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Polish Nursery Rhymes

Piorun  - | 655
21 Nov 2007   #61
Two Michaels went to the ball
One was short - the other tall
When the tall one started prancing
The short one could not keep up dancing

When the short one could not keep up dancing
The tall one stopped prancing
When the tall one stopped prancing
The short one started dancing

When short one could keep up dancing
The tall one started prancing
When tall one started prancing
The short one could not keep up dancing

The short one started to whoosh
The tall one gives him a push
Both Michaels started to fall
Two Michaels at the ball

This is just a rough draft but you get the sense of it
I would also change the next to last line to something like
They push they shove they fall
HotShot989  - | 9
21 Nov 2007   #62
Did you hear ...

Siala baba mak,
nie wiedziala jak,
dziadzus wiedzial,
nie powiedzial,
a to bylo tak!

My grandpa always told me that. :P
krysia  23 | 3058
21 Nov 2007   #63
Yes, that's a good one. Here's another one:

Na stoliczku stoi mleczko i jajeczko.
Przyszedł kotek, wypił mleczko
a ogonkiem stłukł jajeczko.
HotShot989  - | 9
21 Nov 2007   #64
Piorun, i know that rhyme!
Listen to this one:

entliczek pentliczek,
czerwony stoliczek, a na tym stoliczku czerwony koszyczek
w koszyczku jabluszko, w jabluszku robaczek... and on and on!

Any one else know any good ones? Hey, i know one with the clapping, but i forgot how it went. Dang!

Krysia, yours is good too!
No afence but it goes like this:

w pokojiku na stoliczku siedzie mleczko i jajeczko,
przyszedl kotek, wypil mlecka, a ogonkiem stuk jajeczko
Przyszla babcia, zbila kotka, a skorupki wyrzucila!

There you go! (- -,)
El Gato  4 | 351
21 Nov 2007   #65
Any one else know any good ones?

I can remember the words, but there's the one about the man who lost his glasses.

I heard that one every night as a little kid. :]
HotShot989  - | 9
21 Nov 2007   #66
Something like a guy who was looking for his glasses, and at the end he had them on the whoole time! Yeah, i know that one!

What about this one?:

Tancowala igla z nitka,
igla pieknie - nitka brzydko
igla cala jak z igielki
nitce placza sie supelki,
igla naprzod, nitka za nia,
a za igla nitka biegiem igla gorem, nitka bokiem.
Ogla zerka jednym okiem,
sunie zwinna zreczna smigla
Nitka szepce "co za igla!"
Tak ze soba tancowaly, az uszyly fartuch caly!

That took 4-ever! (- -,)

Sorry, some mistakes! No biggy! ( I am only twelve and i know all this.) JK- just joking! i copied it from a book! No really!! :))
Piorun  - | 655
27 Nov 2007   #67
I can remember the words, but there's the one about the man who lost his glasses.

Julian Tuwim-Okulary
queen gigi
21 Dec 2007   #68
itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain and wash the spider out then out comes the sun and dryed up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the sout again
Mufasa  19 | 357
21 Dec 2007   #69
this Polish? :P
neemo  - | 1
27 Dec 2007   #70
Nice to see the ryhmes you put out.
I am trying to learn polish.
Can you help?

I am in London and fluent in English.

Let me hear from you pls.
Mufasa  19 | 357
28 Dec 2007   #71
hey neemo - welcome to the funny-animal-bird-(now fish)-and-other-lovely-creature-farm. lots of help available on the forums - check out the language sections. i have gotten most help by asking direct questions. are you having lessons? for me, that is the best way - pronounciation can be really difficult, but it's possible to develop an ear for that if you hear polish a lot. I'm in Warsaw, so that's the easy part for me - the grammar is a nightmare though. You can ask anybody around here how many silly questions I have asked on these pages ;)
Frankton  - | 1
16 Jan 2008   #72
I was taught a poem by my Grandfather who was born in Poland. He would lay on his back and sit me on his knees up in the air and say (cant spell the words they are phonetic)

Jedji aujes
dovo shawve
Pa Boote
yez un ye shiz te
Potch de goodi
then piont at the sky and when I would look up he would say “PIC”
And spread his knees and I would fall through on to a pillow.

