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Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland?

jon357  72 | 23350
29 Nov 2021   #151
Some people actually believe that

Even NATO.
Novichok  4 | 8640
29 Nov 2021   #152
Down deep you know that the U.S.A. is your only real security blanket.

Just like every welfare bum knows where the money comes from.
If I were the president, this "blanket" would get a lot more expansive very quickly - or screw you.
johnny reb  49 | 7941
29 Nov 2021   #153
Even NATO.

But not Putin that has them targeted

Would you support the building of an EU army?

Well if the EU would just start paying their fair share into NATO would help.
Maybe we could afford free education and healthcare in our country then.
Buying gas and oil from Putin (Norsteam) to put Billions into Russia's military complex sure isn't helping either.
jon357  72 | 23350
29 Nov 2021   #154
has them targeted

He has everyone targeted. A few minutes over the ice and boom.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
29 Nov 2021   #155
Buying gas and oil from Putin (Norsteam) to put Billions into Russia's military complex sure isn't helping either.

I can't disagree with that....

An own army would be much more expensive for Germany too, come to think of...

16 years of Merkel definitely left their bad mark! I wonder why Obama loved her so much though....he must have known too that she did sh*it for NATO and had no qualms to work with dictators!
Novichok  4 | 8640
29 Nov 2021   #156
Well if the EU would just start paying their fair share into NATO would help.

Not good enough. I want all of our expenses to protect these weasels plus 50%.

My gut tells me that these welfare bums charge us for the use of the US bases in Germany and the UK.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
29 Nov 2021   #157
....but not that an own european army would become cheaper!
johnny reb  49 | 7941
29 Nov 2021   #158
He has everyone targeted.

That was my point about you banging on how secure you are with Europe's two nuclear powers.
He has satellites above you to shut down all communications in Europe to even launch the damn things.
You're screwed jon.
jon357  72 | 23350
29 Nov 2021   #159
banging on how secure

Who ever said the west was secure?

shut down all communications in Europe to even launch the damn thing

You're assuming the nukes are near Europe. Do you track secret submarine movements?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
29 Nov 2021   #160
Fits the discussion! I never knew Canada pays as less as Germany.....
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Nov 2021   #161
I actually can`t believe how is western Europe stupid. Is it possible they don`t see that USA play double game. On Pacific and in Europe. If she lose parts of Pacific due to China expansion, States would at least have ruined western Europe on its mercy.

Morons blindly follow States and would lose reasonable ties with China and Russia. They would be real losers and become colony of USA.
Tacitus  2 | 1259
29 Nov 2021   #162
I never knew Canada

I mean who is realistically going to invade them?

16 years of Merkel definitely left their bad mark!

You are being dishonest here. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, successive governments have reduced the Bundeswehr in size, and in the 2000s there was a big consensus among the German public and government that Russia was no longer an enemy, and that we would need the army for peace keeping and nation building. That only changed in 2014, and even then Merkel and the CDU (and partly the FDP) were the only ones actually advocating for reaarmament. The SPD (with whom the CDU had to form a coalition) was especially bad in this regard. They made sure that any increase to the military budget should also be matched by an increase to the development fund budged (thus making large increases impossible), have long prevented the Bundeswehr from buying armed drones, and followed Mützenich's denuclearization agenda, which put NATOs nuclear deterrent in Germany at risk. There may be issues on which the new government might perform better than before, but Merkel's departure is bad news for the Bundeswehr and Germany's role in NATO. Obama knew that Merkel was one of the few German politicians who were not catering to the German pacifist mentality, which is why he appreciated her.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
29 Nov 2021   #163
and in the 2000s there was a big consensus among the German public and government that Russia was no longer an enemy,

....yeah....that too!

but Merkel's departure is bad news for the Bundeswehr and Germany's role in NATO.

I really don't think it could become worse....I don't want to!

And since the most pro-Putin party in Germany barely made it into the new Bundestag I have hopes we are not really THAT pacifist and appeasing anymore....
Tacitus  2 | 1259
29 Nov 2021   #164
Just look who constitutes the SPD party in the Bundestag. 1/4 of them are from the JuSos who are very much pacifists and have in the past advocated for North Stream and against the 2% aim. The leader of the SPD in the Bundestag is Mützenich, whose policy goals I already stated. Honestly, the way the SPD prevented the Bundeswehr from buying drones really infuriated me... they were not following arguments, they just wanted to score cheap points with the pacifit voters. At least the Left party is consistent with their pacifist policies. You can not send soldiers to fight and not arm them properly!

And the Green party.... well, they might be for sanctions and all, but expecting them to agree to higher defence spendings is really a joke. We all know what they will want more money for, and it won't be for the army!

