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Abortion still under control in Poland

pawian  224 | 27236
10 Jan 2023   #2671
because women are not responsible for the survival of the tribe

Yes, we saw this "survival" during all wars, especially WW ones, fought by trigger happy males. :):):)

they don't invent anything

Coz teams of male inventors have rejected women as a rule. But it is slowly changing now.

they don't like taking risks,

Great!!! We need matriarchat like bees need honey!!!

they don't construct anything, it is a lie - they construct the family., Ha!

they don't produce the tribe's wealth - another lie. Of course they do, working 24/7, day and night, so that males can fight their silly wars.
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Jan 2023   #2672
Come Judgement Day, Beware ! they are Satan's wolves

That fanatic zeal of yours is useless, Polish women will be liberated soon. Ha!

day after day, month after month

Until the full liberation!

Then I will take a rest coz I am old. But I have fought for women`s rights all my life and will die a happy man coz I did my little part to relieve women from their oppression.
Paulina  17 | 4465
24 Jan 2023   #2673
Doctors in Podlasie region refused to perform abortion on a 14-year-old girl who was raped by her uncle and got pregnant, claiming it's against their conscience, even though according to the law such abortion would be legal:

To make matters worse, the girl is intelectually disabled and didn't even understand that she was pregnant. Her desperate aunt contacted an NGO that helped them find a hospital in Warsaw that would perform the abortion, because every hospital in Podlasie they went to refused. The doctors in Podlasie said that "it's not their problem".
johnny reb  49 | 7974
24 Jan 2023   #2674
I did my little part to relieve women from their oppression.

Name three things besides bake cakes and babysit their kids.
pawian  224 | 27236
24 Jan 2023   #2675
The doctors in Podlasie said that "it's not their problem".

That is why I said women aren`t even allowed to have abortion which is legal. That case shows the true face of the oppressive state that PiS has arranged for citizens.

I am optimistic, though - Poles will reject rightists like they rejected communists in the past. Sooner or later I will witness their demise coz such is the course of history.

Name three things

I have always voted for parties which supported the compromise.
I have always encouraged my female students to stand up against chauvinistic male oppression.
I have always taught my male students to respect women`s rights. And sons, too.

Are you satisfied??? :):):)

Alien  25 | 6353
25 Jan 2023   #2676
Sooner or later I will witness their demise

I don't know if people live that long.
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Jan 2023   #2677
if people live that long.

By demise I meant collapse or downfall in terms of political influence, not complete expiry or end.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
25 Jan 2023   #2678
Are you satisfied?

Not really.
You may be anti communist but you support some extreme leftist and oppressive views.
You are a hypocrite.
pawian  224 | 27236
26 Jan 2023   #2679
You may be anti communist

Hmm, your penchant for going off topic is truly amassing. This thread is about abortion, not communism. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8748
26 Jan 2023   #2680
Mentally disabled girl, 14, raped by her uncle is refused an abortion by Polish hospitals

And that's how it should be. If you, abortion freaks, want to kill somebody, kill the uncle. The kid is guilty of nothing.

Poland, you did it perfectly well by not creating bullsh*it exceptions. Once you do, it never stops until the freaks get it their way: at any time, for any reason, and without limits on how many - including all.
pawian  224 | 27236
26 Jan 2023   #2681
raped by her uncle/ you did it perfectly well by not creating bullsh*it exceptions

Will you enthusiastically endorse this option, too, when one of your granddaughters is raped by an "uncle" ?
Will you help her raise the child as a good grandpa??

Answer the questions.
Paulina  17 | 4465
26 Jan 2023   #2682
Poland, you did it perfectly well by not creating bullsh*it exceptions.

But Poland did create exceptions. Abortion is legal in Poland in case of rape.

when one of your granddaughters is raped by an "uncle" ?

Better yet - by a black gangsta :)))
Alien  25 | 6353
26 Jan 2023   #2683
raped by an "uncle" ?

Kill the uncle.....but wait a minute, who will pay the alimony?
pawian  224 | 27236
26 Jan 2023   #2684
who will pay the alimony?

Novi coz he suggests killing the uncle.

Better yet - by a black gangsta :)))

Novi, answer the questions.

You`d better do it now coz I won`t give it up and whenever you post in this thread, I will always ask you this question. Until my last hour or yours, whatever. :):):

Paulina  17 | 4465
26 Jan 2023   #2685
Novi, answer the questions.

Even better yet, gang raped by multiple black gangstas.
Novichok, imagine those black gangstas got high on something, kidnapped your 14-year-old grandaughter, brutally raped her in all kinds of disgusting ways for days and got her pregnant, because they didn't use condoms when they were raping her.

Once she was rescued by the police and found out that she's pregnant - would you tell your 14-year-old daughter that she's not allowed to have an abortion? What would her parents say to this? What would her mother and your daughter think of you, if you shamed your 14-year-old daughter for having an abortion after getting raped?
Paulina  17 | 4465
26 Jan 2023   #2686
14-year-old daughter

Miloslaw  20 | 5108
26 Jan 2023   #2687
What would her mother and your daughter think of you, if you shamed your 14-year-old daughter for having an abortion after getting raped?

I could not agree more.

And that's how it should be. If you, abortion freaks, want to kill somebody, kill the uncle. The kid is guilty of nothing

I get your point Rich, but I think you have got it wrong on this one.

think of you, if you shamed your 14-year-old daughter for having an abortion after getting raped?

Great point!

