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14 Feb 2007
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28 Mar 2025
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Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling
Latest Threads
Colossal Bronze Age battle 3200 years ago happened on Tollense River near Baltic sea - perpetrators unknown
- History
Great people of Poland and Slavdom - please, only name of your favorite great person, without any explanation
- History
Polish `Robinson Crusoe` saved after 7 months
- News
Polish natural water (16,8 ounce 24 plastic bottles) valued 36,72$ in US online market
- USA, Canada
Tragedy of Polish couple; Polish woman repeatedly raped in Italy, her partner almost killed
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What Poles know and eventually want to know about Slovenia and Slovenians ?
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Frau Merkel today in Poland
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This forum should have section under the exact title - Business
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Poland, Slavic world and India - The Way of Business
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Example of how EU wants to ruin Poland - thread for those who understend politics
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Products from Poland and other Slavic countries that would you suggest to global market ?
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Do you believe that western Europe (ie EU) won`t punish Poland if Poland try to go out of EU?
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An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski
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Personal opinions - Is there western European and USA plot against interests of Poland and Polish people?
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Politics of Poland in past, present and future; your opinion
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Most important Poles and Slavs that ever lived
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Heresy of Germanization and/or Anglicanization - The genesis; Polish, Slavic opinion
- History
Poland angered by German new law on minimal wage for transit truck drivers
- News
Stronger Russia, safer Poland, in world that globalize - is this be truth?
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Poland's best winter tourist destinations - educational - info - joy
- Travel
What are my chances if I open Grill of Serbian cuisine in Poland?
- Food
Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia?
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Poland shall dominate Europe. Ongoing process
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Polish Ambassador in China dancing Gangnam Style PSY
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When would Poland start to intervene in the regions in order to protect Her interests?
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What are chances for Poland to join in Eurasian Economic Community?
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Let us save Poland. Suggestions
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What you think about parliament monarchy in Poland? Imperial Poland?
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Bad luck of Poland or something else? - constant occupatiuon by different vermin
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Germany provoke Poland using Silesian question. Poland's attitude ?
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Warsaw is the natural capital of Europe, not Brussels
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Samuel P. Huntington sees future of Poland outside of Slavic world
- News
Whoever is a Pole, of Polish blood and Polish origin... MUST listen this song of Racowie
- History
Where is loyalty of Polish diaspora in America? In USA or in Poland? What is priority?
- USA, Canada
Aleksander Kwaśniewski was Slavic traitor, shame of Polish politics? What Poles think?
- History
How Polish diaspora see future of Poland? as ethnic Polish state or just Polish in origin?
- News
How Poles and other Slavs celebrate and participate in USA everyday life. Chicago as Polish province?
- USA, Canada
Europe: Influence of Warsaw would rise, while influence of Brussels must drop?
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Far-right party organizes 'pro-Polish' march in Silesia
- News
Where would Poles (from Poland and abroad) migrate in case of rapid coming of new Ice age?
- Travel
Is this the moment for Poles and all Slavs that they apologise to their old Gods?
- History
People says that EU bringing many nice things to Poland. Tell me about it
- News
EU or Russian Empire, who taking/took more from Poland and Poles?
- History
Global politics and consequences for Poland; Would you like to know more?
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WWII in Europe could be also understand as Civil War of Slavic world?
- History
Polish, language of future - Post-apocalyptic
- News
Ancient placenames/names that could be in connection with Proto-Slavs, old Poles
- Genealogy
Poland needs four children per family for sustain survivor and development
- News
Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous!
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Poles and rest of us needs strong Poland
- News
Polish-Turkish alliance. Is it mistake, joke or real love?
- History
What cigarettes are popular in England? i ask because of EXIT music festival
- UK, Ireland
Untold fact about Kraków`s etymology- Thracian origin of place name Kraków?
- History
Unbelievable but, its truth. Poland is finally happy to share border with Russia
- News
Is there any chance Slavs to form Confederation or its just an utopia?
- Off-Topic
If i could write European history i would unite Europe under Polish language
- History
Slavic languages - oldest European languages.
- Off-Topic
Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If?
- News
Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom?
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Are there interests that Poland share with Russia?
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Latest Posts
Vodka for a Polish Wedding
- Food
Need help about Poland's partner visa for LGBT
- Law
Can I feel a very tiny bit Polish?
- Genealogy
Polish Independence Day-Beware?
- News
- Law
Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński.
- History
In Poland, are women and girls obligated to wear head scarves in church?
- Life
What language is this? Kashubian or Silesian?
- Language
Will Brits working in Poland lose their jobs post Brexit?
- Work
Poland blocks any action on climate change
- News
Importance of Religion in Poland
- Life
Does Poland deserve credit for the 1989 Revolution?
- History
What the Polish government do to bring back home Polish immigrants?
- News
Commemoration of 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the WWII in Warsaw. Poland a full-fledged NATO member.
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What are qualites of Germans?
- Polonia
Poland's LOT Air Problems
- Travel
Poland's Trade Agreements with the United States on the new 5G technology
- News
'MOZNA' - When is this used?
- Language
Can Poland allow itself to refuse Slavija?
- History
Early begginings of `democracy` and Polish contribution to it
- History
- Language
I want my Polish gf to live with me but she says life here is too hard
- Love
Police in Poland admits spying on journalists.
- News
Why are young Poles turning away from Church and religion?
- Life
Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?
- News
Polonophobia rising in Israel.
- News
Some November afternoon in Warsaw... Poland Solidarity with France
- Off-Topic
Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland
- News
Russian citizen wants immigrate to Poland
- Life
How do Polish people see homosexuality?
- Life
Why are the Italians and Polski so much alike?
- Life
Poland and France cultures are similar
- Polonia
Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"?
- Life
Which Poland's city is LGBT friendly?
- Travel
Trump will hold Poland up as an example for other nations to follow
- News
How Polish sounds to other Slavs
- Language
Polish traffickers in the UK jailed for enslaving hundreds of their own people
- UK, Ireland
Myśląc "Polska" - Does new PiS motto.... really mean anything?
- Language
Why is Poland such an American boot licker?
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Attack on Poland's judicial independence
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Your favourite Polish Patriotic films
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What made you join Polish Forums & whats attractive here?
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Is there a Western/Eastern divide in Poland like the Northern/Southern divide in Italy?
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Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians?
- Genealogy
Russia says: WE'LL NUKE POLAND
- News
Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?)
- Genealogy
Polonia shows the way - 4/5 of PolAms for Duda - the new President of Poland
- USA, Canada
Polish girls and their big butts
- Love
What makes an excellent forum?
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So My Dad Had His DNA Tested; And...
- Genealogy
Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow
- News
No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain
- UK, Ireland
Poland gets a little bigger:)
- News
What similarities would you say there are between Poles and Mexicans?
- Polonia
Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet?
- News
Pregnant Polish woman stabbed in Germany, loses baby
- Polonia
British men don't really like women
- UK, Ireland
Suggestions by members to make PF more user friendly and entertaining.
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Why is Poland weaker than Russia?
- History