I am in Poland for one semester and I have been going out to clubs with my class. Every time these drunk Polish guys come up to me and they want to start a fight with me just because i look different
Whats up with Polish guys getting drunk and looking for a fight?
WielkiPolak 54 | 988
5 Feb 2016 #2
Are you sure they are not British? A lot of them go drinking in Poland too.
Yes they are Polish. They were speaking Polish and one time they called my friends sluts for hanging out with me
WielkiPolak 54 | 988
5 Feb 2016 #4
Is it always the same ones or different guys every time? It's not a particularly Polish thing to pick on people in bars, but some guys get drunk and it can happen? What nationality and race are you? That might have something to do with it.
I am a Canadian born Iranian. Studying in the UK just here for an exchange program. So if it has something to do with the race then they can be called Racists i suppose?
polishinvestor 1 | 341
5 Feb 2016 #6
The disco-polo types that spend their hours in the silownia tend to be patriots at best, racists at worst. They probably think its being macho and that they are defending Polish girls from other races. Its less common in larger cities but unfortunately quite common in small **** holes
Its less common in larger cities but unfortunately quite common in small **** holes
By the way, were you one of the 95 020 782 viewers of this video?
I am a Canadian born Iranian.
So you're muslim, they don't like muslims
So they hate me just because I have a different religion? Wow!
They hate you because you worship a peadophile, quite reasonable, they don't like peadophiles.
Exactly what I was talking about. People like you! A religion is supposed to be a matter of PERSONAL belief. And I have my best buddies from different religions and countries. Anyway i'm outta here!
Anyway i'm outta here!
We're gonna miss you :-)
Wroclaw1010 3 | 90
5 Feb 2016 #13
They hate you because you worship a peadophile, quite reasonable, they don't like peadophiles.
I didn't know butter wouldn't be able to melt in your mouth.
They hate you just because you have a different Skin color some stupid polish think that any one has a different Skin color is a muslim :D
I'm an algerian muslim and i have no problem just because i'm white and i look polish
I'm an algerian muslim and i have no problem just because i'm white and i look polish
Bartkowiak 5 | 114
6 Feb 2016 #15
Stupid *People hate other races and ethnicities. What you said yourself is quite racist, according to you: only Poles can be racist. If you can't respect our country or it's citizens, GTFO.
6 Feb 2016 #16
Hello, you dont look Polish if you are algerian. Stop with BS.
By the way, i am latin (southern italian looking) and once i was questioned by a bouncer if i was muslim.
I told that i was not and he even smiled to me and let me enter at the club.
So you see that they are not racist. Otherwise i would have been bounced. They are just avoiding that some retarded muslim create a Bataclan part 2.
By the way, i am latin (southern italian looking) and once i was questioned by a bouncer if i was muslim.
I told that i was not and he even smiled to me and let me enter at the club.
So you see that they are not racist. Otherwise i would have been bounced. They are just avoiding that some retarded muslim create a Bataclan part 2.
Bartkowiak 5 | 114
6 Feb 2016 #17
He should just GTFO of Poland if he's such a silly snob in real life.
Hello, you dont look Polish if you are algerian. Stop with BS.

I live where i want with my money :D
i am latin (southern italian looking) and once i was questioned by a bouncer if i was muslim.
Why he questioned you ? because you have colored skin
southern italian
they look arab
And why no one ask me ?
6 Feb 2016 #19
Question someone is not racism.
Beat the **** out of someone just because of skin color is racism.
So if the bouncer asked if i was a muslim, he was not being racist.
Beat the **** out of someone just because of skin color is racism.
So if the bouncer asked if i was a muslim, he was not being racist.
@Marc: do you know that NOT all Algerians are ... Arabs? There are for instance Kabyles (ex Zinedine Zidane) who are NOT Arabs. They have very light skin and a lot of them are even blond with blue eyes (example: French film director Dany Boon). Do get informed and also travel! :)
And yes, a Kabyle can be very easily taken for a European, even a Pole ;)
And yes, a Kabyle can be very easily taken for a European, even a Pole ;)
6 Feb 2016 #21
"Do get informed and also travel! :)"
I much probably travelled way more than you. And differently than you, not just to touristical resorts.
Pakistan? Chad? Bangladesh? Had been at all of then and much more.
And that is why i affirm that question if someone is a muslim is not racism. All those countries are muslim and have totally different races (but have the same culture of enslave and opress woman)
I much probably travelled way more than you. And differently than you, not just to touristical resorts.
