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Expectations of Godparent in Poland

MrComric 3 | 26
11 Feb 2024 #1
So today I was asked to be a godparent for the youngest child of friends of ours. Now the first shock has evaporated, I feel honored and responsible. So I come from Belgium where we go on holidays with godchildren, make saving accounts in their name and are the legal guardian in case something happens to the child's parents. That's my background. But I would like to know what is expected of me now from a Polish perspective. (I am catholic, baptised, confirmed and married).
Tlum 12 | 188
1 day ago #2
You're expected to participate in the child's important milestones in life, that includes: confirmation, marriage, death. Besides, if something happens to the child's parents, you promise to take care of the child as if he/she was your own. You may also be expected to give gifts on these milestones.

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