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Abortion still under control in Poland

johnny reb 47 | 7288
15 Jan 2024 #2971
1st wave feminism - about basic rights

Murder is not a basic right

ah hell with it, let's turn the movement over to men.....

Seemed to have worked one hell of a lot better didn't it.
pawian 221 | 24284
17 Jun 2024 #2972
No 2 change - each hospital has to employ doctors who agree to perform abortions. Conscience clause doctors who refuse to can stay, of course.

Quote from October 2023.

Abortion refusals under the scrutiny of the National Health Fund. The first facility punished. They will pay as much as half a million

The National Health Fund conducts inspections regarding abortion refusals, informed the Minister of Health, Izabela Leszczyna. One proceeding has already ended with the imposition of a penalty, and two more are in their final stages, she added.

The head of the Ministry of Health was asked at a press conference in Warsaw about the availability of abortion procedures in accordance with the current legal status. Medical facilities are obliged to organize work in such a way that at least one doctor can perform the procedure.

- We have a new regulation on general contract terms. [...] Currently, the National Health Fund's control department is conducting control proceedings regarding abortion refusals. On June 13, the inspection proceedings at the Pabianice Medical Center were completed, as a result of which a fine of PLN 550,000 was imposed on this healthcare provider. zloty. I know that there are two other entities where the inspection is in the final stage. I am afraid that imposing a penalty there will also be justified, said Leszczyna.

The amendment to the regulation on general terms and conditions of contracts for the provision of health care services entered into force at the end of May. It concerns the provision of end-of-pregnancy services by hospitals and requires the healthcare provider to organize the provision of services on-site in such a way that at least one of the doctors can perform the procedure that saves the woman's life or health.

Novichok 5 | 7804
17 Jun 2024 #2973
What would happen to the tribe that doesn't allow any abortions?
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
17 Jun 2024 #2974
They would have a load of unwanted children.......
Novichok 5 | 7804
17 Jun 2024 #2975
That tribe would make those "unwanted" children wanted very quickly.
jon357 73 | 22653
17 Jun 2024 #2976
The first facility punished. They will pay as much as half a million

Very good news.
Novichok 5 | 7804
17 Jun 2024 #2977
A clinic in Houston is working on a test to reveal if the baby will be LGBT, leftist, moron, or a criminal. This will help the parents to decide if to abort or discard later.
jon357 73 | 22653
17 Jun 2024 #2978
there are two other entities where the inspection is in the final stage.

I wonder if there will be any more.
Lenka 5 | 3526
18 Jun 2024 #2979
That tribe would make those "unwanted" children wanted very quickly.

Yeah, we know from history how they were loved. Especially those disabled ones.
Ironside 50 | 12345
18 Jun 2024 #2980

It's a cultish nonsense stymied by a protestant worldview.

Yeah, we know from history how they were loved.

Sure, if you are unloved they just should shoot you, great logic, wait that is a woman talking she doesn't need logic she feels she is right.
Lenka 5 | 3526
18 Jun 2024 #2981
Do you want to tell me that there is no unwanted kids (especially disabled ones)?
Novichok 5 | 7804
18 Jun 2024 #2982
Sure, if you are unloved they just should shoot you, great logic,

Torq 7 | 1152
18 Jun 2024 #2983
Do you want to tell me

I suppose what Iron is trying to say is that murdering a child in its mother's womb can hardly be justified by the child being unwanted.

I also fail to see the logic in the "oh, the child is unwanted so let's murder it - that will solve the problem" approach.
Alien 22 | 5228
18 Jun 2024 #2984
child is unwanted so let's murder it

But that is the law, however, until the end of the third month of pregnancy, these are not punishable acts... at least in Germany, provided that prior medical advice is obtained.
Lenka 5 | 3526
18 Jun 2024 #2985
what Iron is trying to say is that murdering a child in its mother's womb can hardly be justified by the child being unwanted.

That is a different argument. My response is purely to Novichoks statement that those kids would be wanted.
As to the reasons for abortions- that is a different matter. For you guys I don't think there are any, are they?
pawian 221 | 24284
18 Jun 2024 #2986
we know from history how they were loved. Especially those disabled ones.

It is considered that 80% fathers of disabled kids leave them and their mothers and vanish into the thin air coz it is easier and more comfortable. The woman is left alone and her ex partner even refuses to pay alimony.

For this and other reasons, abortion on demand is one of basic women`s rights and it will be introduced sooner or later.

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