Pakistan? Chad? Bangladesh? Had been at all of then and much more.
And that is why i affirm that question if someone is a muslim is not racism. All those countries are muslim and have totally different races (but have the same culture of enslave and opress woman)
@Marc: re travelling, I doubt you have and as to your "overall culture", I don't have any doubts;). So you told us that you did not know that Algerians were not all Arabs and that some could be blond with blue eyes and very light skin.
And yes, when we are knowledgeable, we are not suprised that the poster from Algeria could look like a Pole while in Poland ;)
And yes, when we are knowledgeable, we are not suprised that the poster from Algeria could look like a Pole while in Poland ;)
WielkiPolak 54 | 988
6 Feb 2016 #23
@Marc: do you know that NOT all Algerians are ... Arabs? There are for instance Kabyles (ex Zinedine Zidane) who are NOT Arabs.
Zinedine Zidane does look a little bit Arabic to be honest. He has a light skin tone but his facial structure is not that of a typical white European.
I would like to share an interesting comment I read on youtube by your very own Polish guy. And I did not make this thread to create hatred among one another. As I said before, I have friends from many countries and religions and I respect the rules of any country I go to and will do the same in Poland. Do read this if you have a few minutes to spare
"Update: we spent three months in Poland, after I posted this message. We stayed in Krakow (Old City, downtown area). A lot of tourists, visitors. It wasn't that bad. But... I got dirty looks sometimes because I'm white, and was holding a Japanese girl's hand. It amazes me: a country that suffered so much because of nationalism (German nationalism) has forgotten all about it, and now, so many people hold similar views to those which the German's held against Poles. All these racist idiots in Poland... don't they remember, what racism did to Poland not so long ago? Don't get me wrong: most people in Krakow were ok. However, we did have two occasions where we were confronted on the street by a racists, who want to fight me, because I was with an Asian girl (they called me "zdrajca" (traitor)). Obviously, these are small-brained poor, uneducated losers, who have never traveled outside their country (or even their city). They don't understand how our world works today. These guys were wearing jackets with Japanese writing on them, and yet, were angry at me, because I was with an Asian (Japanese) girl. They're idiots. Their cell phones were made in China, their clothes had Japanese writing on them, they use Facebook- a site owned/created by a Jewish-American, they eat food produced in other parts of Europe, and drive cars made in other countries. Nothing says to people "I am an idiot" more, than when you are a nationalist. Today's world is completely interconnected. Every person and country, depends on other countries and people. We share natural resources with almost every nation. Benefits we get in medicine, come from doctors/scientists/inventions from nearly every nation (yes, that includes black doctors, Muslim doctors, or Asian doctors). Technology, finance, every sector is the same. For one person to say "we are better because we are Polish" just tells you, they do not understand how our world works. If they are "true" patriots, then they should only use Polish inventions: don't drive a car, ride a horse. Don't use a cell-phone, write letters instead. Don't watch tv, read billboards instead. Don't use electricity, don't use medicine... don't use anything that non-Poles have given to the rest of the world.
To anyone going to Poland: if you're not white, you'll be ok- if you stay in a big group, or, if you only go to the big/touristy areas, and spend a week there. The reality is, of all the countries in Europe (I've spent a lot of time in many of them), Poland, sadly is, by far one of the most xenophobic parts of Europe. There is a lot of anger and hostility in Poland. And, like many countries that are struggling economically and striving for their place on the global scale, people always need "someone" to blame for their problems. So, the most common and natural path for many is to point the finger at minorities. In the U.S., they blame their problems on Mexicans. In Japan, they blame their problems on Korean or Chinese immigrants. In Poland, they blame their troubles on Ukrainian or Gypsy settlers (and adding hostility towards anyone who isn't white is just a natural side-effect).
Anyway, in closing... it's a beautiful country with some amazing history. But sadly, many people in that nation have forgotten what their history has taught them. One of the most obvious signs that racism, and hostility in Poland is tolerated and "normal" is the fact that nearly every building on Krakow (and other cities we've been to) are desecrated by hateful graffitti. Nearly every building- even in the beautiful historic tourist centers, will have swastikas painted on them, or "Jebac ____" (means "F**k ____"). A lot of racist slurs towards minorities, or even hatred towards people from other Polish cities, or fans of other soccer teams. This is seen everywhere. You can't sit in a cafe in Krakow, without seeing hateful slogans on buildings all around you.
