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Short Polish<->English translations

Dazed &Confused
23 Oct 2015   #241
Być może, że wielu spośród opisowej grupy Polaków grekokatolików posiada dotąd z polskością związek tylko potencjalny, pozbawiony cech aktywności narodowej, czyż jednak w większym stopniu Ukraińcami są ci Rusini, którzy wszelkiej łączności z ukrainizmem stanowczo wypierają się?

What is he saying about Rusyns and Ukrainains? I don't exactly get it.
Looker  - | 1129
23 Oct 2015   #242
This is a comparison of Polish Greek Catholics to the Russian Ukrainians - the first group do not have much national links with Poland, and Rusyns deny a connection with the Ukrainians.


(Although, as far I know, this word refers rather to a language)
Dazed &Confused
23 Oct 2015   #243
I was particularly confused about "Ukraińcami są ci Rusini," which I thought was "Ukrainians are themselves Ruthenians". (The reflexive business screws me up.) Could Rusini and ukrainizmem both be referring to languages, or might "ukrainizmem" be referring the Ukrainian nationalist/separatist movement?

Could "Ukraińcami" refer to people living in the geographical region of Ukraine, thus "the Ukrainian region has Ruthenians who strongly deny affiliation (connection) with Ukrainian nationalism/separatism"?
Looker  - | 1129
23 Oct 2015   #244
According to the Polish wikipedia:
The "ukrainizm" means a word, phrase or a sentential construction taken from the Ukrainian language by another language or culture modeled on that language.

And this word confuses me too because in the sentence about Ukrainians I don't see much connection to a language, although maybe it's taken from a bigger context I'm not aware of. So it may have either a national meaning or indicate a language connection.

"Ukraińcami są ci Rusini"

Some Rusyns are also Ukrainians and vice versa if they are settled on the same area.
The Rusyns word might be confusing here also - the Ukrainians may be called with this term too (as the entire population of East Slavic)
Dazed &Confused
23 Oct 2015   #245
Ukrainians, didn't always mean ethnic Ukrainians in the modern sense. This is about the 1931 Polish census from A. Krysiński, "Population Ukrainian (Ruthenian) in Poland" in the light of the 1931 census., Warsaw 1938. That counted people by language and Ukrainian and Ruthenian were counted as separate languages. English language academic works have tended to conflate the two terms, but Dr. Robert Magosci, himself an ethnic Rusyn, has again reasserted a difference. It appears that some of these people were Rusyns near the San, but others simply rejected the Ukrainain nationalist agenda. Polish historians have noted ethnic violence, or the threats of it, against the Ruthenians by the Ukrainians during the war. I am trying to get the quote right in context.
Looker  - | 1129
23 Oct 2015   #246
I'm not great at history so without much interpreting I would translate it like this:

It may be that many of the descriptive group of Poles - Greek Catholics has so far only potential relationship with Polishness, devoid of the characteristics of national activity, are, however, more Ukrainians those Ruthenians who are strongly denying any connections with the Ukrainism?

Personally I think that the Ukrainism term may have both meanings in this text - national and linguistic.
Dazed &Confused
23 Oct 2015   #247
Thanks, maybe: "It may be that many of the descriptive group of Poles - Greek Catholics has so far only potential relationship with Polishness, devoid of the characteristics of national activity. Are there, however, other Ukrainians, those Ruthenians who are strongly denying any connections with the Ukrainism?" (removing comma splice run-on sentence which may be OK in Polish.)

The rest of the quote is :"Narodowości na Ziemi Czerwieńskiej znajdują się w stanie płynnym i właśnie w takim stadium znajdują się w Małopolsce zarówno Polacy grekokatolicy, jak i grupy "ruskie", pomiędzy którymi odbywają się stałe fluktuacje, przeważnie jednak, i to ze zrozumiałych powodów, w kierunku stosunku do polskości dośrodkowym." This I understand.
Looker  - | 1129
23 Oct 2015   #248

Thanks for the corrections - I'm still very far from perfect in my English. Good luck with your task.
Dazed &Confused
23 Oct 2015   #249
I am trying to understand how broadly the author was using the term, "Ziemi Czerwieńskiej" and "Małopolsce". Małopolska could mean all of Ukraine, and Ziemi Czerwieńskiej" varies from around Przsemyśl, to near Lwów and £uck. Małopolska could have meant all of Galicia?

