BTW, gumi, imitating your style, do you know that PiS`s favourite judge`s father was a stalinist oppressor???
Indeed, this shows that emotions fly high. People in Poland as anywhere else in the world are immersed in their past and no one can really escape from it. No one in Poland or anywhere else in the world can say: You, you are the only one to be blamed and you are responsible for all the bad things that happen. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" - says the Bible. So many members of the PF tend to cast the first stone (with the notable exception of Harry, now suspended) - one may think!
Roman Giertych, once a political ally of PiS and member of the PiS cabinets of Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz (rumours say that his beloved young Isabel for whom he left his wife and four children is going to leave him soon) and Jarosław Kaczyński in 2005-2007, now says it would be very dangerous if PiS returned to power, yet he doesn't exclude this posibility. Voters are increasigly disappointed with the inertia of PO - says he in a very interesting political analysis in the interview given to Rzeczpospolita (the paper version of 20th of January) - so they might resort to voting for the PiS party, even if they are not particurarly fond of that party (the reason for that, IMHO, is that many voters are likely to believe that PiS is always too ready to "cast the first stone"). They might just be doing it "dla jaj" (will someone have the pleasure to translate this Polish idiomatic expression for me?) - adds the former leader of Liga Polskich Rodzin - even if it is not because of the now looming economic crisis that may soon become a harsh reality.