It was lots of fun and My Daughter loves it but I have no Idea what it means, something like;
Where are you going?
I’m going to Warsaw
What for?
To get boots
Then I have no idea, please help keep a tradition alive.

Frank, part of the Bozenski Family.
Krzysztof  2 | 971
16 Jan 2008   #73
well, I don't know this text, but with the help of your translation, I'd say it's (properly spelled in Polish):
Gdzie jedziesz?
Do Warszawy.
Po co?
Po buty.
yez un ye shiz te (no idea what it is)
Patrz do góry (Look up - i.e. in the direction upwards)
Piorun  - | 655
18 Jan 2008   #74
yez un ye shiz te (no idea what it is)

Just a guess, could it be 'już je szyją' or 'już są szyte' ?
11 Feb 2008   #75
Anyone know one about a little bird in a tree that tries to fly??
The spelling is phonetic only - but maybe it will ring a bell???

Co Co ska jo ba wah yage-wetch-ka Tu. Tu. Tu.
Timodowa, Timodowa ........ (dont know this part)
krysia  23 | 3058
11 Feb 2008   #76
Dziobała kokoszka jagiełki, (naśladujemy palcem wskazującym dziobanie kokoszki na dłoni dziecka)
Poleciała do wodeczki,
Przyniosła cztery jagódeczki,
Temu dała, temu dała... (dotykamy po kolei czterech paluszków dziecka)
A temu - fru, odleciała i nic nie dała. (naśladujemy odlot kokoszki)

Tu pień, (naśladujemy piłowanie drewna na nadgarstku dziecka)
tu kłoda. (naśladujemy piłowanie drewna na zgięciu łokcia dziecka)
Tu pień, (powtarzamy)
Tu kłoda.
A tu, tu, tu zimna woda. (delikatnie łaskoczemy dziecko pod pachą)
29 May 2008   #77
Does this one ring any bells? I'm sorry, I don't know how it's written; this is as close as I can come phonetically.

Id-je bo-ba
po-zhe le-zhe
je-nay vi-zhe
to-vay le-dje

What's the Polish? And what does it mean in English?
nyqt421  - | 1
4 Sep 2008   #78
AAA kotki dwa
szaro bure obydwa
nic nie beda robily
tylko ...... bawily
What't the phonetical way of saying it? my boyfriend's grandparents used to sing this to them as children and we want to sing it to our daughter but cant remember the pronunciation.
17 Sep 2008   #79
in polish, you read:
o's like you're going to say "oh" without the w sound at the end. cut it short =]
e's like you're going to say "eh" (not canadian eh lol but the sound you make when you're confused)
a's like you've really enjoyed your drink.."ah"
y's like the short i sound in "dig"
try to roll your r's =]

ah-ah-ah koht-kee dvah
shah-roh boo-reh oh-bid-vah
neets nyeh behw-dough ro-bee-wi (<---short "i" sound)
til-koh ............. bah-vee-wi (<---short "i" sound)
7 Oct 2008   #80
I wonder if you could help me witha polish song my grandfather used to sing to me as a child? I do not speak polish or have any connections with the polish side of my family, but remember that my grandfather was a kind old man and have vague memories of the songs he sang. Please excuse my attempt to write phonetically.

vashiwa vashiwa
mishca crupki
daw --------- pupki
temo dawa bo malutki
temo dawa bo swajutki
temo bo proshu
a temo bo vo da noshku

Any ideas?

