may become a point of trade in some grand deal with Russia. Putin wins points against European solidarity without doing anything at all really, except moving forces around internally.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
2 Dec 2021   #223
Putin wins points against European solidarity without doing anything at all really, except moving forces around internally.

I doubt that, the polls in Ukraine say something different....with every agressive move of Putin the support for the West and especially Nato grew....

I have to meet yet also some russian friendly - Putin apologizing Pole...

Where do you think Putin win's points with his behaviour? Even the opposition in Belarus is growing...
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
2 Dec 2021   #224

Are you a Russian troll?

@Bratwurst Boy

Agree with all you say.
Novichok  4 | 8789
2 Dec 2021   #225
I like you both. Just remove "USA" from your chessboard.
OP Bobko  27 | 2241
2 Dec 2021   #226
Are you a Russian troll?


I thought that what I said was self evident. Let's take the example of the Ukraine. The more often Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO Secretary General, has to be trotted out to make statements about having "grave concerns" re: Russia's actions, or that there is a "growing and strengthening resolve of the Allies" to defend Ukraine's territorial and geopolitical sovereignty, the more one begins to doubt how much substance there is behind these words. In Ukraine especially, at this point it only causes a rolling of the eyes. You can add every other Western military and political leader to this list, who has made any such statements from a grand stage. The problem is, ordinary people watch actions.

From this perspective, the Old West has once again demonstrated that it will compromise with Russia when it comes to its historic neighborhood at the cost of its local so-called "partners". From the Ukrainian perspective - they put everything on the line in 2014, and were expecting that their awesome sacrifice for democracy would mean that the Association Agreement would be quickly followed by an even tighter embrace with the EU, including potential membership. Now, seven years later people are saying it will be good if Ukraine can join within 20-30 years. During these seven years, Ukraine got perhaps $2-3B in military aid (mostly non-lethal), and another few billion from the IMF which they would probably have gotten any way. At the same time, Germany, the supposed leader of this union they want to join, builds a second natural gas pipeline with Russia which will deprive Ukraine of $3B in direct ANNUAL earnings to the state budget. Macron is seen regularly meeting with Putin and making noises about how sanctions are counterproductive. Britain meanwhile leaves the Union entirely, and is now more focused on little islands in the South China Sea. Nobody will say it out loud, but the Maidan was for nothing, because Europe turned out to have no balls and instead being focused purely on commerce with the much larger Russia. The more often this is discussed, and Western leaders are forced to make their pathetic protestations, the more the Russian aim of dividing and conquering is furthered. This is what I meant by saying it does not matter what will happen in actual fact.

When Latvia or Estonia was admitted, and Poland for that matter, no serious person could claim that in the 21st century Russia would military invade a neighbor and then annex a part of its territory. But it happened, not once but twice now if we include Georgia. So confronted with the idea that there may actually be a scenario where Americans need to be sent to the Baltics to defend them from the Russians, the tune changed pretty drastically. Trump famously did not want to explicitly state his commitment to Article 5 and spent most of his European tour berating allies for being freeloaders. Newt Gingrich, who was a close adviser to him, said - quote - "Estonia is in the suburbs of St. Petersburg" to indicate that Russian designs on the Baltic states are not at all unreasonable. Rich and Johnny are pretty reflective I think of most Americans when it comes to this issue. No one wants to get nuked for Tallinn.
Novichok  4 | 8789
3 Dec 2021   #227
Rich and Johnny are pretty reflective I think of most Americans when it comes to this issue.

As far as I am concerned, which means nothing, Russia can have whatever was part of the USSR any time it wants and we, the US, have no good reason to risk a global nightmare to stop them. Crimea was given away and taken back. Cool with me.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
3 Dec 2021   #228
word America

Trump said USA is at the lowest point.

Cool with me.

