What's going down?
From Jewish point of view...
November 11 on the streets of Warsaw's Independence Day will honor the people who want to express my respect for the generations who fought for over 120 years of regaining statehood. Fully, and we identify them, and their presence.
We value them for their patriotic attitude that day and for the memory of Polish history. The same day, the streets of Warsaw will also appear among them people who use the November 11 order to demonstrate their extreme right or extreme left-wing attitudes, and what those attitudes are long discredited. Some of them will be referred to the hatred and tried to use against their ideological opponents of violence.
We are against, and one, and second. We disagree with their views - racist, anti-capitalist, anarchist, nationalist - in their xenophobic forms, neocommunism, neofasism, leftism. Also, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel.
On both sides of the street of the conflict will be people representing contemporary movements reminiscent of more or less explicitly to the dangerous and disgusting ideologies that in the last century have contributed to the death of millions.
With satisfaction we learned that Jewish organizations, which last year supported or belonged to the "Coalition of November 11 ', comprising among other organizations, leftist and anti-Israel, this year will not participate in it, leaving its members to make individual decisions to participate in the celebrations the holidays. It is good that the Jewish community of its decisions prove false anti-Semitic stereotype of the "Bolshevist Jews", but does not want to ennoble its participation in the Coalition of Arab terrorism supporting organizations.