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Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ?

Crow  154 | 9207
11 May 2024   #1

If one is a politician in Poland, one should always put statehood of Poland, safety of Poland`s population and Polish-Slavic/ie Sarmatian heritage above daily politics. In my opinion this Polish judge, Tomasz Szmydt, is the victim of irresponsible politicians. No, I don`t judge of him because he fled to Belarus. Please, have that in mind. I judge of him because he stands opposite to the ruling Poland`s politicians that are, as I said already, irresponsible on Poland and People of Poland and they demonstrate it publicly for all to see. Considering I love my Polish sisters and brothers, I also stand as opposition to them.


an article of these days:

Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus


A high-level Polish judge asked for political asylum in Belarus on Monday, saying he was doing so in "protest against Poland's unjust and harmful policy" toward Belarus and Russia.

In his resignation letter published on X, Tomasz Szmydt said he was giving up his position as a judge at the Warsaw Administrative Court "with immediate effect."

Novichok  4 | 7630
11 May 2024   #2
This puts an end to this BS about Polish freedom of speech. No American ever had to run because he was opposed to a US war.

Memo to Euros: Copy the First or stop lying about your alleged freedom of speech.
Alien  22 | 5460
11 May 2024   #3
freedom of speech.

This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. Maybe he was just an ordinary spy and had prepared his escape.
Novichok  4 | 7630
11 May 2024   #4
"protest against Poland's unjust and harmful policy" is speech.
In a country with freedom of speech, you can protest all you want. He ran because Poland does not have freedom of speech.
Memo to azholes: Do not mention Russia. Your reference is the US.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
11 May 2024   #5
He had been spying at senior levels for many years and has escaped to a place where he can't face extradition

Same as Assamge or Bradley
OP Crow  154 | 9207
11 May 2024   #6
He had been spying at senior levels for many years and

You don`t know that. Fact is that he stays opposite to the pro-NATO and anti-Slavic regime in Poland.
Ironside  50 | 12312
11 May 2024   #7
freedom of speech

He was 150 000$ into debt and they say it was only the tip of the iceberg. Allegedly Services were onto him selling sensitive information. I think that contributed to his decisions, not some moral scruples of which he seems to be devid.


Fact is that he stays opposite to the pro-NATO and anti-Slavic regime in Poland.

Now, what he was really up to who the hell knows. He is not an idealist.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
11 May 2024   #8
Now, what he was really up to who the hell knows. He is not an idealist.

I am sure that he isn`t perfect but, he said "protest against Poland's unjust and harmful policy". As a Serbian, a Racow, I can confirm that judge Tomasz Szmydt speaks truth. Poland harmed Serbia directly and indirectly. Directly by recognized Kosovo separation and by taking part in NATO attack on Serbia back in 1999, while indirectly by failing to condemn pro-ustashe regime in Croatia. Not to mention that Poland never condemned nazi ustashe genocide of cataclysmic proportions on Serbians during WW2 and during Civil War in former Yugoslavia.

So now I begins to wonder, is affection for banderists in Ukraine by the regime in Poland just occasional and accidental or have deeper roots. Many Serbians begins to wonder is this maybe treachery of Slavic heritage and open work in assimilation of Poland into something non-Slavic and also anti-Slavic.
Ironside  50 | 12312
11 May 2024   #9
I am sure that he isn`t perfect but, he said "protest against Poland's unjust and harmful policy".

So what? He was what they told him to say. If he escaped to the USA he would say the opposite.
There are not many people in /Poland who would think like that and he is the lest trustworthy.

his BS about Polish freedom of speech.

It is BS but not in his case he belongs to the group in Poland that actually can say and do almost anything with impunity.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
11 May 2024   #10
He was what they told him to say.

But official Poland did harm Serbia. Belarus and Russia are in focus now but, official Poland did harm Serbia previously. When you look what regime in Poland did to Serbia, why not to Belarus and Russia. Why not to its own population, after all. Slavs suffer in every case.

If he escaped to the USA he would say the opposite.

Look what happened and happening to Trump. Its not encouraging to all who seek shelter from the same source of molesting.
Ironside  50 | 12312
11 May 2024   #11
But official Poland did

Whatever the case it doesn't mean anything when such like him says it. Everybody regards him as a traitor and scumback so no sympathy here.


Look what happened

dude just an example to show that he would say whatever someone would tell him to say regardless of what it is, Did you get it now?
OP Crow  154 | 9207
11 May 2024   #12
We shall see how official Poland behave in time in front of us. In near time, I suspect.
Novichok  4 | 7630
11 May 2024   #13
almost anything with impunity.

