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If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland?

calcedonia  4 | 67
10 Nov 2011   #1
I wonder how they act, because I heard about they dont like not believers. Im sure not same like in Turkey in Turkey goverment write id religion even dont ask to you, if you try to erease that sh.t in your id , goverment workers shows reaction to you,I dont like religion specialy islam,its arab superstition I dont care Turkish prime minister believer or not,and Im sure in Turkey Agnostic,deist,atheist population more than 30% but they covered and never show up,Laicite they said but agnostic,deist,atheist not free in Turkey ,they cant free speach and 50% uneducated,bigot people reaction too much I hate that. In ramadan people they dont eat food until afternoon,if they seen somebody eat they look at angry to him,specialy I got my burger or kebab and eat street,because I hate people forced,and some times ramadan they closed alcohol restaurants, this forced not freedom must to change they wait everybody act like muslim but no some who refused never act same and fallow their rules. How about in Poland,they also dont like Agnostic,deist,atheist or no matter ,there is free thinking?
Havok  10 | 902
10 Nov 2011   #2
Just because we’ve built a giant statute of Jesus in a village of Krapkowice it doesn’t mean we’re religious zealots! So to answer your extensive question: NO! It’s absolutely not ok to be agnostic in Poland, and you'll burn in hell for that you nonbeliever person, you... I’m also forwarding your post to Radio Maria Police department. You have been warned.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
10 Nov 2011   #3
How about in Poland,they also dont like Agnostic,deist,atheist or no matter ,there is free thinking?

Have a look at
Not everyone here is religious, especially the better educated.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
10 Nov 2011   #4
I wonder how they act

Poland had an openly atheistic President(Kwasniewski), so what do you think? Haven't you been on this forum a bit too long to ask such a, how shall i put this, silly question?
10 Nov 2011   #5
Generally, the more older the person is, the less likely they'll accept you. You should shouldn't have a problem with the youth in cities like Warsaw.

My bad. You shouldn't have a problem with the youth in cities like Warsaw.
Olaf  6 | 955
10 Nov 2011   #6
Not everyone here is religious, especially the better educated.

It goes along with education and science but not entirely - I'd rather say that all enlightened people dnn't believe fairy tales - and I've seen quite a number of very simple but wise people who said that this bullshite is nothing else than other dracula stories - it depends on the region. Wielkopolska is more freed of this, while Malopolska is still in the dark ages more
Ironside  50 | 12931
10 Nov 2011   #7
How about in Poland,they also dont like Agnostic,deist,atheist or no matter ,there is free thinking?

Nobody is going to chase you down the street.

Some are free of thinking and same aren't :)

ou shouldn't have a problem with the youth in cities like Warsaw.

What they call it ? your illness I mean - old peeps phobia ?

I'd rather say that all enlightened people

Is that enlightenment involves mass murder and guillotines ?:)

but seriously how can you tell that somebody is enlightened ? Is he/she glowing in the dark or what ?

Not everyone here is religious, especially the better educated.

That as myth goes. Actually people can be divided in two groups regardless of education:
Sorry !
pawian  223 | 27199
10 Nov 2011   #8
I wonder how they act, because I heard about they dont like not believers.

If I meet you, I will impale you! Heathen!

But as I am a merciful Christian, I will do it to you under narcosis.
Olaf  6 | 955
10 Nov 2011   #9
Is that enlightenment involves mass murder and guillotines ?:)

but seriously how can you tell that somebody is enlightened ? Is he/she glowing in the dark or what ?

Seriously? - Murders are methods and toll of religion so much more. No argument to that, sir. There are numbers behind that.

And about enlightmennt: if sb. says about angels, harry potters, jesuses, maries, demons, miracles and so on - then they were not studying carefully and prefer to stick to BELIEFS, BOGUS TRENDS and SUPERSTITIONS instead of FACTS and SCIENCE, Mr Ironhead.
10 Nov 2011   #10
Olaf and JonnyM

I'm shocked with your answers. You demand tolerance yet you ridicule and put down other people. You claim that they're worse educated, believe in fairy tales, are not enlighted, live in dark ages only because they have some spiritual faith or want to have a tradition they can relate with. How could you? I'm not a religious person myself but even I feel outraged with your comments!

Personally I know two married couples composed of a Catholic and an atheist, so it seems there is no problem with accepting others' views even within marriage, so tell me why you can not accept it? Among people who are Catholics I know people with very liberal views as well as those with conservative or mixed views, depending on a subject. Why then do you tar all people with the same brush and abuse them? Isn't stereotyping a trait of uneducated and bigoted people?