And to me, the fact that this is "accepted" by people in Poland, is the biggest problem. Racism is everywhere, in every country. It's like cancer. We'd like to cure it, but... at least for now, it's a sad reality we must accept. But the problem in Poland is that... no one seems to want to cure it. If people in Poland saw racism as a problem, they would push their government to create heavy fines, or even prison time, for people who damage buildings with hate-speech. Cameras installed, and used to catch people who do this. Fine them heavily or imprison them. Show it on the news. In time, once the example is set, and public outcry would show intolerance towards this, people would stop doing it. It wouldn't be worth it for them. But... it seems, it doesn't bother most in Poland, they're used to it.
So, when you do visit Poland and see all the graffitti all over buildings, be certain, it doesn't say "Welcome to Poland". Ask an honest person, what it means, and maybe even ask them... why do people accept this, and do nothing to change the face of this country. You wouldn't sit at a cafe in Canada, or Japan, or the U.S., with racist graffitti all over the buildings around it. It's unheard of. In the U.S., maybe in the ghettos. But in any decent city, in a clean area- it would never happen. But in Poland, even in it's best areas (Krakow Old City), you see this **** everywhere. It's sad how little respect the people of Poland have for the rest of the world, or even... for their own cities. It's disappointing, and tragic. And this is why millions of Poles have left Poland and continue to flee the country, no matter how "proud" a few remain. Sure, some return, but let's be honest... for every one Polish family who returns to the new Poland, 1000 more families don't return. The country has a lot to learn, and when it comes to racism, and tolerance for anyone who isn't "white", if you ask me, it's a pretty hopeless situation."
"Update: we spent three months in Poland, after I posted this message. We stayed in Krakow (Old City, downtown area). A lot of tourists, visitors. It wasn't that bad. But... I got dirty looks sometimes because I'm white, and was holding a Japanese girl's hand. It amazes me: a country that suffered so much because of nationalism (German nationalism) has forgotten all about it, and now, so many people hold similar views to those which the German's held against Poles. All these racist idiots in Poland... don't they remember, what racism did to Poland not so long ago? Don't get me wrong: most people in Krakow were ok. However, we did have two occasions where we were confronted on the street by a racists, who want to fight me, because I was with an Asian girl (they called me "zdrajca" (traitor)). Obviously, these are small-brained poor, uneducated losers, who have never traveled outside their country (or even their city). They don't understand how our world works today. These guys were wearing jackets with Japanese writing on them, and yet, were angry at me, because I was with an Asian (Japanese) girl. They're idiots. Their cell phones were made in China, their clothes had Japanese writing on them, they use Facebook- a site owned/created by a Jewish-American, they eat food produced in other parts of Europe, and drive cars made in other countries. Nothing says to people "I am an idiot" more, than when you are a nationalist. Today's world is completely interconnected. Every person and country, depends on other countries and people. We share natural resources with almost every nation. Benefits we get in medicine, come from doctors/scientists/inventions from nearly every nation (yes, that includes black doctors, Muslim doctors, or Asian doctors). Technology, finance, every sector is the same. For one person to say "we are better because we are Polish" just tells you, they do not understand how our world works. If they are "true" patriots, then they should only use Polish inventions: don't drive a car, ride a horse. Don't use a cell-phone, write letters instead. Don't watch tv, read billboards instead. Don't use electricity, don't use medicine... don't use anything that non-Poles have given to the rest of the world.
To anyone going to Poland: if you're not white, you'll be ok- if you stay in a big group, or, if you only go to the big/touristy areas, and spend a week there. The reality is, of all the countries in Europe (I've spent a lot of time in many of them), Poland, sadly is, by far one of the most xenophobic parts of Europe. There is a lot of anger and hostility in Poland. And, like many countries that are struggling economically and striving for their place on the global scale, people always need "someone" to blame for their problems. So, the most common and natural path for many is to point the finger at minorities. In the U.S., they blame their problems on Mexicans. In Japan, they blame their problems on Korean or Chinese immigrants. In Poland, they blame their troubles on Ukrainian or Gypsy settlers (and adding hostility towards anyone who isn't white is just a natural side-effect).
