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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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18 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

they so called "lithuanians" during polish-Lithuanian commonwealth had nothing in common with todays "lithuanians" apart same name.

Yes, its very sad story.

Poland would seriously assist Lithuania defending itself agaainst Russian agression, with serious military hardware and serious military personel.

its all questionable, my dear.

As you see for yourself, Lithuanians betrayed principles of old alliance with Poles and Serbians. Actually, Lithuanians betrayed themselves. And I think that Serbians won`t allow any escalation between Poland and Russia. No, it won`t happen and, whole NATO can fart from desperation because of such a Serbians stance.

As for Lithuanians. Well, after they betrayed themselves and spat on Poles and Russians, we Serbians owe them nothing. Plus, they sided with Germanics and Anglos, embracing Nazi ideology that these days turning into Nazi-Islam. Who knows, maybe now only Russians can save them.

Crow, go F*** yourself.

Thank you but I have something else on my mind.

Being part of the NATO alliance that country seems to be rather serious about their independence.

Serious or not, they provoke Russia and judging by development, Russia won`t tolerate that for long. NATO or no NATO, Trump or no Trump, I think, after conflict, Lithuanians themselves wouldn`t care for anything, if you understand me.

They should wise up and stop discriminatory practises against Poles in the Lithuanian. If not one day it will bite them into backside.

Yes, that, too. Arrogance of their political representatives is famous already. I heard that entire society actually goes arrogant.
18 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

Well, pattern is the same. Small countries, with people of Slavic origin, that due to historical circumstances become non-Slavic, while tolerated by much stronger Slavs. Now, those same smaller countries continuing to represent problem to Slavs in the region, serving to hostile non-Slavic powers.

But, I do feel pity for Lithuania. We Serbians had positive experience with Lithuanians during Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth where we Serbians played role of military elite. Just back in those time, Lithuanians at least shown minimal respect for Slavic culture and people. But, from long time ago Lithuania turned to Germanics and Nazism. Today, they don`t have respect even for the Poles. Its a pity actually.
16 Nov 2016
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Yes, brothers in arms, two of the most savage/ruthless ethnicities in Europe!

See, Wincige, you and likes of you, crucial mistake was/is to always insist to point how are Serbs equal to Russians. It underestimate Polish logic and actually play on Polish-Russian antagonism in order to minimize Serbians in the eyes of Poles.

It is truth that Poles do have historically negative experience with Russia. But, they have more then positive historical experience with Serbians and it is completely different issue, with primordial positive emotions. Now, when you come to Poles and insist that are Serbs same as Russians, you actually force Poles to think better about Russians. That in situation when nothing on this Earth was able to force Poles to change their negative opinion about Russians. Upload of Serbian factor in Polish thinking about Russians was tactical mistake. Serbians do affect Polish opinion, same way as they affect opinion of Russians. Every civilization have its cornerstone, its backbone, its old core. That role Serbians play within Slavic world.
16 Nov 2016
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Late Polish president Lech Kaczinsky was great brother to Serbians. Let God give peace to his noble Sarmatian soul. Kaczinsky trusted to Serbians and knew that in Polish-Russian dispute, Serbians always sided with Poles.

You know, Poles can pray for good Serbian-Russian relations. These good relations should give confidence to Poles that Poland isn`t targeted by Russia.

That what Serbians can do for safety of Polish children is much more then NATO can provide. A lot more. Even in situation when that same NATO actually complicate to Poles. That much I can tell you.
16 Nov 2016
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Crow, Russians shot down a passenger jet full of Dutch children and families on their way to Malaysia.

did they?

They forcibly annexed chunks of another country (Ukraine).

What you expect in a world without order (say one great thanks to Clinton`s for that)? What should Russians do in a situation when they sow how USA and western Europe behave on sovereignty of states? In that situation Russia merely reacted by its historical right. Crimea was always Russian and they just closed that question.

Shooting down a bunch of top-ranking Poles would hardy have 'a dramatic impact on image of Russia'.

You fantasize here.

Why would country that can sc*** even USA, Britain, France or Germany decide to waste time with killing of presidents of smaller states?? Where is sport in that?

Plus, Kaczinsky traveled to Russia in order to improve relations with Russians.

They have no image, except ruthless killers, and they quite like that.

I don`t have that impression. I just read some books of Russian classics.

So if it was them, ..... Instead, they like to see that paranoid poison dwarf steet PiS and Poland into economic chaos, civil unrest, and fracturing with the EU and NATO.

If it is up to them, they would annex entire Slavic world to Russia. But, they tried that and it was proved to be impossible. So, they won`t repeat mistake.

But Jaroslaw and Crow probably think that Occam's Razor is something that you use for shaving.

15 Nov 2016
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Why Russians didn`t returned the aircraft to Poland? Aircraft can prove assassination but there is probably something with proof that can lead to uncertain conclusion (example: its not clear from where originate explosion; from inside or from outside). That`s why.

