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Why is Poland such an American boot licker?

Weimarer  6 | 357  
3 Jul 2019 /  #1
From the german point of view its kinda disgusting to watch. The way the polses slime towards Trump, kiss ass and crawl on the floor without ay self respeect.

Where does this extreme submissive behavior come from? And do Poles realize that th rest of Europe turns away in disgust?
pawian  226 | 27364  
3 Jul 2019 /  #2
That`s funny. Trump has issues with the current German government/Chancellor who you reject as marxist or socialist, whatever. Logically, you should be Trump`s ally as he also doesn`t like socialism. Yet, you sound like you aren`t. Can you explain this inconsistency and lack of logic? Talk about "Trump" = Random.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357  
3 Jul 2019 /  #3

Trump has an issue with an independent Germany. He want slaves and vasalls. He also has issues with evry other independend nation. France or UK as well.

But i explain quite well. In Germany we have the concept of holding together against an outside enemy. In this case Trump is an enemy. I would NEVR side with an foreigner.

This is not an issue regarding our government. Its Because Trump hates Germany, he hates our sucess and he hates our economic power.

Seeing Poland sucking american dick...feels kind weird. I mean normally nations have self respect.
pawian  226 | 27364  
3 Jul 2019 /  #4
But Germans also sucked American d.. in the past and they still do. Where are the biggest American bases in Europe? In Germany. Why? Because Germans sucked so much and so strong that pleased Americans agreed not to move them to Poland although there were such plans. Simple. Both Germans and Poles are American d... suckers. Do you think it is wrong?

Talk about "Trump" = Random.

Oops. OK, Trump is touchy. :):)
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
3 Jul 2019 /  #5
Much of Europe has seen herself as beholden to the US for the liberation from Nazi tyranny. While this is slowly changing, for far too long, in my mind, countries like Germany, France, and Italy saw themselves almost as American clones, taught by the Allies to disregard their historic cultures in favor of the "American Way of Life". This of course meant preferring the use of English.

Only France it appears had the guts to resist the "Americanization" of language and lifestyle.

Poland, so it would seem, is trying to curry favor with Trump and this is unfortunate.
pawian  226 | 27364  
3 Jul 2019 /  #6
Don`t mention Trump. Didn`t you see the red print?
OP Weimarer  6 | 357  
3 Jul 2019 /  #7

Wrong, my state has no american base. In 2014 americans wanted open a military hospital in thüringen to treat wounded american soldiers. Our prime minister blocked this and said she would rather open a pig farm there.

Thats how its done. Treat them like the **** they are.
Velund  1 | 487  
3 Jul 2019 /  #8
I mean normally nations have self respect.

Poland (political elite) is somewhat special in this context. Overestimates its importance in the outside world and the constant clashes with hardcore reality, which constantly reminds of such a mistake, creates quite bizarre psychological complexes.

It is necessary to separate ordinary people, mostly completely sane and normal (perhaps too easily subject to propaganda), and the Polish "elite", which is deeply deprived of almost everything that they consider their primordial rights, and do not know what to do, who to suck, where to lick to become something distinguishable from dirt. Traditionally, they sucked a British dick, but now Britain is too weak to be interesting, so the United States of AIPAC have an advantage.
pawian  226 | 27364  
3 Jul 2019 /  #9
Wrong, my state has no american base

By state do you mean one of der deutschen Länder - I guess Thüringen - or the whole country? If the whole country, then you are wrong, there are about 30 US bases in Germany. If you mean only Thuringen, it also sounds strange , as if you were kind of a secessionist, like in American Civil War of 1861-65.

This way or another, very funny. :)

Overestimates its importance in the outside world

Wow, Velund, almost no mistakes in your post. I see the topic of Poland sucking Am d... is so dear to your heart that you try to be careful and neat with your English. Good.

