My mom used to call me something like Yash Ka I have no idea if it spelled correct in Polish but that is what it sounded like anybody have an idea what it might mean?
Looker from what I know about the Polish alphabet (very little) I think you are right about the pronunciation Polonius3 I hope she was not calling me that my first name is John so I think Jan in Polish does not make sense but thank you bought anyway
Poloius3That could be it I still don't know why she would call me that my sisters midle name was Hedwiga and she did go through the role call anytime she wanted anyone of us so thank you again sir.
There are all kinds of family-specific customs, quirks, nicknaming styles, in-jokes, etc. whose origin is often buried in the mists of time, so the best we can do is speculate..
Thank you again sir. Are all the people in Poland as well spoken as they are on PF? It just sounds to me there are a number of very intelligent people hanging around PF I am curious I know I will hear something about this.
(male) Jan = diminutive name Jasiek (Yashyek). (female) Janina = diminutive name Jaśka (Yashka) Maybe your mom was joking or making fun of you when she called you Jaśka? I do the same, i often call my son a female version of his first name, especially when he takes forever to get dress or complains a lot. :)
Hi all, I hope someone can help? I'm new to this site and to speaking polish. I have a polish girlfriend and I may have accidentally upset her today, could someone please translate the following for me to save my bacon ......
I am so sorry for upsetting you, I never meant to and I wasn't thinking what I was saying. I promise to everyday be a better person and to be as perfect as you need me to be. I love you with all my heart, you are my world and I promise it will never happen again.
Wybacz mi, że Cię zasmuciłem. Nigdy nie myślałem tego co powiedziałem, nawet wówczas, gdy to wypowiadałem. Obiecuję stawać się lepszym człowiekiem każdego dnia i stać się ideałem z Twoich marzeń. Kocham Cię z całego serca, jesteś całym moim światem i obiecuję, że to się nigdy nie powtórzy.
Hello every one . I have started to date a polish lady in Australia . She is very sweet. I really like her. I tried to send here a sweet message in polish because I thought she would like that. I wanted to say. Something along the lines of.
" hello little kitten you are the most beautiful woman." I sent this to her, witam mały kotek . jesteś najpiękniejszą kobietą . She said thanks and asked me to not use translator. I wonder what I said to here? What should of I said. Thanks saron
Merged: Tattoo text help - 'you are so beautiful to me' in Polish
Hi, I'm trying to get a tattoo soon that I have wanted for a long time. It is "you are so beautiful to me" but I want the phrase in Polish because my grandma who sang that song to me was largely Polish as was her dad that passed away a few years ago. I don't trust Google Translate and was wondering if anyone could help me out. This what it spit out, " jesteś dla mnie piękna"
I want this tattoo to accurately represent my family and our heritage. So if anyone could please give me advice or an accurate translation that would be so much appreciated!
Merged: co rusz to jakis inny...what does this mean in English?
co rusz to jakis inny mezczyzna obok ciebie.
What does this actually mean. Theres a pic of my girlfriend at a table sitting with an old guy and this is written underneath? Ive asked her but she is just teasing mea bout it.
Dunno how old Pamela is, but among today's younger set there's a tendency to use the 2nd person singular amongst peers or even older people. In a sense she was addressing each male and female PF-er personally ratehr than speaking to a crowd..
Would some one just double check my translation of the following message please. It was left on my facebook by my ex a couple of days after my birthday. Obviously there were quite a birthday few messages too.
Taka dziewczyne kazdy chcialby miec...Kocham!
My translation is:- everybody loves this girl, I love her.
Don't want to ask any of the Poles I know as it will only create havoc. I have taken it down but would like to see if it is what I thought.
My translation is:- everybody loves this girl, I love her.
I would translate: Everybody would like to have such girl, I love (adore) - no 'her' in this sentence, if it matters, although maybe he just cutted this phrase like that.
Hi, Thanks for the translation. I had thought about that translation but seemed a bit weird on my FB page. That said he must have been very drunk to have written on my page!!!!:)