Another started Hinka tu hinka tum

Very vague I know and perhaps I am mixing a few songs together.
21 Jan 2009   #81
My mother in law taught one to her children and now is teaching me.....she doesn't know the actual translation but she says it's pretty much the Lithuanian version of "This little Piggy".

Forgive my ebonics here.

Mama mama vida kosha
Tom dava, Tom dava, Tom dava, Tom dava ( for each finger or toe except the last one)
ada mijooka negava, isjinks catastadas
bida bida bida bida ( as you run up the arm to the pit)

makes the kids laugh like crazy.

if anyone could give me the real words and translation i'd really love it !!! thanks.
buggs1  - | 1
22 Jan 2009   #82
well hi i dont know a nusery rhymes but im here to learn polish can u make the words in sylables im only 10 so u know
missing Babci
23 Jan 2009   #83
Does anyone know this in polish and english??
kochi kochi waptci
something somthing babci
something somthing dziadak
somthing Meow
Eurola  4 | 1898
23 Jan 2009   #84
Just some nursery sing and entertain a child.

"Kosi, kosi łapci.
pojedziemy do babci.
babcia da nam kaszki,
a dziadzio - okraszki

kosi kosi łapci
pojedziemy do babci
babcia da nam mleczka
dziadek cukiereczka

kosi kosi łapci
pojedziemy do babci
od babci do cioci
ciocia da łakoci"
Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Jan 2009   #85
Kiedy byłam jeszcze mała myszki bałam się,
chociaż myszka uciekała bo się bała mnie.
Teraz ja się jej nie boję i nie kryję się
Kiedy biegnie przez pokoje i do dziurki mknie.
iwkapl  - | 1
28 Jan 2009   #86
jedziemy na wycieczke
bierzemy misia w teczke
a misiu misiu
fiku miku zrbolil
w teczke
siku siku

No exactly a nursery rhyme but this one always made me laugh! :-D
Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Jan 2009   #87
nieboraczek is diminutive of nieborak = poor wretch, poor soul
meowdoc  - | 2
2 Mar 2009   #88
This is my first time on this site; I was trying to find Polish nursery rhymes. I'm so excited I found this!

My grandma taught me a couple...was wondering if they were real. Here's the first one:

It's about a puppy smoking a pipe and a cole fell on his paw and up popped a blister.

Polu pi eski fi etska; spazu sobia wa petska; vedmuha sobia vangelic-hah! Visketsu mubumbelic

The second one:
I was going to school and stopped at my grandparents' house. Grandma gave me an apple. Grandpa gave me some tobaco. Hahahaha

kay zyuu, may zyuu, poijimi daw bopchi, bopcha daw yapko, jaja daw tobatski, pyseka pyseka pyseka

I probably butchered it!
3 Mar 2009   #89
the first one goes:

Palił piesek fajeczkę, sparzył sobie łapeczkę
Wydmuchał sobie węgielek, wyskoczył mu bąbelek.
A doggy smoked a pipe, he burnt his paw; He blew a little coal (out of the pipe), and there grew a blister.

the rhyme is in a dialect, the words i have put are standard Polish and sound a bit different; i have omitted the exclamation - curious myself how this should sound :)

the second one can goe like this but I may be wrong

Kaziu, Madziu, pójdźmy do babci;
Babcia da jabłko, dziadzia da tabaczki
pyszka, pyszka, pyszka (This is pure guess - would be like delightful, delightful, delightful)

Kaziu, Madziu are kids' names - but it is a guess what really is in the rhyme are these names; again the pronounciation you give is a dialectal
4 Mar 2009   #90
Still looking for the actual translation and proper spelling on this one my mother in law taught me. Here it is phonetically.

Mama mama vida kosha
Tom dava, Tom dava, Tom dava, Tom dava ( for each finger or toe except the last one)
ada mijooka negava, isjinks catastadas
bida bida bida bida ( as you run up the arm to the pit)

makes the kids laugh like crazy.

if anyone could give me the real words and translation i'd really love it !!! thanks.

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