This way or another, amusing. :)
OP Weimarer  6 | 357  
3 Jul 2019 /  #10

The difference is, we lock US bases down. Insult USA nonstop, oppose them amd you...well you know.
pawian  226 | 27364  
3 Jul 2019 /  #11
we lock US bases down

No, you don`t. It is Americans who have been closing them down due to their budget cuts. When the Cold War finished, there was no need to keep so many GIs in Germany. And always when it happened, Germans sucked American d....., begging Yankees not to do it because local authorities and Germans would lose their easy income.

Insult USA nonstop, oppose them

Yes, it is natural, after all it was Americans who conquered and occupied most of Germany, not the opposite. If the USA had done it to my country, I would be furious too. :):)

In 2014 americans wanted open a military hospital in thüringen to treat wounded american soldiers

I tried to find this info on Deutsche Internet and couldn`t. Could you direct me to the proper German site which describes that event?
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
3 Jul 2019 /  #12
Germany "lost" the War yet won the (economic) peace: Welcome to the Fourth, and thus far richest, Reich!
Miloslaw  20 | 5116  
3 Jul 2019 /  #13
Welcome to the Fourth, and thus far richest, Reich!

And the last one.
And this one will fail too.... it is already in it's death throes.
pawian  226 | 27364  
3 Jul 2019 /  #14
Germany "lost" the War yet won the (economic) peace: Welcome to the Fourth, and thus far richest, Reich!

Heil Adenauer! Heil Erhard! Heil every German chancellor who contributed to it!
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
3 Jul 2019 /  #15
Sarcasm aside, had the US as far back in the early '50's, steadfastly refused to rest on her laurels and remain vigilant of the economic

gains in countries such as then West Germany, China or Japan, America would truly be the most advanced technological country
in history!

Trouble is, we got lazy and were read the mantra of "Sit on you asses! You guys won the War and so nobody can stop you!"
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 Jul 2019 /  #16
The way the polses slime towards Trump, kiss ass and crawl on the floor without ay self respeect.

Kind of like Germany does with Israel and the infinite brown sludge that rapes and pillage the continent?

Atleast poland isnt subsidizing their own rape, pillage and demographic replacement like the Germans....
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
3 Jul 2019 /  #17
Well, the relationship of Germany to Israel is naturally fraught with all sorts of added meaning, as the German government from '33-'45 DID in fact try to wipe out the Jews!

Steinmeier especially is always having kittens whenever anything to do with racist violence arises.
That's not ass kissing that's called sensitivity by ANY civilized yardstick known to man:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jul 2019 /  #18
as the German government from '33-'45 DID in fact try to wipe out the Jews!

Only because they refused to go to Madagascar and all the other options which would've allowed them to leave in peace. The more assimilated Jews left asap they knew that their fellow Jews were just gonna whine and kvetch and this time the goyim weren't gonna take it. I don't quite see how giving nuclear capable submarines and billions of dollars today equates to showing a few Jews into ovens generations ago.

Pilsudzki wanted to send them away too.... Great minds think alike...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
4 Jul 2019 /  #19
Curious discussion....

Germany is either a vassal or the Fourth Reich! :)

Poland should definitely lick german boots...we are their most important neighbour! Heh:)
Licking far away boots has never helped Poland much...
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 Jul 2019 /  #20
The real point of this discussion is that the US is a global military player which provides safety to both Eastern and Western Europe alike.

The Fourth Reich isn't even in one-twentieth as strong as the US. The anti-American phobia of the Western Eurps would vanish only seconds after Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin would seriously like to threaten Germany or France. They would certainly run crying to Mr. Trump for help in the same way as certain members of the PolishForums run crying to the mods when they feel threatened on the forum.

That is in fact the harsh reality of Poland allegedly "licking American boots".
Velund  1 | 487  
4 Jul 2019 /  #21
Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin would seriously like to threaten Germany or France.

And what reason can Putin have in order to threaten Germany or France? I can understand a little bit the fears of Poland or the "Baltic tigers" who sell Russophobia wholesale and retail, and provide their territories in nearest vicinity of Russian borders for the troops and weapons of third countries. But Germany and France have rather sane political elites ...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
4 Jul 2019 /  #22
The anti-American phobia of the Western Eurps would vanish only seconds after Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin would seriously like to threaten Germany or France.