Why are you berating left wing? You are the same. You give away which is not yours to give.
Novichok  4 | 8789
3 Dec 2021   #229
What did I give away? If you mean Crimea, nobody gave away Crimea. Crimea was taken and the West couldn't and didn't do squat. Good move, West. Good move, Vlad.
OP Bobko  27 | 2241
3 Dec 2021   #230
Good, no responses except supporting ones from Novichok. After a week where people posted in the thread non-stop. What this tells me is that my argument had a conclusive effect. To quote Pawian, "Hahahaha :), ;)"
Novichok  4 | 8789
3 Dec 2021   #231
no responses except supporting ones from Novichok.

That was easy. I like Putin, Russia, Russian culture, and their May 9 parades. I don't like Western weasels and their gleeful entitled dependency on us with that smirk of imaginary superiority.
Crow  155 | 9736
3 Dec 2021   #232
In fact only Britian and USA deem to support them.

If moronic. I can imagine Russians nuke some aircraft carrier or battleship. It would be warning and it would come nice to Russia to demonstrate its determination.

with every agressive move of Putin the support for the West and especially Nato grew

Until the first rumors of serious Russian movement.

Poland mistaken if failed to try deal with Russia over the western-most parts of Ukraine. These regions would merge with Poland if idiotic NATO allowed and if Poland offered deal to Russia.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
3 Dec 2021   #233
What this tells me is that my argument had a conclusive effect

What argument? That Russia would like to military invade another country. No it wouldn't. In Georgia and Ukraine it was a limited invasion. I doubt Russia want to invade Ukraine now. They would like Ukraine to join them or to give them part of their land and become their vasal.

I would question if Russia is able to win a full scale military invasion. Would it be able to survive economical fallout of such action?

It is clear what Russia wants - all former soviet republic in their fold. Marginalize EE, take USA out of the EU and make a deal with Germany.

Russia needs money for their gas. They need technology, capital and money from the west.
After all Russia is a third world country in all aspects but military.
Their military is two or three steps behind USA and even China.
They have nukes, a new army and some space capabilites.
If USA snubs Russia in Ukraine and they can do it. Directly or by a proxy. It would mean Russia is done and stays put. That is what USA should do. As this acting up is a challenge to the USA. What will Biden do?

It is not a coincidence Lukasenko turists at Polish border now- with Trump like president that wouldn't happned.
Happy now?

Poland mistaken if failed to try deal with Russia over the western-most parts of Ukraine.

That would be moronic. Poland would lost more than gained.
Crow  155 | 9736
4 Dec 2021   #234
That would be moronic. Poland would lost more than gained.

Before Maiden existed POLUKRBAT and Ukraine and Serbia were on the verge to enter Visegrad. Then happened Maiden and Poland won`t get anything. In USA, Germanic and Vatican`s attempt to control, Poland is shunned aside. As always.
jon357  72 | 23706
5 Dec 2021   #235
This is an extremely good article about Russia and the Baltics/Poland. A lot to think about and a lot about Russia's strengths and weaknesses as well as NATO's opportunities and threats:

the Russians' possession of Kaliningrad is a very strong tactical and operational advantage.

Let us now imagine a - theoretical - war scenario between Russia and NATO in the Baltic region

Confusion reigns in NATO capitals as intelligence services and politicians scramble to make sense of what is happening.
30 Jan 2022   #236
@CrowIt's hard to understand what you mean
15 Feb 2022   #237
Poland is completely different from the Baltic states, Poland's allies with the United States are much higher than the Baltic states, and within NATO Poland and Romania are seen as a defensive whole.
Crow  155 | 9736
15 Feb 2022   #238
and within NATO Poland and Romania are seen as a defensive whole.

Romania is a failed state that urinate on Hungary and Serbia. So let`s not put Poland and Romania in the same context. Plus, NATO is failure, too.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Feb 2022   #239
This is an extremely good article about Russia and the Baltics/Poland.

Google this one and you will understand why the U.S. media and C.I.A. are provoking Russia.

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
15 Feb 2022   #240
The french clay throwing a baguette.

I don't know who draws it. France and Germany are all for Russia. Those countries are a weak link in the NATO. Corrupting EU from inside.

that they (will) do it for Ukraine..

Will they do it? lol!

hink themselves much "better", much more worthy than poor Ukraine)

Is that not what Germans think about themselves? poor delusional people making trouble due to those delusions.

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