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Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland

24 Feb 2019   #1

Please sign the
Petition to President Donald Trump for assisting Poland in obtaining war reparations from Germany and Russia
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2019   #2
Only when you give Jewish people the cash they deserve in repatriations.
Ironside  50 | 12884
24 Feb 2019   #3
Well the key word is - deserve - yes they should get what they deserve.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 Feb 2019   #4
Petition to President Donald Trump for assisting Poland in obtaining war reparations from Germany and Russia

Hell, no!
What's next? The US paying Poland reparations for "selling" Poland to the Soviets in 1945? This stupidity never ends and the message emerging from it is the same: if they divided Poland between Germany and the USSR back then, there would be no problem.

All these reparations are a mosaic of madness. Poles and Jews, Poles and Russian, Poles and Germans, blacks and whites....STFU already!
Weimarer  6 | 357
18 Apr 2019   #5

Poland bringing the war reparation up again?

Its amusing. WW II is over 80 years over.

I´m 24 years old. I did nothing wrong. My parents did nothing wrong, my grandparents did nothing either.

So can Germany sue France for Napoleon and teh damage he did here? Can we sue Sweden for the 30 years war?

Also PiS ( we call them ****)...say the 2+4 contract is not binding regarding reparations. Does this mean the border between Germany and Poland is under dispute also?

My grandmother is from Silesia. They had a huge house with garden and fields there.

Will we get that back then as well?

Will we be able to sue the **** out of the family that lives there now? We have a good laqyer and the insurance to back a law suit up. For us it would be a small thing, for those living there it would ruin their life.

The problem is, that Germany is ruled by a weak women, so i understand small countries like Greece or Poland. They see their chance to steal.

But they should be careful. Merkel is on her way out.

Dont anger the eagle too much.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Apr 2019   #6
A quote from the great thinker and philosopher, Rich Mazur:

When the fake emotions and real greed hug, logic is an orphan.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
18 Apr 2019   #7

That means nothing for it Greece or Poland such actions are meant for the home population, for domestic reasons only like an upcoming election seduce possible voters with a show of dicks...

Once that is over that reparation demand is forgotten like any other pre-election promise! It's a game...
Spike31  3 | 1485
18 Apr 2019   #8
Its amusing. WW II is over 80 years over.

Acording to international law the crimes against humanity don't have expiration dates.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
18 Apr 2019   #9
But reparations have, especially if there has been compensations and subscribed treaties about it...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Apr 2019   #10
Be careful for what you wish for. Ukraine certainly could bring a case against Poland.
Lyzko  44 | 9736
18 Apr 2019   #11
Concerning the thead topic, I quote the current title of the Yom Ha Shoah commemoration ceremonies beginning next month: "Auschwitz - Not Long Ago, Not Far Away".

Tough to draw that proverbial line in the sand, when you don't know who owns the beach.

No one has a patent on suffering, nor private ownership of memory.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
18 Apr 2019   #12
We all know who owned the beach......just as they do now......The Germans.
Shitonya Brits
19 Apr 2019   #13
give Jewish people the cash they deserve in repatriations

Repatriate back to where? Why don't they get a job so they can buy transportation tickets with their own money? Discussions about Jews = random.
Lyzko  44 | 9736
20 Apr 2019   #14
"Reparations" may be the more precise term, S. B's right about that, much as I hate to admit.
Spike31  3 | 1485
20 Apr 2019   #15
But reparations have, especially if there has been compensations and subscribed treaties about it...

I'm sure you will provide links to those "subscibed treaties"? So far even the government of Germany cannot oficially produce sufficient documents
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
20 Apr 2019   #16 wouldn't be the first time...this topic pops up regularly....

There has been compensations, there has been treaties...if Poland today wants to disrespect them then everything else will to...then Silesia needs to be re-negotiated not to mention the billions of EU-funds pouring into Poland...not to mention opening up an interesting case for others who have historical beef with Poland.

It's a two-sided sword and in Europe nearly everybody can play that game!

So, nobody will do anything about it...only nutters on some internet forum or politicians hoping to win some brownie points with a small portion of the electorate for domestic reasons.

That is not really a topic any longer at all!
Weimarer  6 | 357
20 Apr 2019   #17

We live in 2019, with what right do you believe you can take something away from me? Im 24 years old.

You know what you get? Anger and hate.

But lets be hobest, what effect do you have when poland indeed gets 400 billion € and greece too.

Do you want us see destroyed and starving? Just would lije to know how you think Germany should pay such sums?

Does this respect, that we would like to exist? Or is our existance irrelevant?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
20 Apr 2019   #18
I'm sure you will provide links to those "subscribed treaties"?

Just in case you missed it the first 325 rounds before:

"According to a statement made by the German government on the issue, the reparations issue was resolved in 1953 as Poland declined receiving any payments from Germany."

That is the one and only answer Poland will ever get. Believe me...and come another election with K. and his followers slowly dying out that all will also fall into the fog of long gone history.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Apr 2019   #19
This debate reminds me of how lawyers here endlessly appeal death penalty convictions: from cold soup to it hurts. In some countries, you have just one bite at that apple and stfu.

