The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: Polska
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Interests: Books

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7 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

reminder of the eastern bloc?

No,because it's simply wrong.Poland is Central European country.I don't care if someone's calling Poland Eastern Europe as much as other posters here but it's simply not right.We are not Western or Eastern European country.Poland is mixture of these cultures.

When someone reffers to Eastern Europe it usually has dregatory hint in it.As is the only valuable culture is in Western Europe.In the same manner some Europeans say words like "African","Asian".
6 Jan 2013
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [491]

I must say I'm really impressed with your arguments.You're close to making me change my mind.
And now for real.
Kondzior if you want ppl to care about ideas and freedom you need to secure they basic needs.Of corse ppl that have problems in life will be more interested in having food and shelter that freedom.You won't feed your children with freedom.

I still remember as if it were yesterday, how surprised I was when a nurse arrived at my wife's door 2 days after deleivering our baby.

They still does that.
6 Jan 2013
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [491]

I have realized I pity Homo Sapiens because he is born with damaged goods.

May be since we are not just homo sapiens we are homo sapiens sapiens but that concept evidently didn't stick to you in school?Stop insulting other posters and try to discuss.Who knows?Maybe you're going to find something interesting in exercising your brain?

There were good things in socialist Poland and we shouldn't reject everything just because it was created in that period.
6 Jan 2013
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [491]

Actually that part is the same.There were always children that went hungry to school and meals in school cantines look the same.At least in my town.
6 Jan 2013
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [491]

Nothing was better under communism.

More kindergardens and nurseries.More FREE after school activities.Corporation's holidays.Material safety.
I'm not saying that socialist times were good but there were good things about it.
27 Dec 2012
Love / What are the best love poems in Polish to receive? [77]

I like this one:
Rozmowa liryczna
- Powiedz mi, jak mnie kochasz.

- Powiem.

- Więc?

- Kocham Cię w słońcu. I przy blasku świec.

Kocham Cię w kapeluszu i w berecie.

W wielkim wietrze na szosie i na koncercie.

W bzach i w brzozach, i w malinach, i w klonach.

I gdy śpisz. I gdy pracujesz skupiona.

I gdy jajko roztłukujesz ładnie -

nawet wtedy, gdy ci łyżka spadnie.

W taksówce. I w samochodzie. Bez wyjątku.

I na końcu ulicy. I na początku.

I gdy włosy grzebieniem rozdzielisz.

W niebezpieczeństwie. I na karuzeli.

W morzu. W górach. W kaloszach. I boso.

Dzisiaj. Wczoraj. I jutro. Dniem i nocą.

I wiosną, kiedy jaskółka przylata.

- A latem jak mnie kochasz?

- Jak treść lata.

- A jesienią, gdy chmurki i humorki?

- Nawet wtedy, gdy gubisz parasolki.

- A gdy zima posrebrzy ramy okien?

- Zimą kocham Cię jak wesoły ogień.

Blisko przy Twoim sercu. Koło niego.

A za oknami śnieg. Wrony na śniegu.

Poetic conversation

- Tell me how much you love me.
- I will.
- Well then?
- I love you in the sunlight. And in the candlelight.
I love you wearing a hat and a beret.
On a concert, in a sharp wind and on a highway.
Love you among lilys and birches, raspberries and maple.
And while you are asleep or working more than ample.
Even when while breaking an egg you drop your spoon -
it is anyway true that I love you.
In a taxi, in a car. Beyond all dispute.
At the beginning and at the end of a route.
And when you are styling your hair with a comb or a slide.
In danger. And on a merry-go-round ride.
By the sea. In the mountains. In boots. And barefoot.
Today. Yesterday. And tomorrow. Days and nights.
And in the spring with the first swallow.
- And in the summer what your love means?
- The same as means the summer.
- And in the autumn, cloudy and moody?
- It means all to me even when you lose your brolly.
- And when the frost silvers the windows?
- Then my love is as hot as fire.
I am close to your heart. Always nearby.
And there is snow behind the windows. And there are crows.

Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński
18 Dec 2012
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

Doesnt make it not antiquated and unhygienic though. ;)

I was getting ready to writte something like "what the hell are you talking about" when I spoted that you used semicolon.
The only thing that I hate in the fact that they eat it is that when my mother boils them whole house stinks.When she's already cooking them they smell real nice thought.
18 Dec 2012
Food / 'Wigilia', the traditional Christmas Eve supper in Poland [77]

1-mushroom soup
2-barszcz/beetroot soup
And then all other dishes.You eat it when you like it.I usually start with the dishes I don't like (in my family you must try everything) and then eat my favourite dishes.
7 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

monopoly in media

With so many idealogically different sources we hardly have a monopoly.Add to that internet and you have wide range of informations.

parliamentary commission

Parliamentary commisions are a joke.Always were.

I think that system in Poland should be overthrown!