As for fairy-tales, those "fairy-tales" are sometimes needed for a psychological reasons. Imagine you talk with a terminaly ill person, would you have no heart and tell that person that there is no God and he is waiting for his ultimate end? Would you do that? If you did I'd say you're cruel person. Some people need a hope, a sense for their existence to deal with a death, misfortune, unjustice. Some people need tradition - that makes them feel that they belong somewhere. Isn't it a quite human thing? Why to laugh then?

I disagree with many views presented with religious people but I would never resort to ridicule anyone only because that person believe in God. It's just unclassy and wicket. I might not believe in those things but I understand people who does. I think it's a feature of an intelligent person to understand sociological phenomenoms and not to draw easy conclusions. An easy conslusion would be exactly saying that only a simple-minded person can be religious.

if I'm Agnostic,deist,atheist,can I say that to Polish people in Poland?

If you won't ridicule other people's faith I see no reason why it might be a problem for anyone. Poland is presented abroad as a ultracatholic country but it's a false perception.

Seriously? - Murders are methods and toll of religion so much more.

No, it's a toll of politics mainly and religion unfortunately isn't and never been free from politics. But it's not an idea which is wrong, it's just people who made wrong use of it.

if sb. says about angels, harry potters, jesuses, maries, demons, miracles and so on - then they were not studying carefully and prefer to stick to BELIEFS, BOGUS TRENDS and SUPERSTITIONS instead of FACTS and SCIENCE, Mr Ironhead.

Treat it less literal more metaphorical. Religious people not always believe in all that. I heard about some surveys which exposed that most Catholics in Poland don't believe in hell. They believe that God is so merciful that he forgives everyone.
OP calcedonia  4 | 67
11 Nov 2011   #11
Yes I read all message,and no one asked why you don't believe? Its the different,really if Poland religious like this I think super,because of course if you say about you are atheist,deist,agnostic in Turkey ,they ask why don't believe,''of course in Saudi Arabia,Pakistan,Afghanistan,Iran even you cant say'',in Turkey you can say but they asked you like you are alien and you don't have right,they treat you like you are stupid and they try to proof something but they educated noting when you start to proof or not proof something , explain to you don't believe they start to be angry,they thing they little education chanced my mind,and conversation finish,I prefer for future Turkey will be at least %50 agnostic like Sweden,Estonia and Czech republic and Japan.I would like to see atheist president of turkey,agnostic prime minister of turkey,but they will declare not hiddenley.I don't say no more religion because must to be you can never forced like communist regimes,but 98% Muslim false record. As I know many people agnostic in Turkey specially west after they put on IDs religion Muslim,and count %98 Muslim,and why one government write on ID religion? Anyway in Turkey 2 July 1993 religious people made ''sivas massacre'' intellectual people had some seminar in hotel they were agnostic mostly,most famous writer ''Aziz Nesin'' in head of conference ,fanatic religious people attack and hotel start to fire 1500 people start to out of hotel 37 people cant run and they burned,who start this fire still fugitive ,when people try to run of hotel they didn't let they let them burned live.Government didn't stop this massacre.They did for save religion of agnostics,yeah right. Anyway I give some example some modern turkish girls answer some religious tv speaker questions, she answer but stupid guy forced her and didn't understand. Maybe you understand me well. sorry for my english.
EM_Wave  9 | 310
11 Nov 2011   #12
I heard about some surveys which exposed that most Catholics in Poland don't believe in hell. They believe that God is so merciful that he forgives everyone.

You have a link for this?
11 Nov 2011   #13
Ok, I've mixed it up a bit. 41% of Poles don't believe in hell, among them declared Catholics. I can't give links because forum doesn't allow for that.
frd  7 | 1379
11 Nov 2011   #14
I wonder what's the thinking behind this thread. I mean, you usually don't talk religion with people you've just met. I can't imagine a situation where you casually walk up to people tellng them what's your choice of faith or lack of it. And people you know longer are your friends or colleagues, they shuold not care about your choice of fix...
Ironside  50 | 12931
11 Nov 2011   #15
Murders are methods and toll of religion so much more. No argument to that, sir. There are numbers behind that.

What numbers ?
On the other hand there are documents on number of murdered by Nazis and Commies regimes. Especially lefties ideologies when implemented produced million upon millions of death.

Fairy tales ? Dude no offense but you are one dumb son of a gun :)
Olaf  6 | 955
11 Nov 2011   #16
"On the other hand" ?! - You put all these genocides to people thinking differently than you? I have no word to that. Or is it that you try to balance the things I mentioned so that it doesn't look that bad?

Fairy tales ? Dude no offense but you are one dumb son of a gun :)

Hey, when you run out of arguments you do what you have to - you insult. Says more about you than me. It's like a monkey throwing it's feaces - it's still your feaces not mine.

Take care.
Ironside  50 | 12931
11 Nov 2011   #17
Or is it that you try to balance the things I mentioned so that it doesn't look that bad?

