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Posts by cms neuf  

Joined: 12 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Last Post: 7 hrs ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 1823
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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cms neuf   
4 Jan 2019
News / Mass-media in Poland: which are left wing, right wing or centrist? [44]

I think a lot of Poles both urban and rural have a belief in personal responsibility, freedom to make money, low taxes, freedom to do what you want that is closer to Britain and the US than it is to say Germany or France. That is basically the camp I am in.

But Its interesting to see the huge impact of the 500+ and it's many unforeseen knock on effects (like a huge increase in rural Poles taking their first foreign holidays). People have not really had any handouts for 30 years and now they have one they like it !

Poles rarely think or talk about about gay marriage, transgender issues etc and immigration is not a day to day issue here. The biggest political questions remain around health, education, childcare, infrastructure and corruption. It is sad that so much of the debate about identity issues is merely an excuse to stir up hatred and deflect from real problems
cms neuf   
3 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

I dont want to silence discussion - i just find your obsession with it more and more disturbing. Its in almost every post and i was also surprised about you linking to the beheading video.

I dont know what your strike was about but i wonder what kind of websites you were visiting in the meantime
cms neuf   
3 Jan 2019
News / Poland's News sources [59]

To me one difference is that a Populist will simply believe that what appeals to the majority of citizens is right , however small that majority is. He also disregards practical aspects and a common theme is that the resulting goodies are often paid for by the people who did not vote for them - normally people who are able to think logically that all govt actions have costs and consequences.

Today's example with the domestic violence law illlustrates that - it is possible that 51 percent of Poles agree with that but the 49 percent who do not are all the doctors, lawyers, police etc that have had to address the issue in the past and will be the ones tasked with its implementation
cms neuf   
2 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

It is something new - before PiS the Ceo of Lotos had been in post for a long time and on the board for 15 years.

The current guy is a 37 year old middle manager from Deutsche Bank. Many of the people coming in are way too inexperienced.
cms neuf   
2 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Lotos has been through 4 CEOs since PiS took over. Similar story at PGNiG.
cms neuf   
2 Jan 2019
Life / Looking for a hilly Polish town with commie flats [6]

Could be Jelenia Gora or Walbrzych in SW Poland - both have those kind of deskii strung out along a valley edge. There are also a few towns between Katowice end the Czech border that look like that - Rybnik, Jastrzebie, Skoczkow etc
cms neuf   
2 Jan 2019
Law / Inheritance and Gift tax for non-resident Polish Citizens - laws in Poland? [10]

Inheritance tax law generally follows citizenship rather than residence but basically if you are rich all govts who have taken your money at some point will try one last heave to get your hard earned assets. In the UK there are famous cases about people who got screwed for death taxes because they had kept up their subscriptions for the golf club or some local operatic society.

The Polish law refers to citizenship too - if you are talking about serious amounts then rather refer to a lawyer and especially check the double tax treaty with Canada. You won't be the only person in this boat as the Polish community in Canada is quite wealthy and the generation of emigrants form the 60s and 70s are dying.

Incidentally the whole topic is under debate because of the exit tax the Polish govt wants to introduce on people who change their tax residence - is it constitutional that the people who pay the exit tax then lose out in Polish inheritance tax (on assets that have already been taxed once) ?
cms neuf   
1 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Because I am no special fan of PO or PSL - there was corruption under their rule and they spent much of their time in protecting vested interests. What else do you want me to say ? Life is not a football game where you are obliged to support one side.

The KNF affair has everything to do with PiS - they were willing to change legislation just to punish one guy. The exposure did not come from them. Their reaction was to use public media to rake up scandals and non scandals from 10 years ago - as if to say "yes we are corrupt but this is the normal way of things".
cms neuf   
1 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

No - it is an example of a govt willing to change a law to punish one company and offering bribes to stop that happening. That govt and the KNF are both run by PiS appointees.

What happened before is not the issue - of course there was corruption in previous governments but this one came to power saying they would clean up institutions. The KNF is one of the key independent checks on politics and putting corrupt and incompetent idiots in charge is extremely risky for the economy - as evident also in the Sowa tapes and the Amber gold case.
cms neuf   
31 Dec 2018
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Why is the KNF affair not PiS corruption ? PiS appointees conspiring with PiS govt to pursue a change of law in the PiS run parliament.