Thankfuly it's not your decision to make.But out of curiosity-what would you use in replacement?What's your ideal system and whatppl would you use?
7 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

if so then fighting for political power sometimes is a direct fight with corrupt systems,

In this manner yes but creating administration to fight with corruption when in fact it's a tool to get more power is as sick as corruption itself.

but the same people are in power!

I knew you'd say that.But even if we assume the same ppl are in charge today's Poland is not PRL.If you ask anybody(missing PRL or otherwise) they would tell you that it's not the same in 90%.

Well that sounds good but what it actually means? If you are saying that PiS was doing something illegal and wrong in that regard you shoudl bring on some examples!

Look at my answer to Gumishu.
7 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

Political reasons? Do you claim there is no corruption in Poland?

In every country you have corruption but fighting with corruption shouldn't be treated as a tool to gain political power

You mean by stepping out of line?

No,by making enemies from our friends(or at least neutral).

See there is something I don't understand you said that the most important is to keep PiS put of power and yet you do not vote PO - it doesn't sound quite right!

I don't have to vote for PO in order to keep PiS from power.If voices are devided parties have to join their efforts and the party I'm voting for is not going to ally with PiS.

Exactly my point!

They finally had enough.

Ah you are ideological ally of Harry! Well ...

How did you make such assumption?This "Well" sounds protectional and I never treated you in this way.

What rules?

Laws their created and atmosphear in which they ruled.

If you are happy in PRL-bis then there is nothing I can say!

PRL-bis?Really?It's the weirdest expression I ever heard.In what manner today's Poland has enything to do with PRL?From what I read you don't live in Poland.Have you ever lived here?
7 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

Yes, after they are in the cell not in their own place!

Every second since they arrested someone.Place doesn't matter.If they've followed safety rules none of it would have happen.But these are the consequences of creating and using such forces "na kolanie"(on a knee-fast and not to neatly.) and for political reasons.

So ? Do you care? Poland has the right to the Independent policy!PiS wasn't doing anything bad, all has been used to Poland sucking up to them - so they didn't like when she stopped!

This is the excuse of every person that doesn't have friends-It's not that I'm mean and stupid
just ppl doesn't understand me and are jelaus of me.PiS made a mess from international relationships.

Are you kidding me? They sow *****, they were following media and were incited by others means as well! Anyway it wasn't that common!

It's a wonder then that they never did it in the past.It was the only time teenagers protested Minister of Education.

He just put some measures to prevent teachers being intimidated and humiliated by their pupils! That was step in the right direction!

It depends on the teacher.How come there are teachers that never have a problem with discipline.And even if he was doing good job with that(and I don't think so) it was overshadowed by his other ideas that screwed things up.

If you see PiS not being in power as the main reason for your vote

I already told you that I vote everytime.PiS has nothing to do with it.If you're refering to these words:

Because I remember their style,the mess,the accusation and all the other things I tried to avoid by voting.

then yes.When I vote I try to choose ppl that are wise and responsible and by that keep lunatics away from the power.

unless you have some arguments other than - their are bad they made a mess and all that generalizations imprinted by the media!

I already gave you many arguments.But there is one good enough for me-I lived here when PiS was in charge,I had to follow their rules and I felt bad in my own country (besides many times Mr Kaczyński excluded me from being a real Pole in his speeches).And I wasn't the only one.The elections after their "5 minutes of fame" showed that many Poles thought the same.
6 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

No they job was to arrest her and they failed by giving her VIP treatment!

When police arrest someone that person is under their care and police is responsible for that person.Why in this case the rules should be different?

And as tp the Vip person-everyone has the right to go to bathroom they just didn't follow basic safety rules.
If that's not incompetence then I don't know what is.

they do submit to political pressure

So they are not credible.

Germany using press to influence politics in Poland!

Also The Netherlands,UK and France.


Because I remember their style,the mess,the accusation and all the other things I tried to avoid by voting.

Maybe our views differ! I think that Polish education is going to the dogs!

You just stated that during Giertych's rule it was going ti the right direction.

I was being sarcastic,because demonstrations in democracy are something normal but inciting pupils to take part in the political campaign is dirty!

And teenagers were following Tusk order?Why should they?They were protesting because they saw what was going on.

Well, if that all you understand from politics then I do not think that your views matters!

What this has to do with my understanding?I meant that I may complain about politics but never in the way: "Oh my,PO made a mess,some other party made a mess I wish PiS was in power again"When someone beats you you're not giving him a chance to hit you again.

How come you post about 100 posts a year!

I have a life?
5 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

Yes, they should put her on the ground and cuff her not paying nice and letting her go to the bathroom or do you actually bevies the she was shot by them?

And I fought that their job was to watch her.Female agent could go with her or they could simply search her and the bathroom and no gun would be used.This case just showed their incompetence.They should be happy she didn't try to shoot them.

Yeah I see what you mean they said that Jedwabne was committed by P{oles, still they flushed out some insolent snitches like Boni!

They had many publications that were semi-professional.

Why? You should ask him not me!