You almost succeeded in smuggling in that "almost".
Please tell me what lies outside of "almost"?

Debating Polaks is like debating children...
Ironside  50 | 12312
11 May 2024   #14
Please tell me what lies outside of "almost"?

If he were to speak against the group he belongs to he would face some difficulties other than that he was pretty much covered.
I just wonder are you ignorant more than stupid or more stupid than ignorant, Are all Americans retarded? Maybe Biden is not senile but an American...
Novichok  4 | 7630
11 May 2024   #15
If he were to speak against the group he belongs to he would face some difficulties other than that he was pretty much covered.

Now try the same in coherent English.
Ironside  50 | 12312
11 May 2024   #16
Nah, I don't do translations into moronic or American. Don't feel like it.
Novichok  4 | 7630
11 May 2024   #17
I said, "coherent".
OP Crow  154 | 9207
12 May 2024   #18
Virus of resistance spread.

An article:

Polish PM dismisses claims of farmers wanting to exit EU



The demonstration, organized by the Solidarity Trade Union and its "Individual Farmers" branch, saw protesters carrying banners with messages such as "We farmers want to leave the European Union."

Tusk responded to the protests on X, asserting: "No one believes that it is the farmers who want to leave the Union and the subsidy system."

Novichok  4 | 7630
12 May 2024   #19
Poland on the EU welfare reminds me of the US on the welfare of China and other idiots still willing to buy US debt.

Fake prosperity is a wonderful thing...Buy now, pay later ... if later ever comes...
jon357  72 | 22778
12 May 2024   #20
Everybody regards him as a traitor and scumbag

Which he certainly is.

Interesting that he had financial trouble. Hopefully the intelligence services will be carefully looking at anyone he had contact with.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
12 May 2024   #21
Which he certainly is.

Its funny how Brits comment to Poles.

Reminds me of GrĂ­ma Wormtongue >


Hopefully the intelligence services will be carefully looking at anyone he had contact with.

I am sure mi6 won`t miss opportunity to show its love for Polish children.
Torq  8 | 957
12 May 2024   #22
Poland on the EU welfare

I only have data from 2021, but seeing that PiS had all the euro funds blocked in recent years the numbers didn't change that much until today.

So, Poland paid 68.6 billion euro into the EU budget and received 210.4 billion euro. That gives us 141.8 billion euro net profit in 17 years, which equals 8.34 billion euro a year. 8.34 billion euro is slightly over 1% of Polish GDP of around 783 billion euro.


So it never ceases to amaze me when people say that Poland is on the EU welfare. :)
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 May 2024   #23
Let me guess...You don't like Brits, Crow...Me neither...There is something to these snakes that I find revolting...
The worst is when they act like a US bit*ch, ready to preach to Russia while their own country is in Stage 4.
jon357  72 | 22778
12 May 2024   #24

Difficult to k ow why you mentioned them. Poland has its own intelligence service, and part of their role is to investigate traitors like this creep.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
12 May 2024   #25
Let me guess...You don't like Brits, Crow...Me neither...There is something to these snakes that I find revolting...

Its the climate of the island and psychology of the rabbits.

Difficult to k ow why you mentioned them. Poland has its own intelligence service

If Poland has its own anything, Poland would have erected monument to Gavrilo Princip.

Seams to me that rabbits jumped on the back of Poland and ride.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 May 2024   #26
So it never ceases to amaze me when people say that Poland is on the EU welfare. :)

You logic is faulty. Many businesses operate with a 2% profit margin.
If that 1% doesn't matter, decline it and feel free to say FU to the next idiotic EU demand. Like taking on more lovely migrants...Or to reform your judiciary rules...
jon357  72 | 22778
12 May 2024   #27
the island

Poland isn't an island.

If it was, it would have been harder for that traitor to defect.
OP Crow  154 | 9207
12 May 2024   #28
Poland isn't an island.

I talked of Britain.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 May 2024   #29
and psychology of the rabbits.

...who discovered early on that without subjugating others they would be as relevant as Iceland or Nepal.
Those days are over, so what's left is meddling...and playing a wh*re for the US pimp. See Johnson chatting with Z in 2022.
Torq  8 | 957
12 May 2024   #30
feel free to say FU to the next idiotic EU demand. Like taking on more lovely migrants...Or to reform your judiciary rules...


That is exactly what PiS did. The EU stopped the money. Poland didn't collapse. Go figure.

Wealth comes from discipline, hard work and thrift, not from handouts (and especially not from 1% of your GDP handouts).

Home / News / Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ?

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