The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by bullfrog  

Joined: 23 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 19 Aug 2015
Threads: Total: 6 / Live: 0 / Archived: 6
Posts: Total: 602 / Live: 125 / Archived: 477
From: istanbul
Speaks Polish?: trochke

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28 Oct 2014
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I also remember November as a pretty miserable month with very few hours of sunshine. But generally I agree Polish weather is overall quite pleasant, certainly far better than in the UK
28 Oct 2014
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

This not relevant. What counts for weather perception is the number of days it rains per year rather than the quantity of rain fallen. Otherwise you could say that Milan (for example) is much rainier than London
27 Apr 2014
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]

I did read the whole thread before posting my comment. I see nowhere Ziemowit stating his opinion is "superior" to yours, he only states that being a Pole living in Poland his angle is different (which I personally accept; having been myself an expat living in Poland for 5 years, I realise that my limited knowledge of Polish -which is the case for most expats - gave me only a narrow views of events).
27 Apr 2014
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]

Ziemowit's stupid opinion has much more to do wth the reality than your suggestive statement,

I agree with you RUR. Ziemowit took the necessary time and effort to write what are in my opinion very balanced and accurate views on the question raised by the OP, only to be assaulted by Harry. I have been off this forum for some time, and did not follow most of the exchanges, but clearly Harry bears some kind of grudge.

Ziemowit, let it no deter you to be active on this forum, you are, as you wrote, one of the rare "true Poles" writing (unlike eg myself, being a non pole married to a pole, and no longer living in the country) which makes your views even more valuable!
9 May 2013
Travel / Best place to exchange money in Poland? [98]

Excellent advice. If the sum is large though, be careful to keep all receipts in case the bank asks anti money laundering questions (due to paying a large amount of cash in new $ account)
21 Jan 2013
News / Only 1 in 3 firms in Poland pays income taxes [20]

Foreign corporations rip Poles off and treat them as semi-slave workers,

Quite the opposite in fact. Ask any Pole who had the opportunity to work for a foreign owned firm in Poland and for a polish one, in 90% of cases he /she would prefer working for the former (better salaries and conditions)
20 Jan 2013
News / Only 1 in 3 firms in Poland pays income taxes [20]

that's not purely polish, it happens with many multinationals in many countries (see Starbucks saga). I doubt however that this is the correct explanation for the title, most of those firms (not paying tax) would be SMEs and do not have the skills/logistics to set up such companies abroad..
20 Jan 2013
News / Only 1 in 3 firms in Poland pays income taxes [20]

most of those money is thought to be transfered out of the country - but nobody does nothing to stop it

What has this got to do with the lack of taxation? Income tax relates to whether a company makes a profit or not, not where the profit is located...
15 Jan 2013
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1303]

why the assumption that i don't know languages? another tired stereotype, mmm?

Well, maybe just because you're British.. As the joke goes , how do you call someone who speaks 3 languages? -Trilingual.; OK, 2 languages? Bilingual 1 language? A Briton.. Sorry, I couldn't resist it.. I know it's cheap, but I swear, I first heard it from the mouth of a true Londoner..
9 Aug 2012
Travel / Best place to exchange money in Poland? [98]

I'm just curious. Which kantor do you work at?

Never worked at a kantor

Do you know of any ATMs in Warsaw that give other currencies than pln?

9 Jul 2012
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

The roads are funded by the EU but built by incompetent Polish contractors because the insular poles wont get the french, germans or brits to build them properly.

All the major Polish building companies (Budimex, Warbud, Mitex..) are owned by..Spaniards (ACS), French (Vinci, Eiffage) or German companies..
2 Jul 2012
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

The fact that many commisars (especially in early Communism) were Jews is true.

yep, and also many capitalists were jews (think bankers and rothschild, warburg..) and also many scientists and Nobel Prize winners.. Maybe it's just that the average Jew is more clever than the average non Jew??
13 Jun 2012
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

First do not love Polish winter

I love Polish winters.. when they are real winters (ie -10/-15C with blue sky). One of the things I miss since moving to Zürich..
12 Jun 2012
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

Try speaking English with French people and you will see.

yep, and try speaking French with a Brit and you'll see. Old joke: how do they call someone who speaks 3 languages? Trilingual .. 2 languages ? Bilingual 1 language: British!
6 Jun 2012
Travel / Best place to exchange money in Poland? [98]

Well, i suggest you go double check what you effectively pay not against 'Forex', but against what are the real mid market rates; When you use a foreign card on a ATM, you pay not one, but 2 and sometimes 3 commissions: one commission to the local bank who runs the ATM, one commission to the bank issuing the cardd and one FX commission to whoever is the issuer of your card (Visa, mastercard.;). The exception of course is when you withdraw euros in the eurozone, even on a cross border basis (eg an italian card in France), where there are no commisssions.;
5 Jun 2012
Travel / Best place to exchange money in Poland? [98]

unless your card is a polish one, never use an atm to withdraw pln, the rate you will get is much wore than exchanging your euros or dollars directly at a kantor
30 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

I happen to agree with Delph and Harry that buying a property to live in makes sense, if people buy as an investment, they run the risk as any gambler does, the first rule of gambling is never to lose more than you can afford.

Pure common sense!