It wasn't only him.I had many friends abroad at that time and most of them told the same story-ppl asking them what this whole mess is about.

Well you thought wrong.

I don't think so.I remember this period pretty good and I'm really grateful that it ended

Well that hardly qualifies you to have a such strong opinion on the subject.

First you accused me that I didn't have enough knowledge to make a statement and when I tell you that I studied pedagogics (meaning talking to ppl that were dealing with education almost all their lives and visiting many schools at different levels) and had family members at every level (meaning I knew what kids and parents are dealing with) you tell me that I'm not allowed to have strong opinion.Despite the fact that I can have strong opinion no matter how well acquainted with the subject I am you basically forbidden me from having my own point of view.What would satisfy you?Whom should I be in order to please your high standard?Minister of education?

As they should! Using teenagers to do their dirty job - nice!

First you say that it was great that they were able to do it and that Tusk would punish them and when I tell you that Giertych threatened them you say "Yeah,that's quite all right."

That good, and please remember in the future not to complain!

I may complain about many things but never about the fact that PiS is no longer in power.

Do you vote at all?

Every time since I turned 18.And not only presidential and parliament elections but also EU and local.I remember first free elections when my mother took me with her and let me cross the names.I was so proud! Then she explained me why it's so important and what we can do by this.I never missed elections even when I had to get special document because I was out of my town on the day of elections.
4 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

I guess in Poland there is no corruption or you mean you were living your life watching soap-operas and you were brutally remained of realities in Poland - that is scary indeed!

In my soap opera they showed how a women-still not proven guilty-had the oppurtunity (under CBA watch) to commit suicide.

What is wrong with IPN?

I already told that it was political tool and many historians stated that IPN historians are not credible.

Government communicating with people?

Communicating?It was rather yelling at their opponents.It was for show not information.

What international circles? apart form Germany and Russian who have vested interest in Poland no other country gives ***** about Poland.

That's a wonder then that when I met a guy from Holland the first question (when we started more serious topics) was "What's going on in Poland?"

it was because of:
1 ideological friends helping friends in Poland
2some circles in Poland with monies and contacts to have editorials published!

And I thought it was because Poland was in political mess.

Well according to people who actually have a clue about education it weren't stupid ideas!

As I said I was studying pedagogic at that time and had family members attending to every level of education.Believe me-I knew what was going on.And appropriate examples you can find above in my earlier post.

actually any protest such be nipped in the bud by ABW! Tusk will correct that blunder - protestors place is in jail!

Actualy it was Giertych who told the teenagers that they will face consequences.

And I don't complain although I never voted for PO.I definately prefer today's political reality.
4 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

I don't like Giertych, but he was right, that something must be done about young people education. Too much "róbta co chceta", poor curriculum in middle school and secondary school.

Yeah,it's better to mess with everything without real knowledge and plan.Amnesty,kids with expanded matura couldn't take basic tests but their results were assumed by how they did on expanded tests and so on.He did everything to ruin education.

I could say something about these times and media. For example, my editor-in-chief forbade to publish any nice or normal picture of Lech or Jarek, the same was in Agora.

Maybe but that doesn't change the fact that the real scaring they did all by themselfs.I was scared when I thought what they can do next.

As to the IPN - is Gauck also a liar and hate-monger?

I don't want to talk specific person.IPN was used as a threat and by many ppl was viewed as a political tool.
Basically I was really happy when all this came to an end.I was sick of explaining to foreigners what's going on in Poland and feeling ashamed for all this mess.And after all Poles decided.They showed what they think about this government.This was the only good thing-they stimulated many ppl.
4 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

Yes by the scaremongering media!

No,not media,by the governments ideas.
CBA,IPN,constatnt accusations,3 press conferences a day.Teenagers protesting,Giertych stupid ideas,almost daily humiliation in international circles.

P.S.I must admit I was shocked to see who started this thread.It was a nice suprise.Good job Polonius! :)
4 Dec 2012
News / Poland's PiS = suspicion & fear? [70]

I can say one thing:

suspicion and fear

really suits them.
When PiS ruled the government was suspicious and ppl were scared.
I know I and my friends were scared for our future.
29 Nov 2012
News / Grzegorz Braun's firing squad? [39]

Meaning that in Poland treason is not punishable but should be and some people do deserve to be punish for their deeds..

Besides traitors he mentioned repopters.What argument could justify that?
29 Nov 2012
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

pgtx,what is the difference?

The 72 hours pill doesn't allow the egg to "stic" in uterus.The second one makes women's body to get rid of already nested egg.

There're some herbs that women can use to do the same thing with available products.
16 Nov 2012
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

If in formal situations you say do widzenia.
If you're talking with friends you say na razie.
This poster's friends told him he speaks too formally.And I gave him words that can make his language more casual.
15 Nov 2012
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

Wow, you got that one wrong.

No,I didn't.
The casual form of "do widzenia" is "na razie" as well as "cześć".