The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
Threads: 6
Posts: 580

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9 Aug 2022
Food / Polish Christmas Eve Dinner recipes [69]

I wish I could write something positive, but the impression of eating a lake. Isn't excactly my idea of Christmas
9 Aug 2022
News / Does Poland support Taiwan`s independence? [25]

1. Serbia didn't partition Poland ever
2. NATO never partitioned Poland
3. EU never partitioned Poland
4. Pope is functioning prime minister of the heavenly kingdom
7 Aug 2022
News / Does Poland support Taiwan`s independence? [25]

Chinese leadership had to withdraw to Taiwan where they have been ever since,

Imagine Jaruzelski still governing Poland and Wałęsa controlling Gotland island
7 Aug 2022
Life / Showing respect and appreciation by Polish people, forms of greetings in Poland. [31]

Yeah, younger Polish women don't seem to expect it. They have it as positive so far tho, except one I met recently. Might have been she had a lot in her hands tho and a bit nervous I don't know.

I know for sure I would been shamed in my family if I didn't do it tho (just like opening car doors etc). Got to represent

Besides emotional connection is important for women and kisses, hugs physical touch etc builds it up.

Should be norm in my opinion due to that and other factors.
6 Aug 2022
Life / Polish products in foreign shops [35]

Better if it all got exported, better that foreigners get poisoned by that **** then Polish citizens.

It poisons the brain, makes you slow, intoxicated and increases risk of making insulin resistance (by effect increasing chance of diabetes)
2 Aug 2022
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

@Bratwurst Boy
Cause Poles have been a minority in Germany (practically speaking) without aknowledging it since partition of Poland. (First in Prussia, then Imperial Germany then etc etc) who many moved to western parts of Germany looking for work also.

What your mixing minorities with are culturally endangered local cultures with very specific traditions who hold on to it with their very lives.

If that's Germany's only notion of a minority, then Poland should if it was obsessed with fairness, remove any minority status of Germans in Poland
2 Aug 2022
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

@johnny reb
Where you taking this information from? I have a hard time imagening Germany giving Poland any reperation money, they consider it as done and in the past by having paid reperations to PRL government that then transferred it to the Soviet Union as a way of recompensating their deeds.

+ Germany's refusal of accepting any Pole as a minority status in Germany.

Gonna have to convince us a lot if their trying to mend wounds, that's for sure. Cause it ain't gonna happen
2 Aug 2022
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

Well loopholes are meant to be used for exceptions/critically important cases.

While in the U.S.A it's being absurdingly abused by jackasses and "smartasses".

The law is there as a written consensus by political sides as to what is agreed upon, not as an unbending rule/military order/tool to be used against opposition.
2 Aug 2022
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

I am not interested in writing directly to said poster, I find him deploreable.

You come off as oversensitive but, with the heart in the right place (easily used by others and jumping in to misunderstandings).

I will try my best, but there are limits to quote texts one wants to respond to. So might as well not do it.
1 Aug 2022
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

It was in relation to the possibility of kids finding safety among German soldiers after Warsaw uprising.
1 Aug 2022
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

I am cooled down even when I am angry, don't want to scare people.

Got it under control no worries
1 Aug 2022
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

Stockholm syndrome if I ever saw anything close, what's next? Praising his kidnappers? Blaming his company for not having good enough survalliance? He is nuts
31 Jul 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Opportunists don't have a political option, they wig their tail towards those they can get most from and survive the easiest
31 Jul 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

I was thinking about jewish tradesmen giving preferance to jewish customers, basically beginning the trade conflict.
31 Jul 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

It was a safe haven, until 1939. They didn't have the best prospects (just like most people).

It was an incubator for them to survive long enough to switch from being exiled refugees to gain their land back.

Some people wish for them to turn to a exiled people (basically by denying them a right to their own state).

By actions of 1939-1945 it's not a remote possibility, they have every right not to trust the international community or major powers nor the muslim world.

Dmowski fans or not
31 Jul 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

When a person sells you something to drink and gives discount to others based on culture and nationality, while being in your neighbourhood. You got every right to get pissed, what's so hard to understand? Owning land?
30 Jul 2022
News / Chances of Poland in case of war between EU (ie western Europe) and Visegrad Group ? [80]

Those circles have insignificant impact, their mostly used as a soft-non-likely threat as a possible direction to see the reaction of other political orientation internally and abroad.

PiS shows itself that way as the "mature option" for centre, centre-right and non-extreme right wingers. + shows itself as a far better option to have as opposing force within politics for centre-left, leftists and extreme left.

It's like have a tiny unloaded dusty revolver in a safe to open from time to time to only show.

While Hungarians are basically yelling for making more revolvers and get back their revolver making factories. That's the difference