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Posts by kaprys  

Joined: 23 Jul 2017 / Female ♀
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 31 Jul 2021
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 2 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 2076 / Live: 1138 / Archived: 938
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes

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3 Jun 2020
Genealogy / Want to find a person [762]

Try looking for him here
Choose bazy personalne. Start with imię (first name) and nazwisko (surname) and check if any results match.

I just reread it and if he fought in ww1 he might have been in the Prussian, Russian or Austrian army as Poland was partitioned back then. If he lived in Tarnopol, I guess he was in the Austrian army.

Not sure where to look for records from the Austrian -Hungarian Empire.

Not sure if there will be data on regular soldiers but check here
2 Jun 2020
News / Nazi gold train 'found in Poland' [90]

Still a chance to find 'Portret młodzieńca'.
After all, I'm pretty sure it's kept in the train in right conditions.
And another way to promote the region.
17 May 2020
Genealogy / Is there a list of names of who was in Poland's Anders army? [34]

The first one is from the 1970s and it confirms registration of temporary residence of a foreigner at the given address (30th July - 26th August). Marian's citizenship is given as British.

The next two are probably older. The last one confirms that he was a member of the Polish Army in the USSR from 25th ?, 1942.
He was a member of Batalion S since July 1st.
The middle photo shows a stamp of Batalion Specjalny (Special) so it's probably that Batalion S. Part of the stamp is written in Russian. I'm not sure of the first word in Russian, the rest is the same as in Polish. Batalion S in the USSR.

Strz. might refer to strzelec =shooter/ rifleman ?but someone more knowledgeable might provide more info.
15 May 2020
History / Is there a list of those in the Polish Army during WWII? [193]

There's a Gerard Pastuszka born in 1928 in Chorzów (close to Katowice) on Arolsen
You can contact them to look for your Gerard.

Was he in the Polish army?
Do you know the fate of numerous Silesians at the outbreak of WW2?
15 May 2020
Genealogy / Do I look Polish? (my picture) [375]

Do you do your eyebrows?

You look white European so you may pass as a Pole. Your blonde looks kind of reddish in the pics - it happens but not very common here.
15 May 2020
Language / Short Polish<->English translations [1043]

You need someone who specialises in Latin.mine is too poor.
I guess it's a birth record of Basil (Wasyl or Bazyli in Polish but since it's a Greek Catholic book probably the previous).

The headings are missing so it's not only my poor Latin but also guessing in poor Latin.
The first date is usually the day of birth and then the day of baptism. I can't see the month -it was cut out while cropping.

A legitimate child.
The next chart is usually about the parents
Basilius Feredycz (?) Peasant (?) in Jablonka Wyzna of Lucas (?) And Helena nee Stefan.
Sophia Feredycz daughter of Daniel Bzynko (???) and Eufrozja/Eufrozyna nee Iwaniuk.
The last part is usually the godparents.

Show the full page to someone who knows Latin better ^^
12 May 2020
Life / The climate for gardening in Poland [303]

Gdańsk is at the Baltic Sea.
Generally Poland is further north than Bulgaria .

As I said I don't know much about gardening but I guess there are more factors than just the temperature.

Funnily enough, I talked with a friend about an avocado tree she'd got and how she actually failed to safe. Not a tree yet, tbh.
11 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Read what's underneath what you quoted :)

Again, it's mostly about protecting others from you than the other way round.

All in all, imho, the elections are not really on people's minds anyway.
Probably, no one will win in the first round anyways.

And actually, concerning all countries in the world, being in charge of the country's politics during the pandemic is probably not what they expected and it's not easy to be popular with the society.
11 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

So there's no point for doctors wearing masks during surgeries also? ;)

There's a meme with an interesting explanation to that.
If you and the guy next to you are not wearing trousers, if he starts peeing at you, you will get wet.
If you're wearing trousers, and he's not, you're gonna get wet but most will be absorbed by your trousers so you won't get all of it on you.

But if he's wearing trousers and starts peeing, he's going to get wet, not you.

