Polish support for sanctions against Russia for its invasion and occupation of Ukraine: virtually universal.
Ukraine and Russia needs to talk about borders in situation when government in Ukraine ignore ethnic Russians in Ukraine. With rise of neo-Nazi movement in Ukraine i would say that Ukrainian government losing control to the extremists. That situation is dangerous for ethnic Ukrainians and Russians but also for ethnic Poles and Serbs there.
Ethic Russians are native population there and Russian nation was even born in Ukraine. If there was no Russians, there would be Crimean Khanate or Turkey there today. Let us just be honest. Thanks to Russians it is still Slavic land.
As for support to sanctions.,... official Poland serve ruling EU and NATO establishment. But, that same official Poland asks EU for the compensations over the sanctions to Russia. Tusk isn`t neither THAT crazy, neither he THAT obey
Poland wants compensation from the EU for Russian import banyoutube.com/watch?v=qQ4Jn1eGckw
people in Poland suffer and protest against sanctions, while the western European magnates dictate.
Poland: Sanction-hit farmer hungry for trade with RussiaNO NO NO
Serbs like YOU don't like Nato because they didnt allowed Milosevic to keep ethnical cleansing at Kosovo.
you are wrong. Investigation of the
Polish parliamentconcluded that Shiftar (Albanian) ethnic moves on Kosovo occurred after NATO attacked Serbia, as result of chaos and numerous civilian causalities dealt by NATO. Then, there was also chaos resulted by the Shiftar (Albanian) terrorist organization UCK. USA collaborated with UCK in order to create Greater Shiftaria (Albania) with intention to give sh** to Serbian (Slavic) element in the region.
Poles VOTED for a candidate that was friendly to nato, that means that they APPROVE NATO.
Spot this... in the middle of Warsaw, Polish and Serbian patriots ... they say... f*** f*** NATO pact (video on 52:19)
What to tell you man, Poles don`t like NATO. Very simple... don`t like
But of course, a Serbian have no idea of what is a Vote and thinks that the oppinion of the people doesn't matter.
not truth. We vote. It matter to us. Serbs knows everything. Serbs were military elite of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They killed for Poland even when Poles were tired of killing for Poland. For Sarmatia Besmrtna! For the Golden Freedom!
We don`t serve to daily politics. My people have its own interests and those interests overlap with Polish best interests. On the long run, we demand NEW COMMONWEALTH, in between west of Europe and Russia, so that is voice of the people from the Baltic to the Balkan heard.
Crow, you are spot on.
Bless on you by the Christ and Svetovid!