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High Class Cuisine in Poland: What foods are eaten by Polish upper classes at 5 star Polish restaurants etc?

7 Jan 2020 #1
What dishes are considered upscale, served at 5 star Polish restaurants, 5 star hotels etc, foods that Polish upper class eats? The foods should at least partially be Polish in origin from Poland or Lithuania. Thank you.
cms neuf 1 | 1673
8 Jan 2020 #2
Maybe check the menus of some restaurants like Sowa, Platter, Amaro - it's normally something like a posh version of pierogi, a posh version of some seasonal Polish soup, game, something involving grzyby and always a steak and a fish dish on menu.

People don't eat that day to day however.
pawian 221 | 24284
7 Feb 2020 #3
What dishes are considered upscale, served at 5 star Polish restaurants,

I think baby octopuses which are notorious for being eaten by high class society representatives in Poland.
pawian 221 | 24284
20 Nov 2020 #4
5 star hotels etc, foods that Polish upper class eats?

Hey, I remember now, you write romances. I guess this one is set in contemporary Poland.

Check this list of exclusive restaurants in Warsaw. You can click the menu link to see the dishes.

Home / Food / High Class Cuisine in Poland: What foods are eaten by Polish upper classes at 5 star Polish restaurants etc?
BoldItalic [quote]
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