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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]
I decided to hold my tongue (metaphorically) upon swearing an oath. I see no other choice now then to break it, I won't mind if continue with your vile, toxins, poisons and false (empty) accusations towards Kashub1410. As I see it merally as hysteria and don't care.
However, if you start behaving as if Polish soldiers in 1941 would massively join side of Nazi Germany upon seeing "Got mit uns" on German soldiers belts, your most likely deluded, lied to and totally unsynchronized to the understanding AND mentality of Polish right-wing politics. You focus on dark side of the medal, I'll warn you. The more you feel and think about it, the more you become it. Don't let your hubris fool you into the darker side of thing Paulina.
When it comes to Ironside and Novichok they seem to be grudging old men (very normal for older men mind you) who live on their nostalgia and are unhappy about everything around them as it does not remind them of their youth, better prospects and their illusions they want to believe in. Ironside is nostalgic about his heritage, estate and all connected to it I guess.
Novichok disgruntled about everything he lost and wishes for to return (most likely close family member in form of a son, that died in a American expedition called formerly as a war, to which he does not understand why and doesn't want to and still has grief to bear. After poking him too much, he became resentful and declared an all out war of PF cause of it, due to my dislike for him. I'll bear the responsibility of unleashing it caused by my own stupidity)
Kania is very similar to me, probably an empath and bridge builder in nature. What he hopes and aims for would been welcome by you 20 years ago for sure. Problem is that this fog of conflict and war have cast rightful mistrust of anything Russian, but also it seems month by month forgetting the human nature of Russians as well.
It is not in Poland's interest of survival to antagonise unnececerally Russia as a state, people or when in form of individual Russians (which they love to point out)
However it is in Poland's interest for her neighbours to live in peace, prosperity, with as many loving families as possible and opportunity to worship God and unite Europe under the banner of the Catholic Church.
To you missy, what might seem as opression, I see clarity, order, simplicity and love.
To you what might seem medieval I see humane, to you what you see as modern, I see as revolting.
To you what might seem like freedom, I see invisible chains you do not know of and the best of doors closed by your own choices.
There are more opponents then allies on this forum, you would be wise to write with a minimal dose of respect even to "Orcs". Otherwise you would have no right for any respect for yourself