Anyway, in closing... it's a beautiful country with some amazing history. But sadly, many people in that nation have forgotten what their history has taught them. One of the most obvious signs that racism, and hostility in Poland is tolerated and "normal" is the fact that nearly every building on Krakow (and other cities we've been to) are desecrated by hateful graffitti. Nearly every building- even in the beautiful historic tourist centers, will have swastikas painted on them, or "Jebac ____" (means "F**k ____"). A lot of racist slurs towards minorities, or even hatred towards people from other Polish cities, or fans of other soccer teams. This is seen everywhere. You can't sit in a cafe in Krakow, without seeing hateful slogans on buildings all around you.
And to me, the fact that this is "accepted" by people in Poland, is the biggest problem. Racism is everywhere, in every country. It's like cancer. We'd like to cure it, but... at least for now, it's a sad reality we must accept. But the problem in Poland is that... no one seems to want to cure it. If people in Poland saw racism as a problem, they would push their government to create heavy fines, or even prison time, for people who damage buildings with hate-speech. Cameras installed, and used to catch people who do this. Fine them heavily or imprison them. Show it on the news. In time, once the example is set, and public outcry would show intolerance towards this, people would stop doing it. It wouldn't be worth it for them. But... it seems, it doesn't bother most in Poland, they're used to it.
So, when you do visit Poland and see all the graffitti all over buildings, be certain, it doesn't say "Welcome to Poland". Ask an honest person, what it means, and maybe even ask them... why do people accept this, and do nothing to change the face of this country. You wouldn't sit at a cafe in Canada, or Japan, or the U.S., with racist graffitti all over the buildings around it. It's unheard of. In the U.S., maybe in the ghettos. But in any decent city, in a clean area- it would never happen. But in Poland, even in it's best areas (Krakow Old City), you see this **** everywhere. It's sad how little respect the people of Poland have for the rest of the world, or even... for their own cities. It's disappointing, and tragic. And this is why millions of Poles have left Poland and continue to flee the country, no matter how "proud" a few remain. Sure, some return, but let's be honest... for every one Polish family who returns to the new Poland, 1000 more families don't return. The country has a lot to learn, and when it comes to racism, and tolerance for anyone who isn't "white", if you ask me, it's a pretty hopeless situation."
6 Feb 2016 #25
Such unfortunate episodes are nothing new here, I'm very sorry Mike.
In which city the fact happened? Because recently such things happened frequently even in big cities like Wroclaw.
Anyway don't generalize to all poles, I'm sure in 99% of these aggressions toward people that look "different" are involved Dresiarze, Hooligans or other groups of uneducated and poor locals, that anyway are despised and ghettoized by the majority of the polish mid class.
In which city the fact happened? Because recently such things happened frequently even in big cities like Wroclaw.
Anyway don't generalize to all poles, I'm sure in 99% of these aggressions toward people that look "different" are involved Dresiarze, Hooligans or other groups of uneducated and poor locals, that anyway are despised and ghettoized by the majority of the polish mid class.
People like you!
Wulkan is a weirdo on this board. Don't worry about him Mike - and come to the Tri-city of Gdansk. People here are normal and I guarantee you a welcome. As to the rest of Poland - yes, the majority are self-serving racists, and after 23 years here I despair of them.
People like you!
That's a very terrible, bigoted, stereotyping remark to make. But then again the position of any racist is always one of "us" vs. "them".
As to the rest of Poland - yes, the majority are self-serving racists, and after 23 years here I despair of them.
It gets pretty tiresome reading the same-ole smug empty-headed hypocrisy from the so-called "progressives" on PF who fled their multi-culti homelands by choice to live in homogenous Poland by choice and then sneer at the majority inhabitants of Poland with the false charge of being "racist".
It's pretty evident too that these two-faced "progressives" are bitter at their own failure to integrate into Polish society and so they spend their sidelined existence unjustifiably projecting onto Poles the very deep seated racism that is every bit a part of their own identity. White "progressives" always reveal their racism when they go about using other races of people as mere objects to bash other whites for not being as "progressive" as they claim to be.
the majority inhabitants of Poland
Let me put it this way....
When a Pole talks about "dirty/disease carrying/muslim/dark skinned/terrorist" (delete as applicable) foreigners, then I will cancel those racists from my friends list.
I wont associate with, make love to, or drink with racists.
I have a few but very good Polish friends who get targeted as well because they hang out with me but yes you are right I won't generalize to all Poles. And I was in Gdansk for a couple of days. Beautiful city especially the Old Town :)
So they hate me just because I have a different religion? Wow!
So what ? It didn't come out of nowhere, your folks worked hard to get that reputation.