I really don't think it could become worse

Merkel was the guarantee that this would not happen. With her gone, and with Covid having ravaged our budget, I am rather pessimistic for the future.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
29 Nov 2021   #165
....that doesn't sound good!

I don't want Germany to act neutral when the West and NATO decide to stand up against Putin....Scholz and Baerbock will have to show their true colors rather sooner than later!
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
29 Nov 2021   #166
I don't want Germany to act neutral

It is time for Germany to get over it's guilt complex over WW2.
Europe needs Gerrmany to.act.In a.positive way and not hide behind the.guilt of their ancestors.
Novichok  4 | 8640
29 Nov 2021   #167
Excellent point, Milo.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
29 Nov 2021   #168
Germany is the economic and industrial powerhouse in Europe.and yet they are.too themselves militarily.Relying on the nuclear powers of.Britain and France to bail.them.out.

With the hope that America might join in too.
Sorry Germany, it's time you pulled.your weight.
johnny reb  49 | 7941
29 Nov 2021   #169
Who ever said the west was secure?

You do by repeatedly pratting about nuclear Western Europe.

Do you track secret submarine movements?

Not my job but you can bet your ass Putin does.

when the West and NATO decide to stand up against Putin....

We know that the West would be demolished by Russia without NATO/the U.S.A.
jon357  72 | 23350
29 Nov 2021   #170
ass Putin does

Probably very badly, since they're excellent at stealth.

Relying on the nuclear powers of.Britain and France to bail them.out.

I notice that we've sent our British/NATO troops back there after withdrawing them previously.
Novichok  4 | 8640
29 Nov 2021   #171
We know that the West would be demolished by Russia

These nuts are doing a splendid demolishing job with Russia just watching TV and sipping vodka.
johnny reb  49 | 7941
29 Nov 2021   #172
since they're excellent at stealth.

Some people actually believe that
Remember when Russia's nuclear subs were detected only 20 kilometers off the shores of Britain ?
Remember when Russian bombers were actual seen by the British civilians when they were so close to Britain ?
What are your so called stealth subs going to do about that ?
jon357  72 | 23350
29 Nov 2021   #173
Some people actually believe that

The military certainly do...

were detected

Very effectively...

stealth subs going to do about that ?

Jim evidently thinks that nuclear submarines are ordered to act against other countries during peacetime.
johnny reb  49 | 7941
30 Nov 2021   #174
The military certainly do...

So they tell you to make you feel safe

Very effectively...

they had no reason to go stealth, it made no difference
those are the ones you saw, just think of the ones you didn't see but were there right under your nose on your doorstep

Jim evidently thinks

another projection by joun pretending to know what others think
jon357  72 | 23350
30 Nov 2021   #175
So they tell you to make you feel safe

Straw clutching at its weakest.

the ones you didn't see but were there

Inside knowledge from the Putinist navy? Or just making stuff up as usual...

I'd worry more about the Arctic.
johnny reb  49 | 7941
30 Nov 2021   #176
Straw clutching at its weakest.

Prove it

Inside knowledge from the Putinist navy?

Common knowledge like when the Russian nuclear sub, after a very long time hidden off the coast of Britain/Sweden was finally detected to the shock of Western Europe.

If anyone is clutching at straws it is you with your meaningless one liners.
I honestly think you could make a preacher swear.
jon357  72 | 23350
30 Nov 2021   #177
Common knowledge



This word here is the key.

Quite busy under the Arctic these days...
johnny reb  49 | 7941
30 Nov 2021   #178

Yes really, are you denying that fact ?

Quite busy under the Arctic these days...

Another deflect because we weren't talking about the Artic, we were talking about Western Europe where you live, Slippery.
Yes, a Russian sub in British waters under the Russian flag harassing British warships and tapping into internet cables on the ocean floor virtually undetected, according to very rattled sources within the UK military.

The Telegraph was the first to report the worries, which include the belief that new and improved diesel-powered Kilo-class boats more accurately referred to as the Varshavyanka class equipped with stealth technology are stalking British warships undetected, in British territorial waters.

And at least one Russian submarine has already successfully demonstrated its potential by cruising nearly undetected along a NATO member-state's coastline.
jon357  72 | 23350
30 Nov 2021   #179

It's key. And it's Russian. And it touches your territory.



As you can see, it's been so well reported that perhaps they aren't 'super silent' after all, and certainly not 'secret' any more. In fact, as the reports show, they were caught red handed in the act.
Novichok  4 | 8640
30 Nov 2021   #180
cruising nearly undetected along a NATO member-state's coastline.

If your intention was to make me smile, you have succeeded.

they were caught red handed in the act.

...said a naive guy who believes his rulers. How about that they wanted to be detected to intimidate. Did you consider that?
You forgot a hyphen. You are welcome.

Home / News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland?

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