Now, it is one to prove that it was assassination but, with such a proof, if there are uncertainties, final blame would fall of Russia. So, let us presume that Russians didn`t do it but that they are sure that it was assassination after analyzed evidences. Then, let us presume that they concluded who assassinated Kaczinsky. What would Russians with that truth? Whatever they say, it would look like that they tries to cover themselves and blame some other side. Or it could look like that they invented evidences, what would even increase suspicions against them- what would have dramatic impact on image of Russia not only among Poles but in front of whole world.

That is why truth about death of Lech Kazcynsky must stay secret. It was perfect murder whoever did it. Russia may know the truth but, can`t help anything about it. Russia may even be forced to hide truth. Perfect murder.
6 Nov 2016

Interesting. You first needs to see what word `tuga` means in Polish or in Czech.

In Serbian `tuga` means `sadness`. But, I never heard for surname `tuga` in Serbian. There are only female archaic names: `Tuga`, `Tugoslava` and `Tugomira`. Also there are very archaic male names: `Tugomir` and `Tugoslav` that are practically abandoned in our time.
5 Nov 2016
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

Healthy level crow.....but what about healthy quality...

Healthy level is nothing but acceptable level. State needs to be vigilant here when it comes to number of received foreigners with ``questionable`` cultural background- if you understand me. Everything must be by the plan and even `reserve plan`.

When it comes to quality, well,... somebody on this forum mentioned, few years ago, that one Polish intellectual said how is ``only acceptable mixing for Poles, mixing with other Slavs``. I assure you that all Slavs thinks that way, just, its not always easy for Slavic states to preserve that trend. But, as I said, important thing is top work by the plan.

- Am I correct that Germany has recently increased their conscription?

It was in the news.

Adding Easterners/Balkins is Win/Win because they physically/culturally mix in and are "upgrading"


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5 Nov 2016
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

Although I would personally argue Germany is not yet in the same boat as France & Sweden.

I agree. At the moment when it suits them, German ``elite`` would use even `migrant situation` in order to deepen cohesive forces of its germanized populace (former Slavic/ie Sarmatian people that is gradually assimilated). Ground would prepare indoctrination with absolutist ideologies, as always. Then, eventually, in a single `Crystal night`, populace would ``get signal`` to destroy non-desirable ethnic factors in Germany.

None of these seem possible in Poland anytime soon.

Poland needs to accept healthy level of multiculturalism and look on example of former Yugoslavia (Serbia) in this regard. Yugoslavia was (Serbia still) able to exist as leading Non-Aligned movement country and still to preserve its own values. It was (is) achieved by willingness to accept, for example, African students but, very few of them got right to after studies stay in Yugoslavia. That way, Yugoslavia was helping to third world countries, was exposed to multiculturalism in return and avoided to be ``massively`` populated by foreign factor.

Factor that may bring `healthy level` of multiculturalism in Poland is exactly Intermarium, considering internal migrations within confederation and considering Intermarium`s, let`s say, image of friendly country that is willing to support development of less advanced countries.
4 Nov 2016
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

And there are many more countries like Syria. What will you do if millions of people flying from death will come just to save their lives?

Vuk Jeremic have answer to this question of yours but, western Europe and USA didn`t allow him to become new UN secretary general. So, I suppose they have their own answer to your question and that answer is obvious- chaos.
30 Oct 2016
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

In the wake of this discussion, we forgot Bulgaria. Where are Bulgarians in this story?
30 Oct 2016
Life / Poland - what is your brand? [39]

Toilets? What does it matter. Its crisis man. Toilets would tomorrow belong to English or German.
30 Oct 2016
Life / Poland - what is your brand? [39]

you are drank dobri brate pane Albany NY. As a Serbian i feel only love by Poles. From people of all layers of Polish society. From intelligentsia, ordinary people, forum members, to the football fans. Serbian anthem is the only non-Polish anthem ever saluted and even sang by Polish sport fans (spot: ). In every opportunity Polish football fans underline how is Kosovo Serbian. In Bosnia, Polish football fans beaten Bosnian Muslim fans and s*** them with exclamations: ``This is Serbia! Serbia! Serbia!``

Poles are best people in the world. You who criticize Poles are all crazy. Plus boring.
30 Oct 2016
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Only chance for south Slavs (this goes for Poland, too) to liberate themselves in full sense of the word `liberation` is that western European powers totally ruin their relations with Russia. This scenario now seams to be well on the way. We should be ready to grab the chance.
30 Oct 2016
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Russia ordered that to Bulgaria (and Bulgaria had to comply), giving that land to non-Slavs, to Romanians, while Romanians as strong anti-Slavic element in the region had support of western Europe (especially France). So, it was Russian favor to western European powers.