Balances what ? Commies and Nazis mass murder policy was a result of implementing so called enlightenment ideas into practice.Why I'm not surprised that you cannot get that.

Insults, monkeys ? What are you about ? Lets face facts dude, you cannot comprehend that its you who can be wrong as God's existence cannot be proved but it cannot be proved that God doesn't exist either.

You are dumb because you are unable to understand and comprehend that simple fact. It is not an insult dude it is a simple fact of life.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
11 Nov 2011   #18
I wonder what's the thinking behind this thread

The OP comes from a country where is it a legal requirement to have your religion on your ID, same as in Malasia, it's a muslim thing, so therefore it is a big deal. People are judged by their religion, it would appear that the OP cares not for religion and would live to live in a society where people are like minded, so him not caring about religion is a big deal to him, he doesnt want to be judged by religious people.
OP calcedonia  4 | 67
12 Nov 2011   #19
Thank you Amathyst, realy women understand better,Im 100% feminist, If women controld the world never be war,I just read on internet some news ,one young polish guy say about ''I cant say my oppinion about religion'' and I wonder and asked Im sure and I seen polish people so toleranted and educated,and intellectual people but just I asked.Why people right away thinking something behind this thread? And I want to say I respect all religion believer. Anyway I got my answer thank you all Im deist anyway like Denis Diderot.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
12 Nov 2011   #20
If women controld the world never be war

How wrong you are,every 28 days would be like the apocolypse......
OP calcedonia  4 | 67
12 Nov 2011   #21
isthatu2 ,you are wrong check world crime statistics all crimes of the world just %4 women %96 men. And wars also same. I support women.
Natasa  1 | 572
12 Nov 2011   #22
How wrong you are,every 28 days would be like the apocolypse......

I think that women involved in politics don't ovulate ;)

Anyway, women are not evolutionary made for power of that kind, they are programmed to nurture and protect their progeny and look for alphas who have more resources and will be able to provide protection and to be in charge and get to the resources to support the progeny, so the human history almost didn't record a war started by group of only women.

it was division of roles between genders that was adequate for hunting societies, before humanity started with agriculture. That change (agriculture, and later ones ...)occurred relatively recently to produce any significant effect on our basic evolutionary programs. The rest is culture driven and in some way against our current nature.

woman in politics is a man in disguise.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
12 Nov 2011   #23
And wars also same. I support women.

Matey,when I was seven my country went to war,our head of state was a woman named liz and our prime minister was a woman named maggie............hundreds died,fact.

I live in a post imperial country who's largest period of expansion happened under the control of a woman,called vicky, a few hundred years earlier a bird named liz 1 had been in charge during a period of mass burnings of catholics oh and a little thing like defeating the last ever papal crusade in 1588 with "the body of a weak and feeble woman....".

While I dont entirely agree with natasa's post post pre post feminist stand ( ;) ) I will say that who ever seeks out political power has more in common with others of the same nature than just the contents of their underpants.....what I mean is that male or female those who seek power are essentially the same.
beckski  12 | 1609
12 Nov 2011   #24
If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland?

You'll probably be fine, as long as you don't go advertising it to everyone.
OP calcedonia  4 | 67
12 Nov 2011   #25
You can just 2 example,but look at history all men.Men crazy about power . Men are so poor they jealous women and they never give birth baby and they be bored because of this ,they fight and aggressive.
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161
12 Nov 2011   #26
I wonder how they act, because I heard about they dont like not believers.

I'm pagan/wiccan, and all of my close polish friends, most who have very religious catholic families, are totally fine with me. :)

My future children will also be raised as pagans, and will be named after ancient Slavic deities.
southern  73 | 7059
12 Nov 2011   #27
so the human history almost didn't record a war started by group of only women.

You forget Troyan war.

woman in politics is a man in disguise.

I also believe that Thatcher Merkel have testes.

My future children will also be raised as pagans, and will be named after ancient Slavic deities.

I think you should keep Perun away from electricity poles.
Ironside  50 | 12931
12 Nov 2011   #28
My future children will also be raised as pagans, and will be named after ancient Slavic deities.

pry tell us those names, it must be fun to call your son -pizmat, swarożyc or trzygów :)

Sonny, ancient Slavs wouldn't call their children names of their deities out of respect for said deities. Go and play you ignorant goon !
frd  7 | 1379
12 Nov 2011   #29
The OP comes from a country where is it a legal requirement to have your religion on your ID

How often do you show your ID to random people? Likelyhood of showing your ID to a simpleminded police officer is negligible. I really think it's making a storm in a teacup.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
12 Nov 2011   #30
Im 100% feminist, If women controld the world never be war,I

ZIMMY! Quick!

Home / Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland?

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