Looker  - | 1129
25 Oct 2015   #250
As far as I understand, only the south part of Malopolska belonged to the Galicia region before the second war and I doubt that the term Galicia could be used interchangeably with the Malopolska name at this time.
26 Oct 2015   #251
Merged: Pustaki

Dzień Dobry,

I want to ask something, what does it means of "Buziaki pustaki"? is it something special if someone said this word to us?

dziękuję 😊
Looker  - | 1129
26 Oct 2015   #252
"Buziaki pustaki"

I'm native Pole and I see such words connection for the first time in my life (maybe it's a new youth slang or something?). No idea what's the meaning of this phrase. I may only translate the separate words from Polish into English:

buziaki = kisses
pustaki = airbricks
26 Oct 2015   #253
Merged: Pustaki

What does it Buziaki Pustaki means?
jon357  72 | 23350
26 Oct 2015   #254
See ya later alligator, basically.

But maybe a bit more affectionate. Literally it means kisses breezeblocks. If you're a Canadian or American or whatever, you probably call breezeblocks by a different name, but that's irrelevant since the meaning is unimportant. The breezeblocks bit's only there (like see ya later alligator) because it rhymes and sounds funny.

Don't read anything into the kisses bit either. As I say it's just a funny expression that rhymes.
27 Oct 2015   #255
Merged: To ask about Pustaki

What does Buziaki Pustaki means?

I am sorry to ask this again because I cant found my previous question :)
1 Nov 2015   #256
Merged: buźka

what does "buźka" means?
johnny reb  49 | 7938
1 Nov 2015   #258
Then what does pocałunek mean ?
Wulkan  - | 3136
1 Nov 2015   #259
same, just not used for text messaging
kpc21  1 | 746
1 Nov 2015   #260
Buźka - literally small face/small mouth (diminutive from buzia), but yes, usually it means a kiss. Maybe a more popular word (for a kiss, with the same origin) is buziak, as in the post before. Pocałunek sounds too official for a text message :)
2 Nov 2015   #261
Merged: nie mam pojo

Hello everyone, what does mean "nie mam pojo". Is it an expression or something? really impossible to find on the internet.

Thank you very much !!
cms  9 | 1253
2 Nov 2015   #262
Its a short version of "I have no idea"

but its the kind of thing someone might put in an sms - so Wulkan suspects you are checking your girlfriend's phone.
2 Nov 2015   #263
might put in an sms?? like an abreviation you mean?

And I've been single for too long to check that unfortunately haha.

I was just reading a book in polish because I'm learning it in my university and could not find this expression anywhere. So I wondered if it was slang or something.

Anyway thank you for your help!

Take care.

oh I see like pojo = pojęcie ?
bobbystand  3 | 9
5 Nov 2015   #264
Ja się kręce?

Not sure if it's spelled right, but seems to mean something like "oh my gosh"?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Nov 2015   #265
Ja się kręce?

It should be: Ja cię kręcę!
harrysmith  - | 12
7 Nov 2015   #266
Could someone please tell me the transliteration of the verb "is wearing": "ma na sobie"

e.g. "mężczyzna ma na sobie koszulkę"
kpc21  1 | 746
7 Nov 2015   #267
Transliteration? To what alphabet? I can do it to cyrylic, but I don't think it's what you expect :)

Pronounciation from the point of view of English is something like: mah nah sob-yeah.
bobbystand  3 | 9
7 Nov 2015   #268
Ja się kręce?
It should be: Ja cię kręcę!

Thank you. Literal and figurative translation?
harrysmith  - | 12
7 Nov 2015   #269
By transliteration I mean what it would sound like if it was said literally instead of after translation., because as far as I know "ma" means "has", "na" means "on" and "sobie" means "theirself", so in English would that mean "mężczyzna ma na sobie korszulę" transliteraties to "man has on himself shirt" instead of a translation which would be "the man is wearing a shirt"
7 Nov 2015   #270
Not sure why you would want to know this to be honest. If you have just started learning Polish the worst thing you can do is to try and get a literal translation into English, because a lot of the time it just won't make sense.

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