Same with the war reparations and property claims. There should be a date certain by which to file all those grievances and be done till the end of time, for crying out loud.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
20 Apr 2019   #20
And aslong as some nutters only always claim reparations from Germany and not from Russia likewise too, the whole thing just smells rotten anyhow....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Apr 2019   #21
Because they know what they can get from Russia - middle finger and fu. Try the same approach and they will go away.
I have mine all lined up to respond to the demands for slavery reparations so I know how you feel.
Spike31  3 | 1485
20 Apr 2019   #22 wouldn't be the first time...this topic pops up regularly....

I asked for links to government sites with photocopies of sufficient documents not wiki pages. Since you had this "325 rounds before" you must be very well informed in this subject.

Im 24 years old.

And I'm a 35 year old Polish man who served in Polish army and empty words from German boys don't impress me even in a slightest.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
20 Apr 2019   #23
I asked for links to government sites with photocopies of sufficient documents


Gesetz betreffend das Abkommen vom 27. Februar 1953 über deutsche Auslandsschulden*%5B%40attr_id%3D%27bgbl253s0331.pdf%27%5D__1555800148125

You could find it all by yourself, you know...don't play daft!

It began in 1953 in London and ended 1990 in Berlin as also Poland subscribed to make the after-war Oder-Neiße-Border officially and acknowledged for good by Germany.

You really want to resuscitate that old dead horse?
Ironside  50 | 12884
20 Apr 2019   #24
WW II is over 80 years over.

Nope, the WWII was over about 30 years ago, give or take. The some goes for DDR, you should know THAT at least.

for crying out loud.

Yes, we heard your opinion on the subject many times. Now if you have nothing new to add. Why don't you stop regurgitate.

some nutters only always claim reparations from Germany and not from Russia likewise too

Don't be a child BB. It doesn't work that way. Hey I wasn't the only one what about X, Y, Z? Nothing, an answer goes you worry about yourself.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
20 Apr 2019   #25
It get's boring...there are just no new arguments or facts or anything else what would demand a re-consideration. It's done!

Greece wasn't even part of the treaty talks in 1990, they even get less from Germany as in:


Your fault that you weren't even there. You failed to put in your demands then, now it's to late. Sorry!"
Ironside  50 | 12884
20 Apr 2019   #26
It began in

That issue has more levels to it.
1, From a moral point of view and so called an old fashioned justices Poland have the right to ask for those compensations - the answer is yes.

2, From the legal point of view has Poland have the right to ask for compensation - yes it does - as this so called agreement from 1953 hasn't been legally binding by the Soviet Poland procedures and the law. Some Soviet from Kremlin ordered his underlining in Soviet Poland government to give him such and such a paper and he obeyed.

Bad luck for Germany today that he didn't bother to follow the law and procedures that he should have. Hence that agreement not legally biding. Also there other issues that make it void and nullified. So IF that is only legal argument that the German gov brings to the table - I'm afraid it has no legs to stand on - legally speaking.

3, Is it practical to ask for compensation? - |Probably not.

However Germany want to have Poland as their mitteleuropa vasal state IF so, that the least they can to would to solidly compensate Poland for all the loses incurred and those that she will incur in the future due to such a status. I think that is a pretty reasonable stance.

On the other hand those people either PO or PiS in charge in Poland. I wouldn't want to talk to them serious either. From my point of view its pretty sad.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
20 Apr 2019   #27
That issue has more levels to it.

Not really...actually only 2. The one who wants money and the other who pays it (or not).

I rather think PiS believes Germany as weak and soft, they try for their pound of flesh as long as they think they can get away with it.

Otherwise it is illogical why they don't grate on Moscows nerves too at the same time. They fear Russia more than Germany...

It's abit schizophrenic....Germany is an partner and an ally, a good, peaceful neighbour, sharing most unions and they look for any things to pelt Germany with.

Russia is feared and depised, hated even...seen as an enemy....not a bad word from Warsaw, and for sure no demands!

Maybe Germany should become abit harsher? :)
Ironside  50 | 12884
20 Apr 2019   #28
Your fault that you weren't even there. You failed to put in your demands then, now it's to late. Sorry

Oh, you want to have a trade going with Russia going over Poland's territory - sorry prices for transit just quadrupled.

Oh, your gas pipe wasn't deep enough blocking our port in Stettin oh we so sorry, As it happened a ship accidently bust it.

Oh, your capital owns like 80% of the Polish media, such and such banks, sorry we just changed the law and you can only own 10% we will buy the rest for the market price, opps the prices just dropped down overnight, well what we can do - a free market economy eh?

That just from the top of my head.

Serio, Germany is soo lucky I'm not in charge in Poland. :)

Israel too and Russia, and some other sods.
USA on the other hand is loosing in the long term.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11874
20 Apr 2019   #29
Serio, Germany is soo lucky I'm not in charge in Poland. :)

So we are all lucky in that regard! :)

But I'm fairly sure would you become elected prez of Poland you would very soon learn that nothing is that easy as it first sounds. In consequence you would have to bin most of your election promises/threats immediately after taking office and coming round to the thinking that maybe having good relationships with Germany is not a bad thing at all...happens all the time! :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
21 Apr 2019   #30
Moral grounds - zero. There is a common sense rule in civil law: a kiss ends a dispute. Germany and Poland hugged and kissed so all is forgiven.

Legal grounds - probably zero. There must an EU clause somewhere that prohibits members states from suing each other for the events prior to joining. Case closed.

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