As you can see not really scientific but explains it.

The main reason behind wearing masks is protecting others from you.

I hate wearing them, btw but since it may protect people even to a minimum extent, I can do it.

BTW, pis vs po arguments seem to belong to the past now, so pre -covid.
Someone is getting nostalgic. Awwwwww
11 May 2020
Travel / Sułoszowa is one of the longest villages in Poland [7]

Since it's so common, perhaps it's shetls that are like Polish villages; )

Such lining of houses in the countryside is quite common in villages around the place where I live.
9 May 2020
Life / The climate for gardening in Poland [303]

I actually googled sequoias in Sofia and it was real fun to read but I don't think sequoias as such are common in Bulgaria. Or in cities as such.

I really don't know much about gardening but I guess certain plants may survive in different climates but the climate will probably affect their growth.

In fact, I know so little that I thought ginkgo biloba was the named of medicine my dad took some time ago. @jon357 :)
But I googled it.

I actually ended up in Obi on Thursday and they do have some plants in their offer. Most likely of worse quality than at a gardener's but I bought some lavender :)

My friend ended up buying more as someone actually interested in gardening.
9 May 2020
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [401]

It's całować in Polish.

It's not a common name. I can't think what it may be derived from.
As for how common it is in Poland now
Here are some results for Pusiewicz on geneteka (indexed church records from certain areas).
As for Kropiwki, according to Wikipedia the village had a population of 20 in 2011 so it's really tiny.
6 May 2020
Genealogy / Seeking marriage and death records from Rzeszow [3]

You can contact the civil register office in Rzeszów to get their death certificates. Those should include their parents' names. Also they should include their place of birth. That's of some use if they were born somewhere else.

As for their birth records, they should include this information as well but I can't find anything online prę 1890. You can always contact the Rzeszów branch of state archives. They'll know what happened to the records.

Some records from Pobitno are available online at You can look them up though not all scans are available online.
5 May 2020
Genealogy / Leszczynski surname, Balcerzak [51]

There are roughly 25 thousand users of this surname in Poland nowadays. I doubt all came from the noble family.
Check the records. Start with what you have in the states. Look for their immigration papers.
28 Apr 2020
News / Hundreds Protest Against Lockdown at Polish-German Border [8]

I saw a report on it on tv.

BTW, isn't there online teaching in Germany?

That's really tough -something that seemed so unusual yet so obvious (living in one country and working in another ) is not so easy anymore.

I really wonder what will happen to these people as it seems pretty unlikely right now that they'll open the borders.
22 Apr 2020
Po polsku / Płonie Biebrzański Park Narodowy [5]

Za mało wiem, żeby mówić o odpowiedzialności za taką sytuację.
Koleżanka, która dużo bardziej orientuje się w temacie juz kilka lat temu mówiła o suszy w Polsce.
Może to być związane z ociepleniem klimatu.
Narozrabialismy -my ludzie.
Placi za to przyroda.
W temacie pożaru czytałam o bieliku, który zginął, bo do końca próbował chronić gniazdo i wyleg.
Przykre to.
W tym pożarze giną rośliny i zwierzęta. Te, które ten park miał w jakiś sposób chronić.
Strażacy nie mogą wjechać ciężkim sprzętem na teren ze względu na podłoże.
Lasy państwowe próbowały gasić z powietrza z tego co czytałam, ale to żywioł na terenie podatnym na rozprzestrzenie się ognia.

I choć nie lubię mówić o polityce, to jak się słyszy, że minister rzuca, że ocieplenie klimatu to w sumie dobra sprawa, bo mniejsze rachunki za prąd -czy coś w ten deseń, a za chwilę dochodzi do pożaru takiego terenu, to jakby nie w porę.

Taki mały update (w Ponglish ): przyczyną może być wypalanie traw.
Jakim trzeba być kretynem?
22 Apr 2020
Language / Short Polish<->English translations [1043]

The original post mentioned learning disabilities.
That's why I said more information would be useful.