So that is one significant and dangerous example.

state run companies are now loaded with unqualified PIS appointees on fat salaries bringing no expertise and robbing shareholders (most sensible people exited these 2 or 3 years ago).
cms neuf   
31 Dec 2018
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

I am fine with them voting Trump - they live in the states and they can vote for who they want. I don't really have an issue with voting for PiS. What I do hate is them trying to lobby the US govt about things they don't understand like the Constitutional Court.
cms neuf   
30 Dec 2018
Genealogy / Leszczynski surname, Balcerzak [51]

It is a common name in Lithuania but spelled Lescinskas - there will be hundreds of them using this Lithuanian form
cms neuf   
29 Dec 2018
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

Can we remember that they have been living there for several generations and have as much right to be there as anybody from Germany does
cms neuf   
29 Dec 2018
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Could be - but its also pretty similar to a map of average incomes, who pays tax and levels of education ;)
cms neuf   
29 Dec 2018
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

Why not take a drive along the border and scope it out for yourself ? Assuming you are not a troll you sound very naive. If nothing else taking a drive you will see some nice scenery and drink some pretty good beer in the evenings.

The Czech border is far from conservative - until recently it was a mini Sodom and Gomorrah with hookers, drugs and cheap alcohol for German tourists. That has changed as Czech gets richer but it's not famous for a traditional way of life - the homes of departing Germans in 1945 were partly filled up with Slovaks and Roma and it's been a specific place ever since.

The Polish border is quite conservative but there are only a few towns that are within an easy commute of Germany - there are only a handful of bridges and rail and bus connections are very slow. Emigration from the Lubuskie region and the border parts of Dolny Slask has been quite high - both to other EU countries and to richer Polish towns.
cms neuf   
28 Dec 2018
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

So you want to live a more traditional society but keep the benefits of the German labor market amd maintain access to the German social security ? Why not dive in with both feet and use the Polish system ?

In reality you will find few realistic options within an hours commute of the border - Szczecin maybe or Karlovy Vary in Czech which has quite a number of German retirees. But we are talking about maybe a few hundred people, not thousands.
cms neuf   
19 Dec 2018
Travel / Can't eat onion and going to Poland, tips on food needed [11]

Wow ! Bummer allergy.

It will rule out a few Polish dishes but barszcz should be safe (beetroot soup) assuming it's not made with meat stock.

After that I am struggling - you might be living off fruit, donuts and ice cream.

Pierogi is possible but you need to tell them to hold the onion garnish.
cms neuf   
16 Dec 2018
Life / Babysitting in Poland - unwritten rules [7]

I am guessing it's a Christmas party - when Poles get dressed up then they often make it a big night out. Since they trust you I would not make a big deal of it, just make sure they return the favor to you when you have an event on. Still it's a bit rude that they didn't sms you to check you were ok with them coming back later.
cms neuf   
11 Dec 2018
News / 'Fort Trump' Military Base in Poland [537]

DC plates - next time i see it i will post a photo ! I don't think its just a random person as they wouldnt be allowed to park there.

As for Mrs Mosbacher we can not expect anything better- Trump fired all the career diplomats and nobody sensible will want to take on those positions for the next few years
cms neuf   
10 Dec 2018
News / 'Fort Trump' Military Base in Poland [537]

I don't think she is Jewish but I can't be bothered to look it up. She is from rural Indiana apparently. I doubt she is stupid.

I noticed a weird thing in Warsaw recently though - a large Lincoln car parked in disabled bays right outside Marriott, Intercontinental etc with Washington plates and a big Trumo sticker in the back, is that hers ?
cms neuf   
6 Dec 2018
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Of course its proportionally more - just like taxes on booze, cigarettes and chocolate. Thats because some prople have less money. But like all of those it is a tax based on personal choices - not the same as a compulsory tax on income.
cms neuf   
6 Dec 2018
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

How is fuel tax regressive? It hits rich people harder - they have more cars, bigger engines, live further from town and are less likely to use the metro or bus
cms neuf   
6 Dec 2018
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Agree with that Maf but in Polish case its not just about climate change but also about redcing smog - and the smog problem is definitely not a hoax - i can see it now out of my hotel window