Rich believes life is life and he has a point but he forgets all the other people involved.
Paulina  17 | 4465
26 Jan 2023   #2688
@Miloslaw, yes, I think it's because Novichok lacks empathy. He's unable to put himself in the shoes of a 14-year-old raped girl.

Also, 14-year-old is simply too young to get pregnant and to give birth. It risks the girl's health and life:

"Adolescent mothers (aged 10-19 years) face higher risks of eclampsia, puerperal endometritis and systemic infections than women aged 20-24 years, and babies of adolescent mothers face higher risks of low birth weight, preterm birth and severe neonatal condition."

The girl's body isn't prepared well enough for pregnancy and child-birth yet at such a young age.
Paulina  17 | 4465
26 Jan 2023   #2689
Imagine if that girl from Podlasie was forced to give birth. Would she survive or end up dead, like in this case?:

"14-year-old rape victim dies after being forced to give birth in Paraguay":

"Dr Hernan Martinez, the hospital director, told reporters the girl had been hospitalised 20 days before she went into labour because her young age meant the pregnancy was high risk.

The body of a minor is not prepared for a pregnancy," he said.

Ricardo Gonzalez Borgne, the head of the the National Secretariat for Children and Adolescents, said a 37-year-old man was arrested in connection with the rape."

This (the girl's young age) makes the decision of doctors from hospitals in Podlasie region even more shocking. Especially that the girl is intelectually disabled, so I imagine it would be more difficult for her to realise and communicate her condition to her aunt when pregnant or to the hospital staff once in labour.

According to those doctors putting the girl's health and life in danger was "not their problem". Easy to say when it's not happening to you, your daughter or your granddaughter, isn't it?
Paulina  17 | 4465
26 Jan 2023   #2690
Another quote from that article:

"Around 65 percent of cases of obstetric fistula, a childbirth injury and one of the leading causes of maternal death, occur in the pregnancies of adolescents."

Do you know what obstetric fistula is? You probably don't want to know (if you think that young girls are "popping out" babies with no problems in those "traditional" countries, then you're very wrong):

"Obstetric fistula is one of the most serious and tragic childbirth injuries. A hole between the birth canal and bladder and/or rectum, it is caused by prolonged, obstructed labour without access to timely, high-quality medical treatment. It leaves women and girls leaking urine, faeces or both, and often leads to chronic medical problems, depression, social isolation and deepening poverty."

"It is estimated that more than 2 million young women live with untreated obstetric fistula in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

Obstetric fistula is preventable; it can largely be avoided by:

- delaying the age of first pregnancy;
- the cessation of harmful traditional practices; and
- timely access to obstetric care."
28 Jan 2023   #2691
ess, Polish women will be liberated soon. Ha!

High time for it. Like in Europe .
Novichok  4 | 8748
28 Jan 2023   #2692
Before we change abortion laws to take care of raped underage girls, we should start executing men who have sex - rape or not - with underage girls. Publicly and the day after the DNA test to IDed the sob. No excuses, no appeals.
pawian  224 | 27236
28 Jan 2023   #2693
Before we change abortion laws

Ha! You are back again.
Good. Can you answer one question which I asked you a few posts above?
Will you enthusiastically endorse this option, too, when one of your granddaughters is raped by an "uncle" ?
Lenka  5 | 3531
28 Jan 2023   #2694
we should start executing men who have sex - rape or not - with underage girls.

And how that helps the girl?
Novichok  4 | 8748
28 Jan 2023   #2695
And how that helps the girl?

Retroactively, not at all. Looking forward - a lot.
What's the penalty for raping a 14-year-old in Poland?
Lenka  5 | 3531
28 Jan 2023   #2696
Looking forward - a lot.

How? She is still pregnant before her body is ready for it and now the guy won't even pay child support...
Novichok  4 | 8748
28 Jan 2023   #2697
Sorry, I was too terse...I meant:

An effective death penalty for raping an underage child would reduce the number of rapes of underage children since that would eliminate repeat offenders if it didn't actually deter them.

The worst way to pass laws is on the basis of one or a few cases and without considering the downside. And that slippery slope...
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Jan 2023   #2698
we should start executing men who have sex - rape or not - with underage girls.

Since that's unlikely to happen - answer mine and pawian's question.

Novi does not have to think about that ever happening in his well cultured family.

That's a dangerous and completely wrong misconception. Such things happen in all kinds of families, no matter how cultured they are.
And only pawian asked about an uncle - I asked about Novichok's granddaughter being raped by black gang members in the US.
Novichok  4 | 8748
28 Jan 2023   #2699

Technically, women can get pregnant and bear children from puberty when they start getting their menstrual period to menopause when they stop getting it. The average woman's reproductive years are between ages 12 and 51.

Being pregnant at 14 and delivering at 15 is not a medical catastrophe. Still, the guy who did it should be convicted and executed.

Unfortunately, today in Europe, they couldn't execute Hitler.

Too insensitive and cruel.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
28 Jan 2023   #2700
I asked about Novichok's granddaughter being raped by black gang members in the US.

His grandaughter is much more likely to be killed by a teen texting or a drunk driver than being raped by a black gang.
Rapes have been happening throughout history, they are nothing new.
You just have this fetish that all 14-year-old girls are going to die if they give birth.
Then there is adoption if grandma doesn't want to raise the bastard.
How about a 14-year-old boy that gets raped and contracts A.I.D.'s
There is no abortion for that is there, Smartso.
Save your pity party for the Fems as unfortunate as sex crimes are.

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