You must understand situation. South Slavs strongly depended on Russia in process of their liberation from Ottoman rule. Serbians were the factor that sparked rebellions, first in Serbia and then managed to support rebels in Montenegro, Greece and Bulgaria (bdw, Serbians initiated several major uprisings against Ottoman yoke). Still, Russia provided material/military support to all rebels and had strong militarily and diplomatic influence in the region. But, Russia was also involved in deals with western European powers. Deals that often came in collision with regional South Slavic romantic comprehension of Slavic liberation. So yes, it was Russia that created borders of what is today`s Romania, as i said, in deal with western Europe. It was great Russia`s sin here in the region. Especially if we know that Romanian contribution against Ottomans was minor (what is logical to all who knows that Romania was under western European influence and, western European powers wanted status quo on Balkans- wanted preservation of Ottoman Empire on the account of Slavs). So see, obviously Russia itself wasn`t that strong to dictate solutions. Behind the scene, Russia had to make compromises to satisfy western Europeans. On the other side, that same Russia invested literally millions of lives and tremendous resources in order to destroy Ottoman Empire. That`s how we know that Russia didn`t simple betray South Slavs. Russia just behaved cowardly sometimes and we South Slavs paid that.

BDW, when Kingdom of Yugoslavia was created, in 1918, our King Alexandar had to give parts of Yugoslavia to Romania. Parts of Banat- on the north of Serbia. It was said that he did so because he married Romanian Princess Maria of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen noble houses but, in reality, he had to bowed down to western European demands for correction of Yugoslavian (Serbian)-Romanian border. Western Europeans are sinister players, you know, and they seriously stand behind any regional non-Slavic factor, just to secure weakening of Slavs.
30 Oct 2016
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Yes there are many bulgarians who like russia but the truth is russia is our biggest enemy

Well, what i know Russia mistaken for bowing to western European insistence and gave Black sea coast /that are now parts of Romania/ to the Romanians, while it was already liberated (by Bulgarians) from Ottoman occupation. It was most idiotic Russian mistake of all times. It was historical chance for Slavic countries to re-establish land connection between themselves. So, that could be reason for Bulgarians to be wary of Russia. It even damages Russian reputation all over the Slavic world.

On the other side. Russia regularly supported Bulgaria in every single Bulgarian-Serbian dispute. What is interesting, if we know that Bulgarians often sided with non-Slavs against other Slavs, while Serbians never in their history sided with non-Slavs against other Slavs, even at a times when Serbs themselves had problems with other Slavs.

calling us gypsies, ........ stupid panslavic insult.

Its not Pan-Slavic insult. Its an insult, under the influence of western Europe.

You must be aware that Slavs as a dominant representatives of White race (from which other Whites originate), themselves, since time immemorial, lived widespread on inter-continental level (even much longer then ended last glaciation/ice age- some 10-12.000 years ago). So, its quite natural that Slavs differ among themselves on sub-racial level and it is healthy, normal and even desirable and, for those differences no foreign influence was necessary.

See, problem is that are we Slavs so segmented and then manipulated to defend foreign interests, instead to take care of our own. So, many of us wait that foreigners write our history what is cardinal mistake.

Crow is on a one-man quest to create a Pan-slavic empire headed by Serbia (and Poland Russia becoming allies is apparently part of that mad dream) and no one takes him seriously.

mafketise, i am longer on this forum then you are. You know nothing. Don`t confuse people
29 Oct 2016
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Bulgaria? Ah, yes. i forgot to mention. Good that EU acquired Bulgaria. Fantastic move.
29 Oct 2016
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

brain? Marsupial dear, what are you now tries to do? To f** me in the brain? i warning you. i have belt of virginity around my head

Hey Crow, being occupied by the West, but not being part of it -- how's that working for you?

No, they aren`t West. They just declared themselves to be, poor greedy creatures.

Anyway. Joy is ours. All ``Empires`` that tried to digest Serbians at the end drooped dead, so these would drop, too.

Back on topic please
28 Oct 2016
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

BRAKING NEWS - business opportunity!

Good news for Polish agricultural producers. Especial relief for Polish apple producers that are more and more dependent on Serbia`s and Belarus capacity to receive their apples due to re-export deals and shipments to Russia. It even seams that would for Polish agricultural producers become possible to include Israel in re-export of their products to Russia.

Till now, via re-export, Poland sold about 40% of its apple production to Russia. With Serbia`s `free trade zone` deal with Russia, next year it would be at least 60%. Include Israel in it and it could be even 80%.

People, members of forum and guests, please, feel free to share this news with other Polish web sites.... business opportunity. Long live Slavs! Long live Poland!

"Free trade zone talks with Serbia to start soon"

Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev on Friday announced the start of free trade zone talks between the Eurasian Economic Union and Israel and Serbia, respectively.

Serbia successfully mediate in Hungarian-Russian agreements considering EU sanctions to Russia. Considering that Hungary lost 6,5 mlrd USA dollars in last 3 years, Hungarian food producers looks with great hope in new agreements.

One can ask, what this news have with Poland but, see, that`s the point. Hungary tries to save itself from western Europe and USA circles of Clinton`s kind, but Polish politicians must be much more corrupt- why would they care for Poland`s lost profits, for any Polish interest. Really, why? Their own money flow is what matters.

Oh new joy! Reexport of Polish apples to Russia via Serbia can increase.

Russia wants more apples from Serbia as soon as possible and, we can`t give them what we don`t have. So, we would buy even more apples from Poles and sell even more to Russians.