Certainly! But that is an academic musing only...there is zero possibility of Putin threatening Western Europe.

Trump on the other hand is changing things already.....without him there would be no PESCO (PERMANENT STRUCTURED COOPERATION - PESCO)!

The beginning of an EU army....at some point in the near future Poland will need to decide which part of the fence they will hop on.


Some interesting info about the already existing capabilites of the EU member states and the US....imagine them combined!
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
4 Jul 2019 /  #23
Poland will need to decide which part of the fence they will hop on.

How do you think the Polish youth (both male and female, 19-20 year olds, no exceptions) would feel about being expected to serve in the military for a mandatory two years of active duty and another six years of inactive duty ?

Think the Politically Correct Left and Polish helicopter mom's might have a say about such a suggestion ?
And please save the, "we have an all volunteer military" as that is not my question.
Poland would have to increase the size of their military substantially if they were to join a E.U. Army when the U.S.A. pulled out of Poland.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
4 Jul 2019 /  #24
Why should they be expected to serve?

EU nations continue to phase out military conscription


Much of Europe has done away with compulsory military service, or made heavy cut-backs....

An EU army won't need a subscription for peace times...the US has no need either.

Poland would have to increase the size of their military substantially ....

Quite the contrary!

Combined forces means less costs and effort for everyone! Right now the EU consists of 27 fully fledged armies, now that is nuts!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 Jul 2019 /  #25
But Germany and France have rather sane political elites ...

I would advise you to look a bit more more closely at the sanity if the Russian elites...

The beginning of an EU army

Tbh, I don't see any possibility for an EU army to become a reliable force. I even can't imagine any army based on a concept worked out by Brussels bureaucrats.

I do believe such an army would have been smashed by the military forces serving Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin's cause in a few seconds and the Eurps in Brussels would then have to beg Mr. Putin to spare them and their fatty remunerations. The act would be seen by future generations as "licking Putin's boots by Western Eurps".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
4 Jul 2019 /  #26
I don't see any possibility for an EU army to become a reliable force.

It's the only logical way to go...because right now it's not working at all!

I do believe such an army would have been smashed by the military forces serving Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin's

May I ask why makes you believing in a russian military threat?

Combined european forces are not possible in your mind but an attacking Russia is?

And shouldn't you especially cheer for and support the buildup of a working EU defense when you believe in a real russian military threat?
Velund  1 | 487  
4 Jul 2019 /  #27
I would advise you to look a bit more more closely at the sanity if the Russian elites...

If you include "liberal opposition" to a list of "elite", then yes, common sense alarm bells regularily. Just like with Polish elite, who seems have more important tasks than prosperity of polish citizens.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
4 Jul 2019 /  #28
Why should they be expected to serve?

To do their part as a team/society to afford the liberties for everyone.
Have you ever heard of patriotism ?
Why should a few sacrifice for the pacifist, spineless, gutless, ball-less morons to afford liberty without contributing towards it.
Oh that's right, you still believe Socialism works.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
4 Jul 2019 /  #29
To do their part as a team/society to afford the liberties for everyone.
Have you ever heard of patriotism ?

Well...conscription would mean forced patriotism, the soldiers don't have a choice. In that regard voluntary service would count much more. Only then it's a real statement.

Oh that's right, you still believe Socialism works.

As an eyewitness of the total failing of socialism I must object. Oh, and btw. all socialist countries had conscription armies, it didn't save them in the end! People kept running away, even soldiers!

(And I can swear to you that the enforced socialist state patriotism was exceptionally low in the ex GDR NVA, so no...conscription doesn't mean patriotism at all!)
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
4 Jul 2019 /  #30
In that regard voluntary service would count much more.

Now you're tack'n.
Join you have the option to pick the job you want, get drafted and you have no choice of where you are put. (infantry)
If you choose to sit home and refuse to serve while your country is being attacked and refuse to defend your family, girlfriend and country then you aren't worth the oxygen you breath. (Yellow) is the word I was looking for.

As an eyewitness of the total failing of socialism I must object.

Object all you want, just give it time and your Socialism will turn into Communism.

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